I. O. U. A. Vowel

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


If you add a couple of consonants to one of those vowels you get PUN, which is rather convenient because today is pun day.

You know what’s next.

Enjoy or endure!!




I really love my fanbase…

without it my fan would fall over.

fan with base



When people ask me

what my best quality is,

I always tell them my second best

quality is being mysterious.




Communicating with Native Americans

… it’s easy when you know How.

Native Americans greeting



I don’t care what people say,

I’m a terrible psychiatrist.

I don't care cartoon



My friend was in a go kart race and

kept going even after all his wheels fell off.

It was a tireless effort

go kart race



I got so excited in French lessons that

sometimes “oui” would come out

cartoon excited



If you want to know how to see without glasses,

I’ve got some good contacts.




To all you letters that

want to be before

p in the alphabet,

join the q.




Walk in fridges.

Pretty cool.




Everybody has an ego,

mine is just bigger and  better.




Trees can break wind

(and they’re not the only ones!)

tree windbreak



Four thieves were robbing a music

store when the cops turned up.

The first grabbed all the pop CDs and ran off.

The second grabbed the rock CDs and also ran off.

The third grabbed the Jazz and followed suit.

The fourth was forced to take the rap.






Sign Language Is Very Handy.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I would sign at you that this is Pun Day, but what would be the point you can’t see me.

Instead I’ll just keep quiet and let you get on with reading this latest selection of word plays.

As always….

Enjoy or endure!!


Sign Language Is Very Handy.



If anyone ever tells you they’ve lost their voice,

They’re lying.

lost voice



I experimented with drugs while I was in university.

I’m now a fully qualified pharmaceutical engineer.

pharmaceutical engineer



The most common surname in China is Chang,

correct me if you think that’s Wong.




I bet the bloke who threw the first boomerang

didn’t see that coming.




All my friends hate using cliche phrases.

Even Steven.




Want to keep the doctor away?

There’s an apple for that.




I’ve just been given two weeks to live.

The wife’s gone away for a fortnight.

two weeks



Eleventeen percent of people

make up words.

make up words



I’ve never been told

I am a bad listener.

bad listener



My football team is sponsored by Apple.

So now there is an ‘I’ in team.

'I' in team



If I had a crystal ball

I’d sit down very carefully

crystal ball



Finally for today,

here’s a bit of advice for you.






To Cut A Long Story Short Use Fewer Words.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


But make sure a few of those words are puns.

Which is my way of welcoming you to another pun day.

Enjoy or endure!!




A little birdie told me my

golf skills were improving.




Someone asked me how many haircuts I’d had in my life.

I said, “off the top of my head, about 250.”




I used to file my nails, but I thought:

‘what’s the point in keeping them?’

 file cabinet



Maths problems, the only place where

someone can buy 60 watermelons

and no one wonders why.




I’m not going to make jokes from mixed metaphors

– too many other people have milked that bandwagon already.

 mixed metaphors



I was recently asked if as a young boy,

was my mother very strict with me.

I said, ‘let me get one thing straight,

my mother was never a young boy.’

 mother clipart



Whilst holidaying in Madrid with the lads,

my friend Dave suffered a heart attack in a bar,

however we were all surprised when he was

skillfully revived by a retired Doctor

who appeared out of nowhere…

… No one expects the Spanish Ex-Physician.

 Spanish Inquisition Monty Python



Met this girl in a club last night.

I said, “Do you like cocktails?”

She said, “I don’t know, tell me one.”




I said to my friend, “It’s important that no-one

mentions any film production companies.”

“How important is it?” he asked.

“Paramount,” I replied.




I met the bloke who invented crosswords today.

I can’t remember his name.

It’s P something T something R.

 crossword compiler



My agent said I should use a pen name,

so from now on I am calling myself

‘Bic Parker’.

 pen name



Thanks to Gwen Stefani,

I can now spell Bananas.





Astronomy Is Looking Up.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Astronomy is indeed looking up and so is today now that you’ve realized it’s Pun Day.

Lots more word play below, so…

Enjoy or endure!!




