I’ve Heard Of A Plane Going Missing – But An Entire Airport???

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”



Bureaucrats lose things because they are incompetent and stupid.

We all know that.

My posts on the debacle at the US government’s Office of Personnel Management, where they lost over 21 million records of government employees and those who had applied for government jobs, was a good example.

I though at the time I read about this and did my blog posts that this would be a tough one to beat as regards stupidity and incompetence.

I was wrong.



Enter the Irish.

Irish bureaucrats have lost an entire airport.

And it only cost them €27 million  to do it.

A bargain one might think in terms of bureaucratic faux pas.

Up until last week you could find Ireland’s Shannon Airport, in Shannon, County Clare.

Sounds logical enough. If I was looking for Shannon Airport, Shannon is the first place I would look for it. They have had an airport there for over seventy years.

Now, however, after the introduction of Ireland’s new €27 million postcode system, the ‘Eircode’, you can now find Shannon Airport in – wait for it – a different county, County Limerick.


If that isn’t funny enough, the system also has a ‘mapping’ option which the bureaucrats say can identify the exact latitude and longitude of 2.2 million individual addresses. They’ll most likely be in the wrong latitude and longitude, but at least you know exactly how wrong the location is.

Naturally there are other problems with the ‘Eircode’ postcode system, ranging from other incorrect addresses to data protection concerns, but the airport one is the star of the show.

In typical bureaucratic fashion, despite the fact that the whole thing is an almighty mess, Communications Minister Alex White defended the new national system.

He even claimed it would make postal deliveries much easier in the long run – the ‘long run’ presumably referring to the distance traveled by your mail going to the wrong delivery address and confused users of the system going to all the wrong places.

Communications Minister Alex White

Not only do the bewildered Irish users of this new system get wrong addresses for their €27 million, but they are only allowed a miserable fifteen searches per day, meaning you would need to persevere with it for more than a week if you were organizing a big event, like a wedding or anniversary do.

There is an option to search for more wrong addresses but the fee for that dubious privilege is between €60 and €180 a year, depending on the number of searches performed.

Good luck with selling that too!

Now where did I put the milk for my coffee?

Ah yes, in the garage next door.





A Simile Is Like A Metaphor – Literally!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I was going to introduce today’s post by saying some like “I hope you are having a pun-tastic week”, but I thought I would sound like a demented DJ from the 1970s.

So I’ll just say hello and welcome and let you get on with the puns.

Enjoy or endure!!





the new way to spell “Light,”

now with 20% fewer letters!




I was asked to man the phones

at work the other day.

So I went round and drew a

little mustache on all of them.

phone with moustache





It’s not brian surgery.





A small pig.

small pig with guitar



According to my Spanish doctor

I have Hepatitis Yes





My doctor told me to quit my helium addiction

before I got carried away.

helium addiction



2B or not 2B?

I don’t think I’ve ever put this much thought

into which shade of pencil to use before.

2b or not 2b [encils



‘UK Man has first hand transplant.’

Surely that’s a second hand transplant.

hand transplant



I was taking a short cut across a field the other day,

I was halfway across when the farmer approached me and said,

“Did you leave that small wooden step at the edge of my field?”

I replied, “No, it wasn’t me, that’s not my stile”




Someone told me if you

smack a fish before frying it,

the meat will taste fresher.

What a load of codswallop.




I’ve just accidentally superglued my fingers

to a copy of my autobiography.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

super glue



Me and my limbo dancing team

go way back

limbo dancing




Do You Really Want A Liar In The White House?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Hillary Clinton liar

I ended a post last week that ended with the line, “If you want a liar in the White House there’s always Hillary.”

Some people may have thought it a little harsh, particularly those who were considering voting for her, but harsh or not it is a fact.

Her wayward husband Bill was a liar and he made President and impeachment. Now she is trying to carry on the tradition.

Hillary simply cannot tell the truth.

Everyone knows it.

