All Generalizations Are False.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


All generalizations are false, except for the one that says people enjoy puns or word plays.

Just to prove the point here is another selection.

Enjoy or endure!!




There are only five vowels but

nobody’s ever thought to ask y.




A 600 pound man committed suicide

by jumping into a ravine.

He gorged himself to death.

cartoon fat man



What do you call a

vicar on a motorbike?


vicar on a motorbike



I lost my job as Donald Duck at

Disneyworld after I put on some weight.

I just didn’t fit the bill.

Donald Duck at Disneyworld



Mirror inspecting is a job

I can’t really see myself doing.

looking in mirror



My friend’s wife is really ugly.

So I asked him one day,

“Why do you take her out so much?”

“So I don’t have to kiss her goodbye,” he confessed.

ugly wife cartoon



An ice rink is a good place

to go to pick up women.

ice rink women falling down



I wouldn’t say the cruise ship was old

but it was insured against fire, piracy,

and falling off the edge of the world.

old cruise ship



If I get one more request to do a somersault,

I’m gonna flip.




If vegetarians love animals so much,

why do they eat all their food?




I left my last girlfriend because

she wouldn’t stop counting.

I often wonder what she’s up to now.

cartoon girl counting



My son is learning to play the guitar

How clef-er.

Wonder if he’ll ever be as good as this kid?





Midgets Understand Everyone.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Just a small pun in the title to introduce you to this week’s selection of word plays, or puns.

As always….

Enjoy or endure!!




A problem shared

is a problem laughed at.

A problem shared is a problem laughed at



A lot of people say I am egocentric

– but enough about them




I was named after my father.

I don’t really like the name ‘Dad’ though.




Three out of four people

make up 75% of the population.

75 percent



Oh how times have changed.

I used to spend my nights out ogling women.

Now I spend my nights in googling them.




My friend asked me to

walk down a hill with him.

So I declined.

walk down a hill



I finally went to the doctor this morning

after years of my knees giving way

whenever I’m in a slow moving queue.

It’s a longstanding problem.

longstanding problem



What do you call

a Scottish landowner?


Scottish landowner



Don’t tell anyone I told you this,

but people say that I gossip far too much.

gossip far too much



My wife has packed her bags and gone

– just because of my fetish with touching pasta.

I’m feeling cannelloni right now.




It’s hard being a member

of the innuendo society.

the innuendo society mug



One of the toddlers on the

Intensive Care Unit is playing

with a toy donkey.

ICU baby, shaking that ass.






Sign Language Is Very Handy.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I would sign at you that this is Pun Day, but what would be the point you can’t see me.

Instead I’ll just keep quiet and let you get on with reading this latest selection of word plays.

As always….

Enjoy or endure!!


Sign Language Is Very Handy.



If anyone ever tells you they’ve lost their voice,

They’re lying.

lost voice



I experimented with drugs while I was in university.

I’m now a fully qualified pharmaceutical engineer.

pharmaceutical engineer



The most common surname in China is Chang,

correct me if you think that’s Wong.




I bet the bloke who threw the first boomerang

didn’t see that coming.




All my friends hate using cliche phrases.

Even Steven.




Want to keep the doctor away?

There’s an apple for that.




I’ve just been given two weeks to live.

The wife’s gone away for a fortnight.

two weeks



Eleventeen percent of people

make up words.

make up words



I’ve never been told

I am a bad listener.

bad listener



My football team is sponsored by Apple.

So now there is an ‘I’ in team.

'I' in team



If I had a crystal ball

I’d sit down very carefully

crystal ball



Finally for today,

here’s a bit of advice for you.






Lif Is Too Short.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Lif may be too short but thankfully there’s no shortage of puns.

Here’s the latest selection for you to…

Enjoy or endure!!




I’ve just ended a relationship with a hair stylist.

We just never gelled.

hair stylist cartoon



Say what you like about deaf people.

But not blind people,

they can still hear you.




I went to the inventor of Optrex’s funeral today.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.