My friends say

I always contradict them,

but I disagree.

 contradiction buttons



I applied for a loan,

but the bank had zero percent interest.

 zero percent interest



For every action,

there is a social media over-reaction.

 social media over-reaction



I went to the museum and saw a Van Gogh painting.

Underneath it said “Loaned anonymously.”

I went to the front desk and said,

“I’d like my Van Gogh back now, please.”

 Van Gogh painting



Quantum mechanics:

The dreams stuff is made of.

 Quantum mechanics



I was a whisker away from finding

an entire utensil set yesterday.





– the only capital city that sounds

like a ricochet sound effect

from an old fashioned Western.




My friend has just had surgery.

‘Surgery’ being the operative word.

 surgery cartoon



I was playing scrabble with my dad

when he spelled the word “stneve”.

It was an unexpected turn of events.




Do deaf mathematicians

speak in sine language?

 deaf mathematicians



They say when a man meets the right woman,

he is complete.

They say when a man meets the wrong woman,

he is finished.

They say when the right woman

meets the wrong woman with the man,

he is completely finished.

 man meets the right woman



Stupidity is not a handicap.

Park elsewhere.

handicap parking space




Understanding what is beyond the horizon is beyond me.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


But puns I do understand.

What is a little more puzzling is why I like them and why so many others do as well.

Still, we can figure out that conundrum another time.

For now it’s another Pun Day, so….

Enjoy or endure!




I bought a cheap Jack-in-a-box

and it’s not much good.

It doesn’t surprise me.

 cheap Jack-in-a-box



Some guy came up to me in the street today

and said “Wow, you look odd.”

I replied “Well, so do you.”

“Guess that made us even.”

 odd and even



I’ve just come back from the corner shop.

I bought four corners.

 corner shop



So King Abdullah died,

that should sheikh things up a bit.

 King Abdullah



I’ve got a part time job for a company

making rubberized computer keyboards.

It’s flexible shifts.

 rubberized computer keyboards



Someone stopped me while I was jogging

this morning to ask why I had

duct tape over my mouth.

I didn’t answer.

It’s a running gag.

 duct tape over mouth



A friend of mine bought a second hand

deck of cards from a casino in Las Vegas,

but after four weeks they hadn’t arrived.

When he asked for an update, they said

they were still dealing with his order.

 Las Vegas casino card packs



Did you hear about the fisherman

who was learning Spanish

He got lost at Si




I’m currently reading a book about

North African invaders during

Medieval times and can’t put it down.

Its very moorish.

 A Moor



I looked up the definition of

the word “arbitrary” today.

For no particular reason.

 arbitrary definition



My boss said,

“As part of our cost-saving drive we are

installing energy-efficient lights in the toilets.

They work on a motion detection system.”

I replied,

“That’s all fair and well, but what if

someone’s just going in for a pee?”




A storm has ripped through

my coconut farm…

I’m desiccated.

 coconut cracked



Whenever I find a pretty girl

I look for intelligence.

Because if she doesn’t have that,

then she’s mine!




I always ask too many questions.

Does anybody know why this is?

 too many questions



I text a friend the other day asking him

who his favorite composer is.

Surprisingly, he didn’t text Bach.





Ebay Accounts Are Forbidden.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Sadly WordPress doesn’t let you bid on these posts either. I wonder why not?

Still, never mind, we have another Pun Day to look forward too now.


Enjoy or endure!!





Assistant required to fill

hourglasses with sand.

No timewasters.




When bakers have a fight

They go at it all Buns Glazing.

 bakers fight buns



My friend is really interested in magnets.

Personally, I can’t see the attraction.




Some bloke just barged into my caravan

accusing me of being the world’s worst psychic.

I don’t know what he was thinking.

 world's worst psychic



I entered a cartoonist competition today,

there were five of us in it,

we drew..

 cartoonist drawing



How do trespassers get in your house?

Intruder window.

 Intruder window



This morning a beautiful blonde

came up to me in the street

and wrote her phone number on my hand

in bright yellow felt tip pen…

… It was the highlight of my day !

 bright yellow felt tip pen



I gave my son a faceless coin.

