Sign Language Is Very Handy.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I would sign at you that this is Pun Day, but what would be the point you can’t see me.

Instead I’ll just keep quiet and let you get on with reading this latest selection of word plays.

As always….

Enjoy or endure!!


Sign Language Is Very Handy.



If anyone ever tells you they’ve lost their voice,

They’re lying.

lost voice



I experimented with drugs while I was in university.

I’m now a fully qualified pharmaceutical engineer.

pharmaceutical engineer



The most common surname in China is Chang,

correct me if you think that’s Wong.




I bet the bloke who threw the first boomerang

didn’t see that coming.




All my friends hate using cliche phrases.

Even Steven.




Want to keep the doctor away?

There’s an apple for that.




I’ve just been given two weeks to live.

The wife’s gone away for a fortnight.

two weeks



Eleventeen percent of people

make up words.

make up words



I’ve never been told

I am a bad listener.

bad listener



My football team is sponsored by Apple.

So now there is an ‘I’ in team.

'I' in team



If I had a crystal ball

I’d sit down very carefully

crystal ball



Finally for today,

here’s a bit of advice for you.