And everyone includes the representatives from other countries that she would have to interact with, if – God help us – the American people are stupid enough to make her President.

Unfortunately, such is the attention span of people nowadays they only seem to remember the last thing they see and hear. If something happened in the past it is as if it never occurred at all.

2016 US Presidential race

With a position as important as the US Presidency at stake it is surely necessary to examine the candidates more closely than that.

Hillary Clinton’s lies are many and they cover almost every aspect of her life. She is an opportunist, always willing to try to enhance her position by lying. Nothing is sacred.

And it isn’t a recent occurrence. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been a liar for her entire political life, probably longer than that.

Take a look for yourselves.

hillary clinton 09

Going waaaaay back to 1974, when Hillary Clinton was 27, she worked for the House Judiciary Committee which at that time was investigating Richard Nixon and Watergate.

Strictly against House rules, she met with Teddy Kennedy’s chief political strategist and then manipulated the system, wrote a “fraudulent legal brief” and “confiscated public documents”.

They had no choice but fire Hillary Rodham. When asked why she was fired, Jerry Zeifman, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, said in an interview, “Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the Rules of the House, the Rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality.”

Zeifman later wrote in a 2006 book titled ‘Hillary’s Pursuit of Power’, that “Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a senator or president.”

Hillary Clinton fired from Congressional job for unethical behaviorpng


When she made it to the White House as First Lady, she was still a stranger to the truth. Trying to distance herself from another gaff, Hillary said she didn’t know that her staff would fire the travel office staff after she told them to do so.

Hillary lied.

Staff do what you tell them to do. That’s why they work for you and not you for them. The memorandum relating to the firings went  “missing” for two years.

Hillary you're fired


The “missing” lie was a trait that was to continue. Documents regarding Hillary’s work at the Rose Law firm in Arkansas, specifically regarding a savings and loan company run by the Clintons’ business partner in the Whitewater land venture also went “missing” for two years.

Eventually they miraculously reappeared when a White House aide found them, in the White House, in a storage area on the third-floor, which is the private residence of the President and First Lady.

Hillary said that she had no idea the documents were there, which would have been fine except for the fact that the FBI found Hillary’s fingerprints on the documents. Hillary is still the only First Lady in American history to be fingerprinted by the FBI.



Lying to take advantage of national tragedies is also a depth to which Hillary Clinton will gladly stoop.

For example, when everyone else was in shock and sympathizing with the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack tragedy, Hillary tried to take some of the attention for herself. She said her daughter Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 at the time of the airplanes flew into the twin towers.

Hillary lied.

Chelsea was in bed watching it on TV.

9-11 attacks wtc


To try to aggrandize herself on another occasion, Hillary said she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, conqueror of Mount Everest.

Hillary lied.

Sir Edmund Hillary climbed Mt. Everest five years AFTER Hillary Rodham was born. Nobody knew who he was and therefore wouldn’t have named their children after him.

Sir Edmund Hillary, conqueror of Mount Everest - the Aukland Star


When she was on a visit to Bosnia, Hillary said she came under sniper fire as she disembarked at the airport.

Hillary lied.

Video taken at the time shows a girl presented her with flowers and she and Chelsea can be seen on video walking across the Bosnian tarmac smiling and greeting well-wishers. Not a sniper’s bullet in sight. Here’s a nice video report to prove it.


As regards finances, Hillary said she learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market.

Hillary lied.

The Wall Street Journal didn’t even cover the market back then.

stock_market board


Hillary said she didn’t know about the pardons given to members of the violent Puerto Rico nationalist group FALN or that her brothers were being paid to get pardons that her husband Bill Clinton granted.

Hillary lied.

Her husband and her brothers knew and she didn’t? A likely story! With an ill-advised stroke of a pen President Clinton made a mockery of the pledge to “wage an all-out war against terrorism” by pardoning 14 FALN terrorists.

