I’ve Always Found That The Letter ‘N’ Divides Opinion

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


There’s no getting away from it, the letter ‘n’ does divide opinion.

And so too does that little word play device called the Pun.

For those who like them and for those who like to hate them here is another selection.

Enjoy or Endure!




Getting a job repairing revolving doors

was a real turning point in my life.

Revolving door overhaul and repair



I have a friend who is ambidextrous illiterate…

He can’t write anything with both hands.




My wife asked me “Would you say that I was likeable?”

I said “No love, bulls are male. You’re like a cow.”





What is Stephen Hawking’s favourite cream?


Stephen Hawking keyboard



I’ve never asked a rhetorical question.

How cool is that?




I once got asked to do a sketch of

an old gameshow host dressed up as a Charlies Angel.

I drew Barrymore.

drew Barrymore



There’s a gang going through our town,

systematically shoplifting clothes in size order…

The police believe they’re still at large.

clothes in size order



I know a guy who has one eye bigger than the other.

His name is Iain.

forest-whitaker-one eye bigger than the other



A recent study proved that I shouldn’t try

to add unnecessary rooms to my house.




There is a remote tribe

that worships the number Zero.

Is nothing sacred?

number Zero



What cheese do you use

to disguise horse meat?





Yesterday, a Lumberjack slipped

and cut into his leg with a chainsaw.

He lost a lot of blood, but although

they managed to stem the flow,

paramedics say he is still not out of the woods yet.




I’m not afraid of flying.

I am, however, afraid of being 35,000 feet

in the air and suddenly “not” flying.




I don’t know what the fascination is with strip clubs.

It’s just the same old thong and dance.

thong and dance



Elton John has got so fat recently, he is having

to have his trousers specially made for him,

He’s had to say goodbye normal jeans…



