Maths Puns Are The First Sine Of Madness.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I wonder what the second sine is?

But let’s not go off at a tangent.

Let’s just enjoy another Pun Day instead.




The first rule of Innuendo Club is

you can only enter via the back door.

 please use back door



I’ve been sitting here all day trying to

think of anagrams of the word ‘wired’

but I can only think of one.

Which is weird.






This morning my physiotherapist

tapped my knee with a plastic hammer

and made my leg jerk.

The nerve.

 knee tapped with a plastic hammer



Are people who believe in

ghosts very ghoulable?




No matter how much you push the envelope,

it’ll still be stationery.

 push the envelope



My friend was arrested for drunk driving

on a motorized shopping cart at WalMart.

Apparently he led the police on a chase

that reached 90 aisles per hour.

 motorized shopping cart



“All you ever talk about is golf!”

My wife shouted.

“Golf, golf and more bloody golf!”

“Calm down love,” I said.

“Don’t let this driver wedge between us.”




I went to buy pork chops and told

the butcher to make them lean.

He said, ‘Which way?’

 pork chops cartoon



Many scientists agree the only way to solve

the planet’s worsening energy crisis

is for the whole world to convert to solar power.

That’s not going to happen overnight.

 solar power



I was the first person to install trampolines

in musician’s tour buses and now

everybody is jumping on the bandwagon.




I said to my blind date, “I actually take

a plane to work and back every single day.”

“Wow, you must be wealthy.” She said.

“Everything but,” I replied,

“I’m just a carpenter.”

 carpenter's plane



I bumped into the guy

who invented the globe.

It’s a small world.




Why did the poet kill himself

by walking into the road?

Because he thought there

was nothing left to right.

 walking into the road



I never thought I’d buy into Feng Shui.

But oh how the tables have turned.




I was in a music group

called ‘Illegal imports’.

We were a contraband.





I See Boomerangs Are Making A Comeback.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


It’s not only boomerangs that are making a comeback  –  so are puns!

And I continue to do my little bit here on the fasab blog to help them.

So read on and enjoy!



Any time I get something stuck in my throat,

I just dislodge it by drinking a pint of lager.

It’s called the Heineken Maneuver.

pun heineken manoeuver



I saw a sign on the road while driving today that said,

Survey crew ahead.

I did. They looked okay.

pun survey_crew_ahead_sign



Me and my friends played a football match against a load of Marines yesterday.

At half time they brought on a Chinese bloke.

I thought to myself, he’s a yellow sub marine.

pun yellow_sub-marine



Ever since I filled up my Zippo

I haven’t been able to lift it out of my pocket.

I think I need some lighter fluid.

pun zippo



A girl winked at me across the room in Maths class today;

I think it was a sine…

pun math



I’m the kinda guy who,

when asked to spell something over the phone,

says ‘G….for gnome’ just to throw them.

pun gnome-04



My friend once decided to stick an arrow in the ground.

I couldn’t see the point.

pun arrow



Whenever I write a letter to someone,

I add a footnote briefly explaining Ohm’s law.

It’s my P.S. de resistance.

pun Ohm's Law



I’ve started dating Little Red Riding Hood’s gran.

She’s an animal in bed.

pun little-red-riding-hood-3



I’m just a farmer’s laborer,

but when girls ask what I do,

I find ‘Farm assist’ sounds better.

pun farm assist



I told a girl she drew her eyebrows on too high.

She looked pretty surprised.

pun girl looking surprised



I heard that women have one breast bigger than the other,

or is that just bollocks?

pun touching boobs



I was arguing with my girlfriend in Pizza Hut the other day

when my best friend came over, grabbed the garlic bread

and coleslaw from our table and ran off.

I wish he would stop taking sides.

pun pizza hut



I asked the hotel receptionist for a wake-up call.

Next morning, she rang and said,

“what are you doing with your life?”

pun robert-mankoff-this-is-your-wake-up-call-change-or-die-new-yorker-cartoon



I used to be really good at reading braille.

But I lost my touch.

pun  reading braille



Just got myself a new Czech girlfriend,

but it’s taken her 5 days to hoover the house.

Turns out she’s a Slovak.

pun slovakia



My local gas station had a letter stolen from its sign last night.

Not to worry though, the company’s sending out an Esso S.

pun esso



The day that Microsoft creates a product that doesn’t suck

is the day that they venture into the vacuum cleaner industry.

pun The-only-Microsoft-product-that-doesnt-suck-Microsoft-Vacuum-Cleaner



When a bomb passes its sell by date, does it go off?

pun dynamite-bundle-md



If Russia invaded Turkey from the rear,

would Greece help?

pun turkey




It’s Better To Love A Short Girl Than Not A Tall.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


It may be better to love a short girl than not a tall, but it’s definitely better to have a read at some puns than not at all.

Another selection guaranteed to extract a few laughs or groans.




I’m going out tonight to prove I can travel by bus without a valid ticket.

I’ll let you know how I got on.

bus stop


I feel that geographical puns are beneath me;

there’s Norway I’d go Oslo as that.

Maths puns are the first sine of madness.

My wife said she’s getting fed up of my constant guitar puns.

I told her not to fret.



What is yellow and white, and throws itself off the edge of the dining table?

A lemming meringue.


My dentist just won ‘dentist of the year’

All he got was a little plaque.


Pancake day really crepe’d up on me this year.



Suicide bombers: what makes them tick?


I used to have a job operating an elevator.

It had its ups and downs…


A bloke walks into a pub and orders himself a pint.

He notices Vincent Van Gogh is sitting on the next barstool and asks him if he wants a pint, too.

“No thanks,” replies Vincent. “I’ve got one ear.”

van gogh


My mate said he had a new job at a Bowling Alley.

I said, “Ten Pin?”

He replied, “No – it’s permanent.”


Sea captains don’t like crew cuts.


Exit signs. They’re on the way out, aren’t they?”