My wife says the passion has gone out of our relationship.

She really doesn’t know how much I hate her.

love hate



I used to be a hypochondriac until

I eventually became sick of it.




What have Winnie the Pooh and

Atilla the Hun got in common ?…….

the same middle name

Winnie the Pooh



Wouldn’t it be better if handmade shoes

were for your feet?

handmade shoes



I’ll be making a movie

about the Greek alphabets.

It’s a Psi Phi film.

Greek alphabet



What do you call

a quick circumcision.

A rip off.

cartoon circumcision



According to scientists there is a

link between noise and obesity.

Probably the dinner bell.

come and get it



Just bought a time machine from Amazon.

Well you have to when they offer

previous day delivery.

time machine



Finally for today a health warning:

Mixing cannabis with cod liver oil

is bad for your joints.

weed joints




Does My Ass Look Big In This?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


The wife of a friend of mine once asked him, “Does this new dress make my ass look big?” He started off well by replying, “No, of course not, Darling, the dress is lovely.”  And if he’d left it at that he would have scored lots of plus points, but then he added the fateful line, “You’ve just got a big ass!”

Big buttocks.


I may have told you that story before and I may well tell it again, because it’s funny and it’s true. This time it is by way of introduction to today’s post – or rant – on the subject of airline seats. I’ve already given you my two cent’s worth on airfares a few days ago. (Click here if you want to read that.)

Just when you thought they couldn’t get any smaller, or more uncomfortable, airlines are shrinking seat widths yet again to squeeze more passengers in and more money out of them. The latest culprit is Airbus, which unveiled a new 11 seat-per-row reconfiguration for its A380 superjumbo jet.

The Airbus A380 currently seats ten passengers uncomfortably per row in economy in a 3-4-3 configuration, but the new configuration adds yet another seat to the middle section to make it a 3-5-3 – with even less room per passenger and even more discomfort.



Airbus are making the excuse that the seats in the new configuration will be the same width as before, which is 18 inches or 46 cms, but then they add the qualifying word “technically” which means whilst what they are saying may be true in theory, in practice you the paying passenger will have less room.

Applying fasab logic to the situation, if you raise an airplane’s seating capacity from 525 seats to 544 seats, and at the same time you don’t make the airplane any bigger, then there is less room for the poor abused passengers. (quod erat demonstrandum or Q.E.D.)

The A380’s main users are Emirates, Singapore Airlines, Lufthansa and Qantas, all of them long-haul carriers meaning you will be squashed up like a sardine for at least eight hours, maybe much, much longer which adds greatly to the discomfort experienced by passengers.

Other long-haul airplanes that are shrinking the width of their seats include the new models of the Boeing 777, many of which are flown by United and American Airlines. They will now come with a squashingly miserable 17 in. seat width.

Standing room only on aircraft.

The seat squashing trend started with the short-haul airlines and they got away with it because of the relatively short journey times. Long-haul is different – much different – and passengers should be less willing to endure many hours of discomfort.

To add a great big insult to this injurious trend, it is all taking place against a backdrop of decreasing fuel costs and rising airfares – in other words more greed than need on behalf of the airline companies who buy these newly configured butt busters.

On the plus side – for passengers – not a single airline placed an order for the world’s two biggest commercial jets, the Boeing 747-8 and the double-decker Airbus A380 during 2014. In fact most of the Boeing 747-8s that have been sold have been mainly the air freighter version. On the negative side, as just mentioned, airplanes like the 777 are also to be made much more uncomfortable too.

With air travel forecast to more than double from today’s 3.3 billion passengers a year to 7.3 billion by 2034 – according to the International Air Transport Association – I fear greatly for the comfort of those of us flying economy.

the shape of things to come in air travel




Never Judge A Book By It’s Movie.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”

That’s good advice in the title by the way.

Now for some good word plays or puns.

As ever….

Enjoy or endure!!




What do you get if you cross

a mountain and a desert?

Tired feet.

