The Government Just Doesn’t Get It – “Affordable” Means You Can Actually Afford It!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


The Sunday Sermon

So there are more difficulties plaguing the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

Now there’s a shocker folks!

I’ve already highlighted the mess that the government has made in trying to bring it’s computer systems online to enable enrollment in the new program. (See “What Am I” post from about a month ago)


Now people who thought they were already adequately insured are finding that this may not be the case, at least not for much longer. The private insurance issue is affecting lots and lots of people all over America, particularly those who were trying to be responsible and had adequate insurance for themselves and their families.

Most of them bought their insurance on the open market. Obama promised that would still be secure after his new Affordable Care Act was implemented.

He said, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”

He lied.

Obama’s new law actually outlaws all but a small percentage of “grandfathered” individual insurance policies and requires carriers to instead offer coverage that is more comprehensive.

And there’s more trouble ahead. In 2018, an Obamacare tax on high-cost insurance plans kicks in and could cause upheaval in that part of the market as well.

The truth is that the law was designed to gradually eliminate the old system altogether.

The result?

All across the country those who thought they had adequate insurance are being issued with notices from insurers explaining that their plans are ending. Ending thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

It has understandably caused confusion, fear, anxiety and a great deal of anger.

Obamacare cartoon

Losing health insurance can be a terrifying possibility in America. Particularly as one gets older and policies are more difficult and expensive to replace.  

So is this the last of the Obamacare problems?

I think it would be a very safe bet to say no it won’t.

Affordable Health Care is a laudable goal. I’ve always said that. But the way to tackle it is to make the existing system more affordable by curbing the excessive profiteering of drug companies and medics, not burdening this and future generations of ordinary Americans with another government white elephant that the country can’t afford.

Unfortunately the government just doesn’t get it – “affordable” means you can actually afford it!




Be Impressed When You Should Be, Not When You Think You Should Be

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Something that has always annoyed me is the deference most people pay to scientists and scientific research, for no other good reasons than they don’t understand what is being said or they imagine because something or other is being stated by a scientist it is beyond reproach.

How this stupid thinking has come about I really don’t know, because if science has proven anything, it has proven that nothing is set in stone. What we know today, we may find out is nonsense tomorrow, as more scientific research is done and new discoveries are made. Flat earthers take note.

But people being what they are – and scientists are people too – within the scientific community, as well as the really intelligent,  there are also idiots, deluded souls incapable of setting aside their own bias and belief in their own infallibility, and downright crooks who play on the public’s misplaced faith in them to promote themselves reap their rewards.

What this all boils down to is that when we hear a scientist pronouncing on some great new discovery we don’t know whether it is a breakthrough or just more bollocks.  

Nowhere is this better seen than within medical research.

Here greedy scientists and big business combine to feed us with information that not only does not stand up to proper scrutiny, but that has been deliberately selective in the results it publicizes to back up its claims.

Why is this important?

Because people die as a result, that’s why. And not in small numbers either.

For example, over 100,000 people in America died unnecessarily because of they took anti arrhythmic drugs that doctors prescribed because they relied on deeply flawed scientific studies.

Imagine what the government would have done if Bin Laden had killed more than 100,000 Americans?

But enough from me. I’ll hand you over to a doctor to tell more of the story. It’s interesting and you never know, after you listen to it you might view the next big scientific discovery with the skepticism it probably deserves.




The Weirdest Of Coincidences

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


The hospital was just like any other.

It had accident and emergency, medical, surgical and all the other usual departments and wards. It also had an Intensive Care Unit, well staffed and managed, just like any other.

Except that this Intensive Care Unit wasn’t just like any other. Patients kept dying in this unit.

Not only that, but they always died in the same bed, and at the same time, on Sunday mornings at about 11:00 am, regardless of their medical condition. 

It had been that way for a while and doctors, nurses and the hospital management were not only puzzled, but rather nervous too.

What could possibly be the reason? The laws of probability made this occurrence way more than one in a million.

Some even thought it had to have something to do with the super natural.

Had something terrible happened in that ward sometime in the past?

Was the hospital built on the site of some awful tragedy that had taken place years ago?