FALN terrorists logo


Still on the subject of pardons, Hillary also said she had nothing to do with the New Square Hasidic pardons that reduced the prison terms of four New York Hasidic Jews convicted of defrauding tens of millions of dollars from the government.

Hillary lied.

In fact, of all the pardons that President Clinton granted as he was leaving the White House, this one has Hillary written all over it. She attended a meeting at the White House about the pardons and got repaid in votes, 1,400 to 12.

New Square Hasidic pardons


To try to excuse her greed, Hillary said taking the White House gifts was a “clerical error”.

Hillary lied.

The “error”, clerical or otherwise, was getting caught and she came up with the best excuse she could think of at the time.



To try to make herself look more statesmanlike Hillary said she negotiated for the release of refugees in Macedonia.

Hillary lied.

They were released the day before she even got there.



In a pathetic attempt to get sympathy where none was deserved, Hillary said her family was broke when they left the White House.

Hillary lied.

And they only made a paltry $12 million the year after Bill Clinton’s Presidency.

hillbillary clinton


Never noted for her humility, Hillary said she was “instrumental” in the Northern Ireland peace process.

Hillary lied.

She and President Bill visited Northern Ireland and did some PR work for the deal that ushered terrorists into government in Belfast, but those actually at the negotiating table say Hillary was nowhere to be seen.

ni peace talks


Hillary said the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other officials was a “spontaneous protest” gone wrong.

Hillary lied.

Based on State Department documents we know that, not only was Benghazi a terrorist attack, but that Hillary was well aware of that fact and deliberately misled the public.



Then there is the private email server she set up the day before her nomination as Secretary of State, and used for her entire tenure in that office. Hillary said the whole thing was innocent and that access would be given to scrutinize her emails.

Hillary lied.

The whole procedure was far from innocent. For one thing it is in direct violation of a 2009 Federal Law.  Hillary set up her private email server and used it when she was Secretary of State so that there would be no official government records of those emails. She could pick and choose what to release and what to delete. Her aides also used private email addresses. Actualy both the Clintons loved email for that very reason, because it was so much easier to hide stuff, when she was asked to turn over 1.8 million emails to Judicial Watch, Congress, and federal investigators.

hillary clinton email scandal cartoon


What do you call someone with a record like that except a liar?

How are we supposed to believe that all of a sudden she has had a “road to the White House” conversion and become honest and straightforward, rather than a schemer and a liar?

I’m reminded of that old joke,

Question: “How can you tell when a politician is lying?”

Answer: “When his/her lips are moving.”

It needs to be updated for Hillary.

She can lie even when her lips aren’t moving, or get emails or other people to do it for her.

So do you want a liar in the White House?

Do you???

hillary clinton 3 dollar bill


I. O. U. A. Vowel

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


If you add a couple of consonants to one of those vowels you get PUN, which is rather convenient because today is pun day.

You know what’s next.

Enjoy or endure!!




I really love my fanbase…

without it my fan would fall over.

fan with base



When people ask me

what my best quality is,

I always tell them my second best

quality is being mysterious.




Communicating with Native Americans

… it’s easy when you know How.

Native Americans greeting



I don’t care what people say,

I’m a terrible psychiatrist.

I don't care cartoon



My friend was in a go kart race and

kept going even after all his wheels fell off.

It was a tireless effort

go kart race



I got so excited in French lessons that

sometimes “oui” would come out

cartoon excited



If you want to know how to see without glasses,

I’ve got some good contacts.




To all you letters that

want to be before

p in the alphabet,

join the q.




Walk in fridges.

Pretty cool.




Everybody has an ego,

mine is just bigger and  better.




Trees can break wind

(and they’re not the only ones!)

tree windbreak



Four thieves were robbing a music

store when the cops turned up.

The first grabbed all the pop CDs and ran off.

The second grabbed the rock CDs and also ran off.

The third grabbed the Jazz and followed suit.

The fourth was forced to take the rap.