 Tired feet



My girlfriend asked me,

“If you could have any super-power,

which one would you have?”

I said, “America.”





Education is important but

becoming a model is importanter.

 becoming a model



The key to being funny is

to say smart things stupidly…

or was is it stupid things smartly?


it’s not rocket surgery.

 rocket surgery



I used to see this girl across the road from me

but she closes her curtains now!

 closed curtains



I often say to myself,

“I can’t believe that cloning machine worked!”

 cloning machine



My friend and his wife are a fastidious couple.

He is fast and she is hideous.

(Or is it the other way round?)

 fastidious couple



The instructions on my microwave meal

say ‘stir and recover’

How tiring do they think stirring actually is?

 microwave meal



How to fall downstairs.

Step 1

Step 6

Step 8, 9, 10, 11

 fall down stairs cartoon



And so, with a heavy heart,

I explained to the wife that I’ve

got too much iron in my blood.

 heavy heart



Scientists now think that global warming

is the main cause of documentaries and stupid laws




I believe a lot of conflict in the Wild West

could have been avoided completely if

cowboy architects had just made their

towns big enough for everyone.





Gullibility test kit – send $19.99 now!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Gullible or not now is your chance to look at this week’s selection of word plays, better known as puns.

As usual they come with choice….

Enjoy or endure!!




I have four problems in life:



and counting.

 counting sesame street



I was driving along the other day,

when a bloke stopped me and said,

“Your back mud flaps have fallen off.”

I said, “Can’t do much about it now,

I’ll just carry on rear guard less.”

 mud flaps



Stable relationships

are for horses

 Stable relationships are for horses



My friend told me that after years of doubt,

he is now convinced my wife is having an affair.

“We’ve gone and moved 250 miles away,” he told me.

“And we’ve still got the same window cleaner.”

 window cleaner



It’s times like these, when I’m sat

in bed with my computer on my knee,

that I really wish I’d bought a laptop.




I think I may have a shower.

Just checked, yes I do, it’s upstairs.

 a shower



I just found $20 hanging from my ceiling.

It was a suicide note.

 $20 bill



Exaggerations went up

by a million percent last year.

 sales chart



If Einstein hadn’t come up with

the Theory of Relativity,

someone else would have.

It was only a matter of time.




My cat is absolutely terrified

of thunder and lightening.

The pussy.




What part of my body is as long as your thigh,

contains over 120 muscles,

and is an anagram of “pensi”?

No, you’re completely wrong.

The correct answer is my spine.




According to my facebook timeline,

I had no life before joining Facebook in 2012.

I believe it to be the other way around.





The Quizzes March On!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


The quizzes do March on and we are starting this month with a good mix of questions. Some you should get without too much difficulty and some you will have to think about for a while.

Oh yes, and one that I will be surprised if anyone gets the bonus points for. You’ll know it when you see it.

As usual if you do get stuck, you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating.

Enjoy and good luck.


quiz 05


Q.  1:  ‘Solidarity’ was an important Trade Union in which country in the 1980s?



Q.  2:  In lawn bowls (and its indoor version), what is the target ball called?



Q.  3:  Which creature lives on mulberry leaves?



Q.  4:  In the USA what cities are known as the

 a) Big D?    b) Steel City?    c) City of Brotherly Love?    d) Emerald City?

(A point for each correct answer and a bonus point if get all four correct.)



Q.  5:  In relation to power what is the equivalent of 746 watts?



Q.  6:  What word denoted the new policy of openness adopted by Mikhail Gorbachev’s government in the Soviet Union?



Q.  7:  What well known pottery form takes its name from the Italian for “baked earth”?



Q.  8:  How long did Rip Van Winkle sleep for?



Q.  9:  What term is given to a piece of rock or metal from space that reaches the surface of the Earth?



Q. 10:  The suffix ‘stan’ is Persian for ‘place of’ or ‘country’. The names of seven countries end in ‘stan’, what are they? (You get a point for each one you can name correctly and five (yes, 5) bonus points if get them all correct.) 

a) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stan  

b)  _ _ _ _ _ _ stan       

c) _ _ _ _ _ _ stan    

d) _ _ _ _ stan      

e) _ _ _ _ _ _ stan      

f) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stan    

g) _ _ _ _ _ _ stan



Q. 11:  What color is the most-prized variety of jade?



Q. 12:  Whose theorem uses a 3, 4, 5 triangle?



Q. 13:  Piraeus serves as the port for which major city?



Q. 14:  Which insects communicate with one another by dancing?



Q. 15:  What was the name of Captain Nemo’s submarine?



Q. 16:  What creature is an ophidiophobe afraid of?



Q. 17:  In the US and the UK what is the name given to the government department responsible for formulating and recommending economic, financial, tax, and fiscal policies?



Q. 18:  Which of the 12 Zodiac signs start with the letter ‘L’ ?



Q. 19:  Which English politician, when told by Lady Nancy Astor that if he were her husband she’d put poison in his coffee, replied that if she were his wife he’d drink it?



Q. 20:  What popular song originated as the jingle “Buy the World a Coke” in the groundbreaking 1971 “Hilltop” television commercial for Coca-Cola? (A bonus point is available if you can also correctly name the group.)











































































Q.  1:  ‘Solidarity’ was an important Trade Union in which country in the 1980s?

A.  1:  Poland.



Q.  2:  In lawn bowls (and its indoor version), what is the target ball called?

A.  2:  Jack.



Q.  3:  Which creature lives on mulberry leaves?

A.  3:  The Silk worm.



Q.  4:  In the USA what cities are known as the

    a) Big D?      b) Steel City?      c) City of Brotherly Love?      d) Emerald City?

(A point for each correct answer and a bonus point if get all four correct.)

A.  4:  The correct answers are   

a) The Big D = Dallas     

b) The Steel City = Pittsburgh       

c) The City of Brotherly Love = Philadelphia            

d) The Emerald City = Seattle



Q.  5:  In relation to power what is the equivalent of 746 watts?

A.  5:  746 watts is the equivalent of 1 horse power.



Q.  6:  What word denoted the new policy of openness adopted by Mikhail Gorbachev’s government in the Soviet Union?

A.  6:  Glasnost.



Q.  7:  What well known pottery form takes its name from the Italian for “baked earth”?

A.  7:  Terracotta.



Q.  8:  How long did Rip Van Winkle sleep for?

A.  8:  Twenty years.



Q.  9:  What term is given to a piece of rock or metal from space that reaches the surface of the Earth?

A.  9:  It is known as a ‘Meteorite’.



Q. 10:  The suffix ‘stan’ is Persian for ‘place of’ or ‘country’. The names of seven countries end in ‘stan’, what are they? (You get a point for each one you can name correctly and seven (yes, 7) bonus points if get them all correct.) 

a) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stan   

b)  _ _ _ _ _ _ stan        

c) _ _ _ _ _ _ stan  

d) _ _ _ _ stan      

e) _ _ _ _ _ _ stan      

f) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stan    

g) _ _ _ _ _ _ stan

A. 10:  They are in alphabetical order, 

a)  Afghanistan    

b)  Kazakhstan    

c)  Kyrgyzstan   

d)  Pakistan    

e)  Tajikistan   

 f)  Turkmenistan    

g)  Uzbekistan



Q. 11:  What color is the most-prized variety of jade?

A. 11:  Green.



Q. 12:  Whose theorem uses a 3, 4, 5 triangle?

A. 12:  Pythagoras.



Q. 13:  Piraeus serves as the port for which major city?

A. 13:  Athens.



Q. 14:  Which insects communicate with one another by dancing?

A. 14:  Bees.



Q. 15:  What was the name of Captain Nemo’s submarine?

A. 15:  It was called the ‘Nautilus’.



Q. 16:  What creature is an ophidiophobe afraid of?

A. 16:  Snakes.



Q. 17:  In the US and the UK what is the name given to the government department responsible for formulating and recommending economic, financial, tax, and fiscal policies?