Was there some kind of portal to another dimension where evil entities could enter and leave?

There were many more questions than answers, but no one could solve the mystery as to why the deaths always occurred in the same bed and around the same time, 11:00 am Sunday.

Eventually a worldwide team of experts was assembled to investigate the cause of the incidents. It included scientists, medical experts, a crew with electronic detection equipment, several clergymen  and even a medium. 

They were prepared for anything and everything.

Or so they thought.

The next Sunday morning, a few minutes before 11:00 am all of the doctors and nurses nervously waited with the team of experts outside the ward to see for themselves what the terrible phenomenon was all about. 

Some were holding wooden crosses, others prayer books and other holy objects to ward off the evil spirits. 

Then, just when the clock struck 11:00 am, the ward door suddenly burst open.

The crowd of watchers gasped.

Pookie Johnson, the part-time Sunday sweeper, entered the ward.

He walked over to the wall beside the offending bed, unplugged the life support system and plugged in his vacuum cleaner.

Turns out the culprit was Pookie and not a spookie after all.


The hospital cleaner



Time To Put The Fears Behind Us

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes, time to put the fears behind us. This is the final selection of curious and sometimes amusing fears and phobias that affect some people. Irrational but very real to them. Irrational and very silly to the rest of us.

So here we go, ‘T’ thru ‘Z’.



scared 4


Tachophobia ……….fear of speed.


Taijin Kyofusho ……….a phobia which occurs most typically in Japan, is the fear of offending others by one’s inappropriate social behavior or appearance


Taeniophobia or Taeniophobia ……….fear of tapeworms.


Taphephobia Taphophobia ……….fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries.


Tapinophobia ……….fear of being contagious.


Taurophobia ……….fear of bulls.


Technophobia ……….fear of technology.


Teleophobia ……….fear of 1) definite plans; 2) religious ceremony.


Telephonophobia ……….fear of telephones.


Teratophobia ……….fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.


Testophobia ……….fear of taking tests.


Tetanophobia ……….fear of lockjaw, tetanus.


Teutophobia ……….fear of German or German things.


Textophobia ……….fear of certain fabrics.


Thaasophobia ……….fear of sitting.


Thalassophobia ……….fear of the sea.


Thanatophobia or Thantophobia ……….fear of death or dying.


Theatrophobia ……….fear of theatres.


Theologicophobia ……….fear of theology.


Theophobia ……….fear of gods or religion.


Thermophobia ……….fear of heat.


Tocophobia ……….fear of pregnancy or childbirth.


Tomophobia ……….fear of surgical operations.


Tonitrophobia ……….fear of thunder.


Topophobia ……….fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright.


Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia ……….fear of poison or of being accidently poisoned.


Traumatophobia ……….fear of injury.


Tremophobia ……….fear of trembling.


Trichinophobia ……….fear of trichinosis.


Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia ……….fear of hair. (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia)


Triskaidekaphobia ……….fear of the number 13.


Tropophobia ……….fear of moving or making changes.


Trypanophobia ……….fear of injections.


Tuberculophobia ……….fear of tuberculosis.


Turophobia ……….fear of cheese


Tyrannophobia ……….fear of tyrants.


Uranophobia or Ouranophobia ……….fear of heaven.


Urophobia ……….fear of urine or urinating.


Vaccinophobia ……….fear of vaccination.


Venereophobia ……….fear of catching a venereal disease.


Venustraphobia ……….fear of beautiful women.


Verbophobia ……….fear of words.


Verminophobia ……….fear of germs.


Vespertiliophobia ……….fear of bats.


Vestiphobia ……….fear of clothing.


Virginitiphobia ……….fear of virgins.


Virginitiphobia ……….fear of rape.


Vitricophobia ……….fear of step-father.


Vokephobia ……….fear of returning home.


Walloonphobia ……….fear of the Walloons.


Wiccaphobia ……….fear of witches and witchcraft.


Xanthophobia ……….fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.


Xeniaphobia ……….fear of foreign doctors, usually having to do with strong foreign accents making it difficult to understand their English. Also, if travelling in a foreign country, the fear that doctors may have inadequate medical skills.