Sign Language Is Very Handy.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I would sign at you that this is Pun Day, but what would be the point you can’t see me.

Instead I’ll just keep quiet and let you get on with reading this latest selection of word plays.

As always….

Enjoy or endure!!


Sign Language Is Very Handy.



If anyone ever tells you they’ve lost their voice,

They’re lying.

lost voice



I experimented with drugs while I was in university.

I’m now a fully qualified pharmaceutical engineer.

pharmaceutical engineer



The most common surname in China is Chang,

correct me if you think that’s Wong.




I bet the bloke who threw the first boomerang

didn’t see that coming.




All my friends hate using cliche phrases.

Even Steven.




Want to keep the doctor away?

There’s an apple for that.




I’ve just been given two weeks to live.

The wife’s gone away for a fortnight.

two weeks



Eleventeen percent of people

make up words.

make up words



I’ve never been told

I am a bad listener.

bad listener



My football team is sponsored by Apple.

So now there is an ‘I’ in team.

'I' in team



If I had a crystal ball

I’d sit down very carefully

crystal ball



Finally for today,

here’s a bit of advice for you.






Bad Actors Have Their Work Cut Out.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Bad actors do get their work cut out, fortunately for both them and those of us who watch their movies.

However, bad puns are never cut out because the worse they are the better they are.

And here’s another selection to prove it.

Enjoy or endure.






It’s not my fault I blame

everyone else for my mistakes.

It's not my fault



Steve Jobs,

a man who lived life to the macs

Apple Macs



I haven’t made a prediction

in my life and I never will.




There are two types of people in this world.

Those who can extrapolate incomplete data

extrapolate incomplete data



I have trouble taking responsibility for my actions.

I blame my parents.

taking responsibility



The life of a snail is taken

with a pinch of salt.




“I’m worried that those plants are artificial.”

“They’re not.”

“Well that’s a real leaf.”

real leaf



My motto is:

If you can’t beat them,

what’s the point in becoming a teacher?




I’ve just arrived at the camouflage club

and I can see we have a big turnout.

Which is really disappointing.

camouflage club



Whilst buying some nuts today

I noticed the pack said


I thought…

someone’s taken the pis




Be a scientist.

If at first you don’t succeed,

redefine success.





One way or another I’m going to

have to stop quoting Blondie lyrics.







Lif Is Too Short.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Lif may be too short but thankfully there’s no shortage of puns.

Here’s the latest selection for you to…

Enjoy or endure!!




I’ve just ended a relationship with a hair stylist.

We just never gelled.

hair stylist cartoon



Say what you like about deaf people.

But not blind people,

they can still hear you.




I went to the inventor of Optrex’s funeral today.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.




My wife says the passion has gone out of our relationship.

She really doesn’t know how much I hate her.

love hate



I used to be a hypochondriac until

I eventually became sick of it.




What have Winnie the Pooh and

Atilla the Hun got in common ?…….

the same middle name

Winnie the Pooh



Wouldn’t it be better if handmade shoes

were for your feet?

handmade shoes



I’ll be making a movie

about the Greek alphabets.

It’s a Psi Phi film.

Greek alphabet



What do you call

a quick circumcision.

A rip off.

cartoon circumcision



According to scientists there is a

link between noise and obesity.

Probably the dinner bell.

come and get it



Just bought a time machine from Amazon.

Well you have to when they offer

previous day delivery.

time machine



Finally for today a health warning:

Mixing cannabis with cod liver oil

is bad for your joints.

weed joints




I Made A Chicken Salad Today. It Didn’t Even Eat It.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


There’s no ingratitude like the ingratitude of a chicken when you specially prepare a meal for it.

Still I can always make some soup!

Want some more word play?

Try these.

Enjoy or endure!!




When someone says they are not in denial,

I never know whether to believe them…

 in denial



What’s another name

for an angry feminist?

A feminist.

 angry feminist cartoon



My girlfriend said I’m afraid of commitment.