A. 17:  Treasury.



Q. 18:  Which of the 12 Zodiac signs start with the letter ‘L’ ?

A. 18:  They are Leo and Libra.



Q. 19:  Which English politician, when told by Lady Nancy Astor that if he were her husband she’d put poison in his coffee, replied that if she were his wife he’d drink it?

A. 19:  Winston Churchill.



Q. 20:  What popular song originated as the jingle “Buy the World a Coke” in the groundbreaking 1971 “Hilltop” television commercial for Coca-Cola? (A bonus point is available if you can also correctly name the group.)

A. 20:  “I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing (In Perfect Harmony) by The New Seekers.






Plant Puns: Weed ‘Em And Reap!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Not really a day of plant puns, but it is Pun Day, so you might want to weep anyway.

You know the drill (little gardening pun there).

Enjoy or endure!




Teacher: If you were a great composer,

where would you live?

Boy: In A Flat.

Jimi Hendrix's flat



I missed today’s Hairdressing Championships,

can anyone tell me if there were any highlights?

Hairdressing Championships



The World Health Organization has

just announced its new slogan.

“WHO cares”.

WHO cares



My teacher said I was average,

I told him that’s just mean.

average and mean



I used to be a gold prospector,

but it didn’t pan out.

gold prospector



I’ve written my own political manifesto

but I haven’t used one single upper-case letter.

I’m not a capitalist.

lower-case letter



Men with gender issues have it tough in the UK,

I’m sure they’d love to be a broad.

Men with gender issues



I wrote some new hymns for the congregation

to sing at my local church and the

Vicar says everybody loves them.

They can’t stop singing my praises.

hymns for the congregation



I got chatting to a lumberjack in a pub.

He seemed like a decent feller.




If you want to be a coroner be

prepared for a stiff examination.




My friend is a real Don Juan with the ladies.

The ladies Don Juan anything to do with him.

Don Juan with the ladies



When I was in the army I reckoned all

officers higher up that Colonels are assholes.

But I hate when people Generalize.




I’ve never seen a flamenco dancer,

but those Spaniards must be clever

to train a bird of that size.

flamingo dancer



My wife is trying to wind me up

with jibes about my impotence.

I’m not rising to that.

jibes about my impotence



I didn’t want to go to the

“I Love The 80s” fancy dress party,

but my friend was adamant.





Old Professors Never Die. They Just Lose Their Faculties.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I probably should have said that they lose their faculties and end up as a pun.

In case you haven’t guessed it yet, today is another Pun Day.


Enjoy or endure!




I call my house Lautrec

because it’s got two loos.

two loos



Beauty is in the eye

of the beerholder.

Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder



The UN. Bringing us all together

by ending conflicts around the world.

Peace by Peace.

The UN



Turns out my ex girlfriend Big Amy

had a secret husband.

If only there had been some clue.

Big Amy



Lawyers are like rhinoceroses:

thick-skinned, short-sighted

and always ready to charge.




Hey girls,

get yourself a Fisherman,

they’re reel men.




How did I escape Iraq?


escape Iraq



My Dermatological Clinic

just wished me Merry Eczemas.

Merry Eczemas



My wife suggested I go for

acupuncture treatment to cure me

from making annoying timber puns.

I can’t see why that woodwork.

acupuncture treatment



Let me correct you –

the London Underground

is not a political movement.

Lancaster_Gate_tube London Underground



It’s ironic that discus isn’t a sport

that many people talk about.




The Lawn Tennis Association’s website

has a fault they are having

problems with their server.




Many Americans oppose any change

to The Second Amendment of the

United States Constitution.

They’re really sticking to their guns.

The Second Amendment



I ordered a whole duck at the

Chinese restaurant last night!

It was great until I got to the bill.

whole duck at the Chinese



Last night I dreamt I was

writing ‘Lord of the Rings’.

Turns out I was Tolkien in my sleep.

 Lord of the Rings