Xenodochiophobia ……….fear of foreign hotels that could include the fear that there won’t be soap, the kind of toilet paper that you like, clean towels, or good maid service.


Xenoglossophobia ……….fear of foreign languages.


Xenonosocomiophobia ……….fear of foreigners who are pick-pockets.


Xenophobia ……….fear of strangers or foreigners.


Xerophobia ……….fear of dryness.


Xeroxophobia ……….fear of using anything made by Xerox, or fear of office equipment in general.


Xylophobia ……….fear of 1) wooden objects; 2) Forests.


Xyrophobia ……….fear of razors.


Zelophobia ……….fear of jealousy.


Zemmiphobia ……….fear of the great mole rat.


Zeusophobia ……….fear of God or gods.


Zoophobia ……….fear of animals.





Those Of A Nervous Disposition Should Look Away Now

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes, those of a nervous disposition should indeed look away now, because today we have the penultimate list of irrational fears and phobias that seem to afflict certain members of the population. How and why they develop such curious mental afflictions I don’t. They are real to them, but foolish and amusing to the rest of us.

Today is ‘Q’, ‘R’ and ‘S’.



scared 3


Quadraphobia ……….fear of the number four.


Quadriplegiphobia ……….fear of quadriplegics or fear of becoming a quadriplegic.


Quintaphobia ……….fear of the number five.


Radiophobia ……….fear of radiation, x-rays.


Ranidaphobia ……….fear of frogs.


Rectophobia ……….fear of rectum or rectal diseases.


Rhabdophobia ……….fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod, or of being severely criticized. Also fear of magic.(wand)


Rhypophobia ……….fear of defecation.


Rhytiphobia ……….fear of getting wrinkles.


Rupophobia ……….fear of dirt.


Russophobia ……….fear of Russians.


Samhainophobia ……….fear of Halloween.


Sarmassophobia ……….fear of love play. (Malaxophobia)


Satanophobia ……….fear of Satan.


Scabiophobia ……….fear of scabies.


Scatophobia ……….fear of fecal matter.


Scelerophibia ……….fear of bad men, burglars.


Sciaphobia or Sciophobia or Sciaphobia ……….fear of shadows.


Scoleciphobia ……….fear of worms.


Scolionophobia ……….fear of school.


Scopophobia or Scoptophobia ……….fear of being seen or stared at.


Scotomaphobia ……….fear of blindness in visual field.


Scotophobia ……….fear of darkness. (Achluophobia)


Scriptophobia ……….fear of writing in public.


Selachophobia ……….fear of sharks.


Selaphobia ……….fear of light flashes.


Selenophobia ……….fear of the moon.


Seplophobia ……….fear of decaying matter.


Sesquipedalophobia ……….fear of long words.


Sexophobia ……….fear of the opposite sex. (Heterophobia)


Siderodromophobia ……….fear of trains, railroads or train travel.


Siderophobia ……….fear of stars.


Sinistrophobia ……….fear of things to the left or left-handed.


Sinophobia ……….fear of Chinese, Chinese culture.


Sitophobia or Sitiophobia ……….fear of food or eating. (Cibophobia)


Snakephobia ……….fear of snakes. (Ophidiophobia)


Soceraphobia ……….fear of parents-in-law.


Social Phobia ……….fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations.


Sociophobia ……….fear of society or people in general.


Somniphobia ……….fear of sleep.


Sophophobia ……….fear of learning.


Soteriophobia ……….fear of dependence on others.


Spacephobia ……….fear of outer space.


Spectrophobia ……….fear of specters or ghosts.


Spermatophobia or Spermophobia ……….fear of germs.


Spheksophobia ……….fear of wasps.


Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia ……….fear of standing or walking. (Ambulophobia)


Staurophobia ……….fear of crosses or the crucifix.


Stenophobia ……….fear of narrow things or places.


Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia ……….fear of hell.


Suriphobia ……….fear of mice.


Symbolophobia ……….fear of symbolism.


Symmetrophobia ……….fear of symmetry.


Syngenesophobia ……….fear of relatives.


Syphilophobia ……….fear of syphilis.




