
I may be mad as hell, or not, but I’m certainly not taking it any more, not without a fight anyway! Remember that iconic film Network, with Peter Finch?

Well FASAB (the Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy) is an up to date version for those who are fed up with Stupidity and Bureaucracy and who want to fight back, against all those other little things that are completely unnecessary but that help to make life just that bit more difficult and frustrating than it needs to be.

You’ll find the SABs everywhere. Government organisations, local and national, are full of them. So are big corporations. You’ve met them at airports, at train stations, in banks, in shops, when you call any large company for help or to complain about something. They are in every organization. And in every country.

And they’re invariably dry and humorless, so we’ll try to make this blog witty and funny when we can.

Read the blog and if you like it spread the word. And contribute. Send your stories, links to other blogs, videos, newspaper stories, whatever and where ever you come across the SABs.

Let’s start to fight back!

* * * * * * * * * *

20 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi! This is to let you know I’ve nominated fasab for the Versatile Blogger Award. I’ve done so in order to give you a shout-out, as well as to show my appreciation for your work. This requires no action on your part, unless you’d like to participate! In either case, I hope you’ll check out your mention on my blog. Thanks!

  2. You have an incredible gift of finding stuff that often times just whizzes by. We all see them, but thanks to you we are able to identify them.

  3. Hi,

    I wonder if I can use one of your cartoons for a business card in the Netherlands?

    and….do you have the cartoon in a larger format?



    • Hi Belinda,
      Thank you for visiting.
      I do not claim ownership to the illustrations on the fasab blob, however if you tell me what cartoon you wish to use I will try to source a larger format copy for you.

  4. Hi. I can’t copy and paste the cartoon here. Only in a real e-mail adress.
    But if you say it is ok to use, then I am happy 🙂

  5. How are you doing? Taking a sabbatical from blogging? Perhaps you are like Congress and the POTUS and are taking the month of August off. None of my business but I wanted you to know I had missed posts!

    • POTUS takes more vacations than anyone I know. I’m still here – actually I’m there at the moment, but doing fine. Will update you asap.

Comments are welcome. If you would like to make one on this post this is the place to do it.