Plant Puns: Weed ‘Em And Reap!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Not really a day of plant puns, but it is Pun Day, so you might want to weep anyway.

You know the drill (little gardening pun there).

Enjoy or endure!




Teacher: If you were a great composer,

where would you live?

Boy: In A Flat.

Jimi Hendrix's flat



I missed today’s Hairdressing Championships,

can anyone tell me if there were any highlights?

Hairdressing Championships



The World Health Organization has

just announced its new slogan.

“WHO cares”.

WHO cares



My teacher said I was average,

I told him that’s just mean.

average and mean



I used to be a gold prospector,

but it didn’t pan out.

gold prospector



I’ve written my own political manifesto

but I haven’t used one single upper-case letter.

I’m not a capitalist.

lower-case letter



Men with gender issues have it tough in the UK,

I’m sure they’d love to be a broad.

Men with gender issues



I wrote some new hymns for the congregation

to sing at my local church and the

Vicar says everybody loves them.

They can’t stop singing my praises.

hymns for the congregation



I got chatting to a lumberjack in a pub.

He seemed like a decent feller.




If you want to be a coroner be

prepared for a stiff examination.




My friend is a real Don Juan with the ladies.

The ladies Don Juan anything to do with him.

Don Juan with the ladies



When I was in the army I reckoned all

officers higher up that Colonels are assholes.

But I hate when people Generalize.




I’ve never seen a flamenco dancer,

but those Spaniards must be clever

to train a bird of that size.

flamingo dancer



My wife is trying to wind me up

with jibes about my impotence.

I’m not rising to that.

jibes about my impotence



I didn’t want to go to the

“I Love The 80s” fancy dress party,

but my friend was adamant.





I’ve Always Found That The Letter ‘N’ Divides Opinion

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


There’s no getting away from it, the letter ‘n’ does divide opinion.

And so too does that little word play device called the Pun.

For those who like them and for those who like to hate them here is another selection.

Enjoy or Endure!




Getting a job repairing revolving doors

was a real turning point in my life.

Revolving door overhaul and repair



I have a friend who is ambidextrous illiterate…

He can’t write anything with both hands.




My wife asked me “Would you say that I was likeable?”

I said “No love, bulls are male. You’re like a cow.”





What is Stephen Hawking’s favourite cream?


Stephen Hawking keyboard



I’ve never asked a rhetorical question.

How cool is that?




I once got asked to do a sketch of

an old gameshow host dressed up as a Charlies Angel.

I drew Barrymore.

drew Barrymore



There’s a gang going through our town,

systematically shoplifting clothes in size order…

The police believe they’re still at large.

clothes in size order



I know a guy who has one eye bigger than the other.

His name is Iain.

forest-whitaker-one eye bigger than the other



A recent study proved that I shouldn’t try

to add unnecessary rooms to my house.




There is a remote tribe

that worships the number Zero.

Is nothing sacred?

number Zero



What cheese do you use

to disguise horse meat?





Yesterday, a Lumberjack slipped

and cut into his leg with a chainsaw.

He lost a lot of blood, but although

they managed to stem the flow,

paramedics say he is still not out of the woods yet.




I’m not afraid of flying.

I am, however, afraid of being 35,000 feet

in the air and suddenly “not” flying.




I don’t know what the fascination is with strip clubs.

It’s just the same old thong and dance.

thong and dance



Elton John has got so fat recently, he is having

to have his trousers specially made for him,

He’s had to say goodbye normal jeans…





Just Thought Of A Great Owl Joke, But I Can’t Use It Until 2/8/20.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes, once again the clue was in the title, pun day.

Contrary to rumors on the internet puns have not been cancelled. Resistance is futile. 

So brace yourselves or whatever it is that you usually do.

But enjoy!



I complained to the furniture store after a sofa I ordered

was dumped in the stairwell of my apartment block.

They said I need to take it up with the delivery man.




My friend Max hates going up steep hills.

He’s always been a bit of an anti-climb Max.

steep hill



What idiot invented fire blankets?

You’d think fire was hot enough…

fire blanket



I was stood at a barberque the other day,

Yep, 30 minutes I waited for a haircut.




George made himself a girlfriend out of plastic food wrap.

He said she was a bit clingy.




I’ll tell you a couple of things that make me jump.

My legs.




A neighbor was molested by his priest when he was a kid,

It’s quite a touching story.

Abusing Priests



I’ve just been banned from an online fashion forum.

Apparently my threads weren’t cool enough.




The best thing about being single is sleeping around.

You can sleep all over that lonely bed of yours:

left, right, middle, whatever.




The wife finally finished writing her

book about cooking with herbs.

It’s about thyme.




I can beat anybody in a fight with only one hand.

It’s the two-handed blokes who beat the crap out of me.

one arm man applauds



Bono came into my shop today to buy a cake.

I asked him, “What do you want on it?”

He said, “Icing”

I said, “I know that, but what do you want on your cake?”




Police are searching for a thief who robs his victims

by threatening them with a lit match.

They want to catch him before he strikes again.

cartoon lit match



My Dad loves The Beatles and has all but one of the

original L.P. records with autographed sleeves.

I think he needs Help.

The Beatles Help Album



There are many advantages of visiting Switzerland.

I mean, even the flag itself is a big plus.




I was lying in bed and I thought,

“I’ve gotta start telling the truth.”

lying in bed



I said, “I’ve locked my keys in my car and my children are inside.”

My neighbor said, “Do you have a spare set?”

I said, “Yeah, I’ve got two sons with my ex-wife.”




For sale.

Modified DeLorean DMC-12.

No timewasters.




I got chatting to a lumberjack in a bar the other day.

He seemed like a decent feller.




I just bet on three horses called

Sunshine, Moonlight and Good Times,

and none of them won.

I blame it on the bookie.





Oh How I Love These Puns. I Think I Have Found My Nietzsche!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes, pun day again. For all of you who love (and hate) puns or word play.

Today we are starting off on the topical subject of employment, but there are plenty of other subjects that get the pun treatment as well.

Enjoy (even if you are pretending not to).



My first job was working in an orange juice factory,

but I got canned

I just couldn’t concentrate.

OJ concentrate

Then I worked in the woods as a lumberjack,

but I just couldn’t hack it,

so they gave me the axe.


After that I tried to be a tailor,

but I just wasn’t suited for it.

The job was only so-so anyhow.


Next I tried working in a muffler factory,

but that was exhausting.


I wanted to be a barber,

but I just couldn’t cut it.


I attempted to be a deli worker,

but any way I sliced it,

I couldn’t cut the mustard.


My best job was being a musician,

but eventually I found I wasn’t note worthy.


I studied a long time to become a doctor,

but I didn’t have any patience.


Next was a job in a shoe factory;

but it just wasn’t the right fit.



I became a professional fisherman,

but discovered that I couldn’t live on my net income.



I thought about becoming a witch,

so I tried that for a spell.




I managed to get a good job working for a pool maintenance company,

but the work was just too draining.

pool man



After many years of trying to find steady work,

I finally got a job as a historian,

until I realized there was no future in it.




My last job was working at Starbucks,

but I had to quit,

because it was always the same old grind.



If you get sick at the airport

you may have a terminal illness.

airport cartoon



Peter won’t fly on virgin airlines

he says he won’t go with anything

that doesn’t go all the way!

 Virgin Atlantic


You may be an American outside the bathroom,

but inside, European.





Do you know any puns about electricity?

About watt?




A woman asked me for an example of a double entendre

…. so I gave her one….

double entendre