Day Two 2013, Are You Scared Yet?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


If you aren’t scared yet the chances are you are not afflicted with anything on the following list of phobias or irrational fears that seem to grip some unfortunate people. For them 2013 will be as frightening as 2012. Imagine, for example, spending the whole year with proctophobia – what a bummer!

In today’s list are the ‘O’s and the ‘P’s. 


Obesophobia……….fear of gaining weight. (Pocrescophobia)


Ochlophobia……….fear of crowds or mobs.


Ochophobia……….fear of vehicles.


Octophobia ……….fear of the figure 8.


Odontophobia……….fear of teeth or dental surgery.


Odynophobia or Odynephobia……….fear of pain. (Algophobia)


Oenophobia……….fear of wines.


Oikophobia……….fear of home surroundings, house. (Domatophobia, Eicophobia)


Olfactophobia……….fear of smells.


Ombrophobia……….fear of rain or of being rained on.


Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia……….fear of eyes.


Omphalophobia……….fear of belly buttons.


Oneirophobia……….fear of dreams.


Oneirogmophobia……….fear of wet dreams.


Onomatophobia……….fear of hearing a certain word or of names.


Ophidiophobia……….fear of snakes. (Snakephobia)


Ophthalmophobia……….fear of being stared at.


Opiophobia……….fear medical doctors experience of prescribing needed pain medications for patients.


Optophobia……….fear of opening one’s eyes.


Ornithophobia……….fear of birds.


Orthophobia……….fear of property.


Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia……….fear of smells or odors.


Ostraconophobia……….fear of shellfish.


Ouranophobia or Uranophobia……….fear of heaven.


Pagophobia……….fear of ice or frost.


Panthophobia……….fear of suffering and disease.


Panophobia or Pantophobia……….fear of everything.


Papaphobia……….fear of the Pope.


Papyrophobia……….fear of paper.


Paralipophobia……….fear of neglecting duty or responsibility.


Paraphobia……….fear of sexual perversion.


Parasitophobia……….fear of parasites.


Paraskavedekatriaphobia……….fear of Friday the 13th.


Parthenophobia……….fear of virgins or young girls.


Pathophobia……….fear of disease.


Patroiophobia……….fear of heredity.


Parturiphobia……….fear of childbirth.


Peccatophobia……….fear of sinning or imaginary crimes.


Pediculophobia……….fear of lice.


Pediophobia……….fear of dolls.


Pedophobia……….fear of children.


Peladophobia……….fear of bald people.


Pellagrophobia……….fear of pellagra.


Peniaphobia……….fear of poverty.


Pentheraphobia……….fear of mother-in-law. (Novercaphobia)


Phagophobia……….fear of swallowing or of eating or of being eaten.


Phalacrophobia……….fear of becoming bald.


Phallophobia……….fear of a penis, especially erect.


Pharmacophobia……….fear of taking medicine.


Phasmophobia……….fear of ghosts.


Phengophobia……….fear of daylight or sunshine.


Philemaphobia or Philematophobia……….fear of kissing.


Philophobia……….fear of falling in love or being in love.


Philosophobia……….fear of philosophy.


Phobophobia……….fear of phobias.


Photoaugliaphobia……….fear of glaring lights.


Photophobia……….fear of light.


Phonophobia……….fear of noises or voices or one’s own voice; of telephones.


Phronemophobia……….fear of thinking.


Phthiriophobia……….fear of lice. (Pediculophobia)


Phthisiophobia……….fear of tuberculosis.


Placophobia……….fear of tombstones.


Plutophobia……….fear of wealth.


Pluviophobia……….fear of rain or of being rained on.


Pneumatiphobia……….fear of spirits.


Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia……….fear of choking of being smothered.


Pocrescophobia……….fear of gaining weight. (Obesophobia)


Podophobia……….fear of feet.


Pogonophobia……….fear of beards.


Poliosophobia……….fear of contracting poliomyelitis.


Politicophobia……….fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.


Polyphobia……….fear of many things.


Poinephobia……….fear of punishment.


Ponophobia……….fear of overworking or of pain.


Porphyrophobia……….fear of the color purple.


Potamophobia……….fear of rivers or running water.


Potophobia……….fear of alcohol.


Pharmacophobia……….fear of drugs.


