Understanding what is beyond the horizon is beyond me.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


But puns I do understand.

What is a little more puzzling is why I like them and why so many others do as well.

Still, we can figure out that conundrum another time.

For now it’s another Pun Day, so….

Enjoy or endure!




I bought a cheap Jack-in-a-box

and it’s not much good.

It doesn’t surprise me.

 cheap Jack-in-a-box



Some guy came up to me in the street today

and said “Wow, you look odd.”

I replied “Well, so do you.”

“Guess that made us even.”

 odd and even



I’ve just come back from the corner shop.

I bought four corners.

 corner shop



So King Abdullah died,

that should sheikh things up a bit.

 King Abdullah



I’ve got a part time job for a company

making rubberized computer keyboards.

It’s flexible shifts.

 rubberized computer keyboards



Someone stopped me while I was jogging

this morning to ask why I had

duct tape over my mouth.

I didn’t answer.

It’s a running gag.

 duct tape over mouth



A friend of mine bought a second hand

deck of cards from a casino in Las Vegas,

but after four weeks they hadn’t arrived.

When he asked for an update, they said

they were still dealing with his order.

 Las Vegas casino card packs



Did you hear about the fisherman

who was learning Spanish

He got lost at Si




I’m currently reading a book about

North African invaders during

Medieval times and can’t put it down.

Its very moorish.

 A Moor



I looked up the definition of

the word “arbitrary” today.

For no particular reason.

 arbitrary definition



My boss said,

“As part of our cost-saving drive we are

installing energy-efficient lights in the toilets.

They work on a motion detection system.”

I replied,

“That’s all fair and well, but what if

someone’s just going in for a pee?”




A storm has ripped through

my coconut farm…

I’m desiccated.

 coconut cracked



Whenever I find a pretty girl

I look for intelligence.

Because if she doesn’t have that,

then she’s mine!




I always ask too many questions.

Does anybody know why this is?

 too many questions



I text a friend the other day asking him

who his favorite composer is.

Surprisingly, he didn’t text Bach.





Old Professors Never Die. They Just Lose Their Faculties.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I probably should have said that they lose their faculties and end up as a pun.

In case you haven’t guessed it yet, today is another Pun Day.


Enjoy or endure!




I call my house Lautrec

because it’s got two loos.

two loos



Beauty is in the eye

of the beerholder.

Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder



The UN. Bringing us all together

by ending conflicts around the world.

Peace by Peace.

The UN



Turns out my ex girlfriend Big Amy

had a secret husband.

If only there had been some clue.

Big Amy



Lawyers are like rhinoceroses:

thick-skinned, short-sighted

and always ready to charge.




Hey girls,

get yourself a Fisherman,

they’re reel men.




How did I escape Iraq?


escape Iraq



My Dermatological Clinic

just wished me Merry Eczemas.

Merry Eczemas



My wife suggested I go for

acupuncture treatment to cure me

from making annoying timber puns.

I can’t see why that woodwork.

acupuncture treatment



Let me correct you –

the London Underground

is not a political movement.

Lancaster_Gate_tube London Underground



It’s ironic that discus isn’t a sport

that many people talk about.




The Lawn Tennis Association’s website

has a fault they are having

problems with their server.




Many Americans oppose any change

to The Second Amendment of the

United States Constitution.

They’re really sticking to their guns.

The Second Amendment



I ordered a whole duck at the

Chinese restaurant last night!

It was great until I got to the bill.

whole duck at the Chinese



Last night I dreamt I was

writing ‘Lord of the Rings’.

Turns out I was Tolkien in my sleep.

 Lord of the Rings



More Pun Fun Today

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


More pun fun today. It’s amazing how bad a joke you can get away with when there’s a pun or two involved. The evidence can be found below.




A man’s home is his castle, in a manor of speaking.


Dijon vu – the same mustard as before.


Practice safe eating – always use condiments.


Is a shotgun wedding a case of wife or death?


A man needs a mistress just to break the monogamy.


A hangover is the wrath of grapes.


Dancing cheek-to-cheek is really a form of floor play.


Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?


Reading while sunbathing makes you well red.


When two egotists meet, it’s always an I for an I.


A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it is two tired.


What’s the definition of a will? (It’s a dead giveaway.)


She was engaged to a boyfriend with a wooden leg but broke it off.


A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.


With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress.


The man who fell into an upholstery machine is fully recovered.


They tried to save him with an I.V. but it was all in vein.


Stir-fry cooks come from all woks of life.


Did your hear about the illiterate fisherman who was lost at c?