He couldn’t make head nor tails of it.

 faceless coin



If I see one more person misuse an apostrophe

I think Ill go completely nut’s !

 misuse an apostrophe



I am permanently hooked up to a device

which gives me an electric shock

if I say something negative.

It’s not ideal, but I can’t complain

 electric shock



I’ve noticed that chess players

always close the door behind them

Do you think they don’t like draughts?

 chess game thomas crown affair



Somebody closed the lid on my piano.

Now i can’t open it because the keys are inside.

 closed lid on piano



My friend has just directed his

own under-budget documentary,

“Living with the World’s Smallest Bath”.

I thought I’d give him a little plug.

 little plug



You can tell the sex of an ant

by dropping it into a jug of water.

If it sinks: girl ant

If it floats: boy ant

 jug of water



The number of people who shout


to their friends has risen by 85%.

That’s a frightening statistic.





Nails Are One Thing You Don’t Want To Screw With.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Neither is Pun Day.

Another selection of wonderful word play for you to….

Enjoy or endure!




Sometimes pregnancy lasts so long

it seems like a maternity.




How many nihilists does it take

to sharpen a pencil?

One, but there’s still no point.




I dropped my barometer earlier.

Just couldn’t handle the pressure.




What do you call a man

with three balls?

…a juggler.




Uncle Ben found dead.

No more Mr Rice guy.

 Uncle Ben



I just invented a joke about helium.

Unfortunately it doesn’t go down well.




You know that you’re getting old

when your narrow waist swaps

places with your broad mind.

 getting old



Apparently a truck carrying boxes of wigs has overturned,

spilling its load across the freeway.

Police are combing the area.

 boxes of wigs



I saw a woman crying as she

was buying tampons earlier.

Must be going through a

tough period in her life.

 woman crying



This man was about to throw dough,

cheese and tomatoes at me.

I said, “You wanna pizza me?”




Looking after my kid is

proving to be expensive.

I’ve just had to buy a baby monitor,

for crying out loud.

 baby monitor



The hospital told me there is a problem

with my son’s blood and he should have

a plasma screen as soon as possible.

They were going to charge me $10,000,

but I managed to buy him a 50″ HDTV

in WalMart for less than a grand.

 50 inch HDTV



Now I hear that the NSA are employing

dwarfs to break into people’s homes

and install listening devices.

The little buggers.

 little buggers



What happens if you swallow uranium?

You get atomic ache.

 uranium alert



What do you call a Scottish lady who comes round

and decorates your bathroom?

Bonnie Tiler.





Ugh, Communism Just Has No Class.

 “Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Communism may have no class but clever word play certainly does.

That’s our cue for another Pun Day.

Enjoy or endure!




I’m against picketing,

but I don’t know how to show it.

against picketing



I saw a man walking along the street

with a t-shirt that said ‘Free Hugs’.

I don’t know who ‘Hugs’ is,

but I’m sure they should release him.

t-shirt 'Free Hugs'



I went for a job interview at 

my local sandwich shop today.

As an aptitude test, the shop owner

asked me to make a beef sandwich

using only a spoon.

Unfortunately I didn’t get the job

– I couldn’t cut the mustard.

sandwich shop




A committee is a group of people

who keep minutes and lose hours.

A committee



I was given the sack at work last month.

I suppose you have to expect that

when you play Santa Clause.

play Santa Clause



I can’t speak for anyone else,

but I think I’m a terrible ventriloquist.

terrible ventriloquist



My girlfriend talked me into putting

table salt into my bath today.

I think I’ve been brine washed.

table salt into my bath



I saw a strange white bear at the zoo today.

It was mating with a female bear then it

suddenly it tried mating with a male bear.

I think it’s Bi Polar.

white bear at the zoo



Never employ someone who’s obsessed with graphs.

They’ll always be plotting behind your back.




I got a real telling off yesterday

when we were visiting grandma.

She has a very hairy upper lip

and when we were leaving, she asked

me why I wouldn’t kiss her good bye.

Apparently my answer, “Sorry, must-dash,”

wasn’t the best choice of words.

hairy upper lip



How does an angry Muslim close a door?