Proctophobia……….fear of rectums.


Prosophobia……….fear of progress.


P-P-P-P-P-Psellismophobia……….fear of stuttering.


Psychophobia……….fear of mind.


Psychrophobia……….fear of cold.


Pteridophobia……….morbid fear of fearns.


Pteromerhanophobia……….fear of flying.


Pteronophobia……….fear of being tickled by feathers.


Pupaphobia ……….fear of puppets.


Pyrexiophobia……….fear of fever.


Pyrophobia……….fear of fire.


How are you after all that? Are you developing symptoms or are you feeling good?






I’m Almost Afraid To Look At Today’s Post!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


No I haven’t been stricken with Fasabophobia, not yet anyway, and I hope none of you have either.

As you will see there are plenty of other afflictions already in existence without creating any more.

Today’s list of phobias covers some of those listed from ‘L’ to ‘N’.





Lachanophobia ……….fear of vegetables.


Laliophobia or Lalophobia ……….fear of speaking. (This one only very rarely affects women.) 


Leitourgophobia ……….fear of public servants.


Lepidopterophobia ……….fear of butterflies


Leprophobia or Lepraphobia ……….fear of leprosy.


Leukophobia ……….fear of the color white.


Levophobia ……….fear of things to the left side of the body.


Ligyrophobia ……….fear of loud noises.


Lilapsophobia ……….fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.


Limnophobia ……….fear of lakes.


Linonophobia ……….fear of string.


Liticaphobia ……….fear of lawsuits.


Lockiophobia ……….fear of childbirth.


Logizomechanophobia ……….fear of computers.


Logophobia ……….fear of words.


Luiphobia ……….fear of lues, syphillis.


Lutraphobia ……….fear of otters.


Lygophobia ……….fear of darkness.


Lyssophobia ……….fear of rabies or of becoming mad.


Macrophobia ……….fear of long waits.


Mageirocophobia ……….fear of cooking.


Maieusiophobia ……….fear of childbirth.


Malaxophobia ……….fear of love play. (Sarmassophobia)


Maniaphobia ……….fear of insanity.


Mastigophobia ……….fear of punishment.


Mechanophobia ……….fear of machines.


Medomalacuphobia ……….fear of losing an erection.


Medorthophobia ……….fear of an erect penis.


Megalophobia ……….fear of large things.


Melissophobia ……….fear of bees.


Melanophobia ……….fear of the color black.


Melophobia ……….fear or hatred of music.


Meningitophobia ……….fear of brain disease.


Menophobia ……….fear of menstruation.


Merinthophobia ……….fear of being bound or tied up.


Metallophobia ……….fear of metal.


Metathesiophobia ……….fear of changes.


Meteorophobia ……….fear of meteors.


Methyphobia ……….fear of alcohol.


Metrophobia ……….fear or hatred of poetry.


Microbiophobia ……….fear of microbes. (Bacillophobia)


Microphobia ……….fear of small things.


Misophobia or Mysophobia ……….fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs.


Mnemophobia ……….fear of memories.


Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia ……….fear of dirt or contamination.


Monophobia ……….fear of solitude or being alone.


Monopathophobia ……….fear of definite disease.


Motorphobia ……….fear of automobiles.


Mottephobia ……….fear of moths.


Musophobia or Muriphobia ……….fear of mice.


Mycophobia ……….fear or aversion to mushrooms.


Mycrophobia ……….fear of small things.


Myctophobia ……….fear of darkness.


Myrmecophobia ……….fear of ants.


Mysophobia ……….fear of dirt and germs


Mythophobia ……….fear of myths or stories or false statements.


Myxophobia ……….fear of slime. (Blennophobia)


Nebulaphobia ……….fear of fog. (Homichlophobia)


Necrophobia ……….fear of death or dead things.


Nelophobia ……….fear of glass.


Neopharmaphobia ……….fear of new drugs.


Neophobia ……….fear of anything new.


Nephophobia ……….fear of clouds.


Noctiphobia ……….fear of the night.


Nomatophobia ……….fear of names.


Nosocomephobia ……….fear of hospitals.


Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia ……….fear of becoming ill.


Nostophobia ……….fear of returning home.


