Ugh, Communism Just Has No Class.

 “Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Communism may have no class but clever word play certainly does.

That’s our cue for another Pun Day.

Enjoy or endure!




I’m against picketing,

but I don’t know how to show it.

against picketing



I saw a man walking along the street

with a t-shirt that said ‘Free Hugs’.

I don’t know who ‘Hugs’ is,

but I’m sure they should release him.

t-shirt 'Free Hugs'



I went for a job interview at 

my local sandwich shop today.

As an aptitude test, the shop owner

asked me to make a beef sandwich

using only a spoon.

Unfortunately I didn’t get the job

– I couldn’t cut the mustard.

sandwich shop




A committee is a group of people

who keep minutes and lose hours.

A committee



I was given the sack at work last month.

I suppose you have to expect that

when you play Santa Clause.

play Santa Clause



I can’t speak for anyone else,

but I think I’m a terrible ventriloquist.

terrible ventriloquist



My girlfriend talked me into putting

table salt into my bath today.

I think I’ve been brine washed.

table salt into my bath



I saw a strange white bear at the zoo today.

It was mating with a female bear then it

suddenly it tried mating with a male bear.

I think it’s Bi Polar.

white bear at the zoo



Never employ someone who’s obsessed with graphs.

They’ll always be plotting behind your back.




I got a real telling off yesterday

when we were visiting grandma.

She has a very hairy upper lip

and when we were leaving, she asked

me why I wouldn’t kiss her good bye.

Apparently my answer, “Sorry, must-dash,”

wasn’t the best choice of words.

hairy upper lip



How does an angry Muslim close a door?

Islams it.

door slam



I’ve just seen a sign in the post office that said

“Stamps sold by the book”.

It’s good to know that someone follows the rules.

book of stamps



I decided to open an

exclusive hotel and casino

for people who have epilepsy.

It’s called Seizure’s Palace.

Seizure's Palace



I went to the pet shop to buy some breeding birds.

The cashier said, “Have you got a store card?”

I said, “No but I did get a budgie excited once.”

pet shop



My friend has just rung to say

he’s bought a bubble car.

He’s going to pop round in it later.

bubble car




Raw toast is an ideal bread substitute.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Word play day, or more puns if you like that description better.

Endure or enjoy, preferably the latter!




“Let’s order some Chinese.”

“To do what?”

Chinese army



I remember in 1995 when I went to an Oasis gig with my sister and my brother.

When the band came on stage I shouted, “Go Oasis.”

I never saw my sister after that.




If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?




I went into the hardware store and said,

“These shelves you sold me are useless. I couldn’t even…”

The cashier said, “Put ’em up?”

I said, “Okay, you wanna fight about it? Come on then!”




I was taking some notes the other day,

when I was arrested and escorted from the bank.




I’ve just started a new job at the local slaughterhouse, stunning cows.

…And some of the sheep are pretty good looking too.




Did you hear about the neo Nazi builder?

He liked to drill with the bosch.

bosch drill



As I stood on the tube this morning I thought to myself,

“My pringles are getting crushed”




My Pokemon card collection was destroyed in a fire.

I’ve only got Ash now.




I was perfectly happy in Mississippi,

Then Mr Sippi came back early from his business trip.




I love watching videos of lakes and rivers on the internet.

I’m viewing a live stream right now.




My friend said he met a prostitute who connected a battery charger to his bits.

I said, “Woweee, how much did she charge you?”

Electric Shoc



Two pencils decided to have a race.

They drew.




My friend said he’s going to set a new standard in pubs

by opening one on the top of a mountain.

Personally, I think he’s raised the bar too high.

man on top of mountain



Tattoos are great for preserving memories,

otherwise I would have totally forgotten about those anchors.

popeye-sailor anchor tattoos




Do You Need Help?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Now and again people have said to me, “You need help.” And I’m not just talking about people who read this blog. They mean it in a caring way I’m sure and indeed there are occasions when a little help would be very welcome.

This is especially so in business. In these cases you are even willing to pay for that help, but you still have the problem of letting people know that you have a job for them.

So what do you do?

You advertise the available positions, of course.

Sounds easy?

Well, for most of us it is. For the intellectually challenged not so much.

Take a look at this lot below and you’ll see what I mean.



























































