Islams it.

door slam



I’ve just seen a sign in the post office that said

“Stamps sold by the book”.

It’s good to know that someone follows the rules.

book of stamps



I decided to open an

exclusive hotel and casino

for people who have epilepsy.

It’s called Seizure’s Palace.

Seizure's Palace



I went to the pet shop to buy some breeding birds.

The cashier said, “Have you got a store card?”

I said, “No but I did get a budgie excited once.”

pet shop



My friend has just rung to say

he’s bought a bubble car.

He’s going to pop round in it later.

bubble car




Maths Puns Are The First Sine Of Madness.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I wonder what the second sine is?

But let’s not go off at a tangent.

Let’s just enjoy another Pun Day instead.




The first rule of Innuendo Club is

you can only enter via the back door.

 please use back door



I’ve been sitting here all day trying to

think of anagrams of the word ‘wired’

but I can only think of one.

Which is weird.






This morning my physiotherapist

tapped my knee with a plastic hammer

and made my leg jerk.

The nerve.

 knee tapped with a plastic hammer



Are people who believe in

ghosts very ghoulable?




No matter how much you push the envelope,

it’ll still be stationery.

 push the envelope



My friend was arrested for drunk driving

on a motorized shopping cart at WalMart.

Apparently he led the police on a chase

that reached 90 aisles per hour.

 motorized shopping cart



“All you ever talk about is golf!”

My wife shouted.

“Golf, golf and more bloody golf!”

“Calm down love,” I said.

“Don’t let this driver wedge between us.”




I went to buy pork chops and told

the butcher to make them lean.

He said, ‘Which way?’

 pork chops cartoon



Many scientists agree the only way to solve

the planet’s worsening energy crisis

is for the whole world to convert to solar power.

That’s not going to happen overnight.

 solar power



I was the first person to install trampolines

in musician’s tour buses and now

everybody is jumping on the bandwagon.




I said to my blind date, “I actually take

a plane to work and back every single day.”

“Wow, you must be wealthy.” She said.

“Everything but,” I replied,

“I’m just a carpenter.”

 carpenter's plane



I bumped into the guy

who invented the globe.

It’s a small world.




Why did the poet kill himself

by walking into the road?

Because he thought there

was nothing left to right.

 walking into the road



I never thought I’d buy into Feng Shui.

But oh how the tables have turned.




I was in a music group

called ‘Illegal imports’.

We were a contraband.





Plant Puns: Weed ‘Em And Reap!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Not really a day of plant puns, but it is Pun Day, so you might want to weep anyway.

You know the drill (little gardening pun there).

Enjoy or endure!




Teacher: If you were a great composer,

where would you live?

Boy: In A Flat.

Jimi Hendrix's flat



I missed today’s Hairdressing Championships,

can anyone tell me if there were any highlights?

Hairdressing Championships



The World Health Organization has

just announced its new slogan.

“WHO cares”.

WHO cares



My teacher said I was average,

I told him that’s just mean.

average and mean



I used to be a gold prospector,

but it didn’t pan out.

gold prospector



I’ve written my own political manifesto

but I haven’t used one single upper-case letter.

I’m not a capitalist.

lower-case letter



Men with gender issues have it tough in the UK,

I’m sure they’d love to be a broad.

Men with gender issues



I wrote some new hymns for the congregation

to sing at my local church and the

Vicar says everybody loves them.

They can’t stop singing my praises.

hymns for the congregation



I got chatting to a lumberjack in a pub.

He seemed like a decent feller.




If you want to be a coroner be

prepared for a stiff examination.




My friend is a real Don Juan with the ladies.

The ladies Don Juan anything to do with him.

Don Juan with the ladies



When I was in the army I reckoned all

officers higher up that Colonels are assholes.

But I hate when people Generalize.




I’ve never seen a flamenco dancer,

but those Spaniards must be clever

to train a bird of that size.

flamingo dancer



My wife is trying to wind me up

with jibes about my impotence.

I’m not rising to that.

jibes about my impotence



I didn’t want to go to the

“I Love The 80s” fancy dress party,

but my friend was adamant.