Novercaphobia ……….fear of your step-mother.


Nucleomituphobia ……….fear of nuclear weapons.


Nudophobia ……….fear of nudity.


Numerophobia ……….fear of numbers.


Nyctohylophobia ……….fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night


Nyctophobia ……….fear of the dark or of night.




More Scaredy Cats, Phobias Part Four

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


We are going for ‘H’ to ‘K’ today in part four of this incredible list of irrational fears called phobias. As usual I have omitted the more mundane and well known ailments such as ‘Hypocondria’. A lot of the rest should shock, amuse or otherwise entertain.

My own favorite, by a long way (little pun there to get you in the mood for tomorrow’s post), is ‘Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia’ the very look and mention of which must send waves of terror into those afflicted by it.

Read on and discover why.


scaredy cat  

Hadephobia ………. fear of hell.


Hagiophobia ………. fear of saints or holy things.


Hamartophobia ………. fear of sinning.


Haphephobia or Haptephobia ………. fear of being touched.


Harpaxophobia ………. fear of being robbed.


Hedonophobia ………. fear of feeling pleasure.


Heliophobia ………. fear of the sun.


Hellenologophobia ………. fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology.


Helminthophobia ………. fear of being infested with worms.


Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia ………. fear of blood.


Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia ………. fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation.


Herpetophobia ………. fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things.


Heterophobia ………. fear of the opposite sex. (Sexophobia)


Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia ………. fear of the number 666.


Hierophobia ………. fear of priests or sacred things.


Hippophobia ………. fear of horses.


Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia ………. fear of long words.


Hobophobia ………. fear of bums or beggars.


Hodophobia ………. fear of road travel.


Hormephobia ………. fear of shock.


Homichlophobia ………. fear of fog.


Homilophobia ………. fear of sermons.


Hominophobia ………. fear of men.


Homophobia ………. fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual.


Hoplophobia ………. fear of firearms.


Hydrargyophobia ………. fear of mercurial medicines.


Hydrophobia ………. fear of water or of rabies.


Hydrophobophobia ………. fear of rabies.


Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia ………. fear of glass.


Hygrophobia ………. fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture.


Hylephobia ………. fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy.


Hylophobia ………. fear of forests.


Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia ………. fear of responsibility.


Hypnophobia ………. fear of sleep or of being hypnotized.


Hypsiphobia ………. fear of height.


Iatrophobia ………. fear of going to the doctor or of doctors.


Ichthyophobia ………. fear of fish.


Ideophobia ………. fear of ideas.


Idiophobia ………. fear of idiots.


Illyngophobia ………. fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down.


Iophobia ………. fear of poison.


Insectophobia ………. fear of insects.


Isolophobia ………. fear of solitude, being alone.


Isopterophobia ………. fear of termites, insects that eat wood.


Ithyphallophobia ………. fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis.


Japanophobia ………. fear of Japanese.


Judeophobia ………. fear of Jews.


Kainolophobia or Kainophobia ………. fear of anything new, novelty.


Kakorrhaphiophobia ………. fear of failure or defeat.


Katagelophobia ………. fear of ridicule.


Kathisophobia ………. fear of sitting down.


Katsaridaphobia ………. fear of cockroaches.


Kenophobia ………. fear of voids or empty spaces.


Keraunophobia or Ceraunophobia ………. fear of thunder and lightning.(Astraphobia, Astrapophobia)


Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia ………. fear of movement or motion.


Klaoanemophobia ………. fear of breaking wind (which quite a number of people have in social settings). [Perhaps Phartophobia might have been a better name for this one?] 


Kleptophobia ………. fear of stealing.


Koinoniphobia ………. fear of rooms.


Kolpophobia ………. fear of genitals, particularly female.


Kopophobia ………. fear of fatigue.


Koniophobia ………. fear of dust. (Amathophobia)


Kosmikophobia ………. fear of cosmic phenomenon.


Kymophobia ………. fear of waves. (Cymophobia)


Kynophobia ………. fear of rabies.


Kyphophobia ………. fear of stooping.