I wouldn’t really call her my girlfriend.

 Cartoon afraid of commitment



I haven’t slept for ten days,

because that would be too long.




Newspaper headline:

Air strike planned

Well I hope it doesn’t last long,

I can’t hold my breath for more than 30 seconds.

 holding breath



I once went out with a girl called simile,

I don’t know what I metaphor.




The grenade factory is the one place

where being able to hear a pin drop

is a bad thing




I had a camera but,

whenever I photographed people,

they came out looking bald-headed…

it was then I realized that

I was using Kojak film.




Are Dementia and Alzheimers

two separate illnesses

or are they one and the same thing?

I can never remember.

 Dementia and Alzheimers cartoon



A minor background part actor

walks into a massage parlour and

asks if they are willing to provide sexual services.

The lady replies

“Sorry love, we don’t do extras.”




My Grandad’s so old

that he remembers

when X Factor was

just a Roman Sun cream

 X Factor Logo



My girlfriend told me that

my Tom Petty obsession

is getting out of hand,

but I won’t back down on this one.

No I won’t







To Cut A Long Story Short Use Fewer Words.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


But make sure a few of those words are puns.

Which is my way of welcoming you to another pun day.

Enjoy or endure!!




A little birdie told me my

golf skills were improving.




Someone asked me how many haircuts I’d had in my life.

I said, “off the top of my head, about 250.”




I used to file my nails, but I thought:

‘what’s the point in keeping them?’

 file cabinet



Maths problems, the only place where

someone can buy 60 watermelons

and no one wonders why.




I’m not going to make jokes from mixed metaphors

– too many other people have milked that bandwagon already.

 mixed metaphors



I was recently asked if as a young boy,

was my mother very strict with me.

I said, ‘let me get one thing straight,

my mother was never a young boy.’

 mother clipart



Whilst holidaying in Madrid with the lads,

my friend Dave suffered a heart attack in a bar,

however we were all surprised when he was

skillfully revived by a retired Doctor

who appeared out of nowhere…

… No one expects the Spanish Ex-Physician.

 Spanish Inquisition Monty Python



Met this girl in a club last night.

I said, “Do you like cocktails?”

She said, “I don’t know, tell me one.”




I said to my friend, “It’s important that no-one

mentions any film production companies.”

“How important is it?” he asked.

“Paramount,” I replied.




I met the bloke who invented crosswords today.

I can’t remember his name.

It’s P something T something R.

 crossword compiler



My agent said I should use a pen name,

so from now on I am calling myself

‘Bic Parker’.

 pen name



Thanks to Gwen Stefani,

I can now spell Bananas.





People Who Have Bluetooth Handsets Need A Clip Round The Ear.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I’m tempted to say that you need a clip round the ear if you don’t like puns, but I know you do.

Why else would you be here?

Unless it’s for pun-ishment.

Enjoy or endure!!




Why are photographers always so depressed?

Because they always focus on the negatives.




I bought a flea circus yesterday,

but one of them won’t go on the high wire.

It’s a nervous tick.

 flea circus



I played in a football match

that ended in a 2-2 draw.

No 1-1

 football match



I don’t mind doing crosswords,

but dot to dot puzzles are where I draw the line.




What do you call it when a prisoner

falls from the top of a building?





I invented the upside down house.

It’s now a top cellar.

 upside down house



To neigh or not to neigh.

That is equestrian.




Support your local

search and rescue squad.

Get lost

 search and rescue



Why did the Mafia boss cross the road?


The road had crossed him the week before.

 Mafia boss



My uncle slipped on some beans last week.

If only he had the benefit of Heinz sight.

 baked beans



I took my dog to a car showroom today.

I turned to him and said,

“They have an interesting Range Rover.”

 Range Rover car showroom



If you lined up all the cars in the world end to end,

someone would be stupid enough to try to pass them,

five or six at a time, on a hill, in the fog.

queue of cars


