The Quizzes March On!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


The quizzes do March on and we are starting this month with a good mix of questions. Some you should get without too much difficulty and some you will have to think about for a while.

Oh yes, and one that I will be surprised if anyone gets the bonus points for. You’ll know it when you see it.

As usual if you do get stuck, you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating.

Enjoy and good luck.


quiz 05


Q.  1:  ‘Solidarity’ was an important Trade Union in which country in the 1980s?



Q.  2:  In lawn bowls (and its indoor version), what is the target ball called?



Q.  3:  Which creature lives on mulberry leaves?



Q.  4:  In the USA what cities are known as the

 a) Big D?    b) Steel City?    c) City of Brotherly Love?    d) Emerald City?

(A point for each correct answer and a bonus point if get all four correct.)



Q.  5:  In relation to power what is the equivalent of 746 watts?



Q.  6:  What word denoted the new policy of openness adopted by Mikhail Gorbachev’s government in the Soviet Union?



Q.  7:  What well known pottery form takes its name from the Italian for “baked earth”?



Q.  8:  How long did Rip Van Winkle sleep for?



Q.  9:  What term is given to a piece of rock or metal from space that reaches the surface of the Earth?



Q. 10:  The suffix ‘stan’ is Persian for ‘place of’ or ‘country’. The names of seven countries end in ‘stan’, what are they? (You get a point for each one you can name correctly and five (yes, 5) bonus points if get them all correct.) 

a) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stan  

b)  _ _ _ _ _ _ stan       

c) _ _ _ _ _ _ stan    

d) _ _ _ _ stan      

e) _ _ _ _ _ _ stan      

f) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stan    

g) _ _ _ _ _ _ stan



Q. 11:  What color is the most-prized variety of jade?



Q. 12:  Whose theorem uses a 3, 4, 5 triangle?



Q. 13:  Piraeus serves as the port for which major city?



Q. 14:  Which insects communicate with one another by dancing?



Q. 15:  What was the name of Captain Nemo’s submarine?



Q. 16:  What creature is an ophidiophobe afraid of?



Q. 17:  In the US and the UK what is the name given to the government department responsible for formulating and recommending economic, financial, tax, and fiscal policies?



Q. 18:  Which of the 12 Zodiac signs start with the letter ‘L’ ?



Q. 19:  Which English politician, when told by Lady Nancy Astor that if he were her husband she’d put poison in his coffee, replied that if she were his wife he’d drink it?



Q. 20:  What popular song originated as the jingle “Buy the World a Coke” in the groundbreaking 1971 “Hilltop” television commercial for Coca-Cola? (A bonus point is available if you can also correctly name the group.)











































































Q.  1:  ‘Solidarity’ was an important Trade Union in which country in the 1980s?

A.  1:  Poland.



Q.  2:  In lawn bowls (and its indoor version), what is the target ball called?

A.  2:  Jack.



Q.  3:  Which creature lives on mulberry leaves?

A.  3:  The Silk worm.



Q.  4:  In the USA what cities are known as the

    a) Big D?      b) Steel City?      c) City of Brotherly Love?      d) Emerald City?

(A point for each correct answer and a bonus point if get all four correct.)

A.  4:  The correct answers are   

a) The Big D = Dallas     

b) The Steel City = Pittsburgh       

c) The City of Brotherly Love = Philadelphia            

d) The Emerald City = Seattle



Q.  5:  In relation to power what is the equivalent of 746 watts?

A.  5:  746 watts is the equivalent of 1 horse power.



Q.  6:  What word denoted the new policy of openness adopted by Mikhail Gorbachev’s government in the Soviet Union?

A.  6:  Glasnost.



Q.  7:  What well known pottery form takes its name from the Italian for “baked earth”?

A.  7:  Terracotta.



Q.  8:  How long did Rip Van Winkle sleep for?

A.  8:  Twenty years.



Q.  9:  What term is given to a piece of rock or metal from space that reaches the surface of the Earth?

A.  9:  It is known as a ‘Meteorite’.



Q. 10:  The suffix ‘stan’ is Persian for ‘place of’ or ‘country’. The names of seven countries end in ‘stan’, what are they? (You get a point for each one you can name correctly and seven (yes, 7) bonus points if get them all correct.) 

a) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stan   

b)  _ _ _ _ _ _ stan        

c) _ _ _ _ _ _ stan  

d) _ _ _ _ stan      

e) _ _ _ _ _ _ stan      

f) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stan    

g) _ _ _ _ _ _ stan

A. 10:  They are in alphabetical order, 

a)  Afghanistan    

b)  Kazakhstan    

c)  Kyrgyzstan   

d)  Pakistan    

e)  Tajikistan   

 f)  Turkmenistan    

g)  Uzbekistan



Q. 11:  What color is the most-prized variety of jade?

A. 11:  Green.



Q. 12:  Whose theorem uses a 3, 4, 5 triangle?

A. 12:  Pythagoras.



Q. 13:  Piraeus serves as the port for which major city?

A. 13:  Athens.



Q. 14:  Which insects communicate with one another by dancing?

A. 14:  Bees.



Q. 15:  What was the name of Captain Nemo’s submarine?

A. 15:  It was called the ‘Nautilus’.



Q. 16:  What creature is an ophidiophobe afraid of?

A. 16:  Snakes.



Q. 17:  In the US and the UK what is the name given to the government department responsible for formulating and recommending economic, financial, tax, and fiscal policies?

A. 17:  Treasury.



Q. 18:  Which of the 12 Zodiac signs start with the letter ‘L’ ?

A. 18:  They are Leo and Libra.



Q. 19:  Which English politician, when told by Lady Nancy Astor that if he were her husband she’d put poison in his coffee, replied that if she were his wife he’d drink it?

A. 19:  Winston Churchill.



Q. 20:  What popular song originated as the jingle “Buy the World a Coke” in the groundbreaking 1971 “Hilltop” television commercial for Coca-Cola? (A bonus point is available if you can also correctly name the group.)

A. 20:  “I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing (In Perfect Harmony) by The New Seekers.