If It Exists You Can Be Sure Somebody Will Be Afraid Of It, Phobias Part Three

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Another amusing yet astonishing list of the phobias that some people have to the most ordinary and mundane things. The title really is true, if it exists you can be sure somebody will be afraid of it. 

Today we have ‘D’ to ‘G’. 

Although if you have Diarrheaphobia, Dystychiphobia and Dromophobia and the nearest toilet is across the street then you may be in trouble. Read on and you’ll find out why.





Decidophobia ………. fear of making decisions.


Defecaloesiophobia ………. fear of painful bowels movements.


Deipnophobia ………. fear of dining or dinner conversations.


Dementophobia ………. fear of insanity.


Demonophobia or Daemonophobia ………. fear of demons.


Demophobia ………. fear of crowds. (Agoraphobia)


Dendrophobia ………. fear of trees.


Dentophobia ………. fear of dentists.


Dermatophobia ………. fear of skin lesions.


Dermatosiophobia or Dermatophobia or Dermatopathophobia ………. fear of skin disease.


Dextrophobia ………. fear of objects at the right side of the body.


Diabetophobia ………. fear of diabetes.


Diarrheaphobia ………. fear of getting diarrhea, usually accompanied with the fear of not being able to get to a bathroom in time, and of making a mess.


Didaskaleinophobia ………. fear of going to school.


Dikephobia ………. fear of justice.


Dinophobia ………. fear of dizziness or whirlpools.


Diplophobia ………. fear of double vision.


Dipsophobia ………. fear of drinking.


Dishabiliophobia ………. fear of undressing in front of someone.


Disposophobia ………. fear of throwing stuff out. Hoarding.


Domatophobia ………. fear of houses or being in a house.(Eicophobia, Oikophobia)


Doraphobia ………. fear of fur or skins of animals.


Doxophobia ………. fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise.


Dromophobia ………. fear of crossing streets.


Dutchphobia ………. fear of the Dutch.


Dysmorphophobia ………. fear of deformity.


Dystychiphobia ………. fear of accidents.


Ecclesiophobia ………. fear of church.


Ecophobia ………. fear of home.


Eicophobia ………. fear of home surroundings.(Domatophobia, Oikophobia)


Eisoptrophobia ………. fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror.


Electrophobia ………. fear of electricity.


Eleutherophobia ………. fear of freedom.


Elurophobia ………. fear of cats. (Ailurophobia)


Emetophobia ………. fear of vomiting.


Enetophobia ………. fear of pins.


Enochlophobia ………. fear of crowds.


Enosiophobia or Enissophobia ………. fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism.


Entomophobia ………. fear of insects.


Eosophobia ………. fear of dawn or daylight.


Ephebiphobia ………. fear of teenagers.


Epistaxiophobia ………. fear of nosebleeds.


Epistemophobia ………. fear of knowledge.


Equinophobia ………. fear of horses.


Eremophobia ………. fear of being oneself or of loneliness.


Ereuthrophobia ………. fear of blushing.


Ergalilektriphobia ………. fear of power tools or using power tools.


Ergasiophobia ………. 1) fear of work or functioning. 2) surgeon’s fear of operating.


Ergophobia ………. fear of work.


Erotophobia ………. fear of sexual love or sexual questions.


Euphobia ………. fear of hearing good news.


Eurotophobia ………. fear of female genitalia.


Erythrophobia or Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia ………. 1) fear of redlights. 2) blushing. 3) red.


Febriphobia or Fibriphobia or Fibriophobia ………. fear of fever.


Felinophobia ………. fear of cats. (Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Galeophobia, Gatophobia)


Francophobia ………. fear of France or French culture. (Gallophobia, Galiophobia)


Frigophobia ………. fear of cold or cold things. (Cheimaphobia, Cheimatophobia, Psychrophobia)


Galeophobia ………. fear of sharks


Gatophobia ………. fear of cats.


Gallophobia or Galiophobia ………. fear France or French culture. (Francophobia)


Gamophobia ………. fear of marriage.


Geliophobia ………. fear of laughter.


Gelotophobia ………. fear of being laughed at.


Geniophobia ………. fear of chins.


Genophobia ………. fear of sex.


Genuphobia ………. fear of knees.


Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia ………. fear of crossing bridges.


Germanophobia ………. fear of Germany or German culture.


Gerascophobia ………. fear of growing old.


Gerontophobia ………. fear of old people or of growing old.


Geumaphobia or Geumophobia ………. fear of taste.


Glossophobia ………. fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak.


Gnosiophobia ………. fear of knowledge.


Graphophobia ………. fear of writing or handwriting.


Gymnophobia ………. fear of nudity.


Gynephobia or Gynophobia ………. fear of women.



America, My Friends, Is Fast Becoming The Land Of The Stepford Grin

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


People nowadays have an obsession with teeth, particularly so in America where the whole thing has gotten completely ridiculous. The only people benefiting are the dentists, or orthodontists as the braces branch like to call themselves, who are making an absolute fortune on the vanity of others.

There’s the usual drilling and filling too, but the main work nowadays is straightening and whitening and so forth. Nearly every unfortunate kid has to undergo months of a hideous looking steel grid in their gobs otherwise they think that they will stand out from their friends, and of course individuality is out of the question, conformity is king!

Poor kid with steel grid in gob
Poor kid with steel grid in gob


Their beleaguered parents, who seem to have lost the ability to say “no” to their children, go along with it and hand over their wallets like it’s the normal thing to do.

America, my friends, is fast becoming the land of the Stepford grin and nobody seems to find it at all the least bit odd. And just like baseball caps, the fashion is spreading throughout the world.

The Stepford Grin
The Stepford Grin


But it wasn’t always this way. A few decades ago dentistry was, let’s say, a lot more primitive. There was still the drilling and filling bit and in a pre-fluoride environment there were more cavities than there were people. There were also a lot of teeth that, whilst they could be easily saved and repaired today, in those days had to be extracted. Therefore many people ended up requiring dentures.




John was a case in point. He got to the stage where all his teeth were gone and his dentist was taking moulds and measuring him up for a new set of dentures.

After spending some time toothless, which made eating some of his favorite foods difficult and frustrating, John was anxious to get his new teeth. The day arrived and off he went to the dentist who fitted them and adjusted them.

All seemed to go well. They felt like a bit of a mouthful but John put that down to the fact that they were new and probably needed a few hours to bed down properly in his mouth. He was happy enough.

Until he got home that is.

His daughter met him at the door and immediately let out a loud shriek and fell on to the floor laughing uncontrollably.

Then his wife walked in.

“Oh my good God, John” she exclaimed, “Whatever have they done to you?” And with that she too started to laugh.

John protested vigorously. He tried to ask them what was wrong, why was everyone laughing. But he hadn’t gotten used to the teeth in his mouth and he sounded as if he had a mouthful of pebbles. Naturally this made the others laugh all the harder.

He went into an adjoining room where there was a mirror.

“Fos hate, way awen’t wat bad,” he protested from the other room.

But the more he talked with his mouthful of teeth the more they laughed and the more they laughed the more irritated he became.  After a while they got themselves calmed down and decided they would review the situation in the morning.

The next morning John’s wife was first up as usual. She went downstairs to prepare breakfast for the family while he washed, shaved and got dressed. When the breakfast was ready she shouted on the others and they all assembled at the kitchen table.

For a few minutes all went peacefully, everybody keeping their heads down and studying their eggs and bacon intently. But curiosity eventually got the better of them. First John’s daughter looked up. She couldn’t control herself and immediately returned her concentration to the scrambled egg on her plate, but shaking noticeably with more laughter.

Then John’s wife looked across the table at him. Again she burst out into fits of laughter.

“It was like sitting there looking at a horse smiling at you across the breakfast table,” she would tell me later when recounting the story.

John's Horsey Smile
John’s Horsey Smile


This time it was all too much for John. He angrily stomped off to the garage and set to work on his new teeth with an electric grinding stone.

But it was a lost cause. All he did was grind away a good part of the teeth, which obviously did make them smaller, but now he was left with more gum than teeth. If anything, this looked even funnier than the original, as his wife and daughter confirmed by again falling about the place in more fits of laughter.

After that those teeth, or what was left of them, were never seen again.

The next time John would go to another dentist, one who made teeth for people and not horses.