Failure Is The Path Of Least Persistence.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


If failure is path of least persistence, you can’t accuse me of failing to stick up for puns.

This series has already been going a lot longer than I ever imagined.

Will it ever end?

Eventually I suppose.

But not this week.

So enjoy or endure some more!




It’s your attitude and not your aptitude

that determines your altitude.

attitude and not your aptitude



Last night I had a dream that a silicon chip and

a hard drive conditionally offered to bring my dinner over.

If memory serves me.

silicon chip



It’s been decided that there will be a

new gay wing of the Government.

They’re starting with the Homo Office.

gay cartoon



Who is the worst chicken killer in Shakespeare?

Macbeth. He did murder most foul.




L’Oreal camouflage paint.

Because you’re war fit.

L'Oreal because you're worth it



My wife gave me a leaflet about

anger management last week…

I lost it.

anger management leaflet



People hang on my every word.

Probably why I lost my job at the Samaritans.




Two old ladies knocked on my door,

selling the bible and brown bread,

they were the Hovis witnesses!

Hovis witnesses



I’ve got an idea for a new interactive reality TV show.

It’s called ‘Bone Idol’.

I can’t be bothered to send it in though.

Bone Idol



At the recent winter Olympics, as the rest of the

bobsleigh team prepared for their first run,

the brake man suddenly fell to the floor clutching his leg.

“Go on without me,” he cried.

“I’ll only slow you down.”




Drilling for oil is boring.




I used to run a dating agency for chickens.

But I was struggling to make hens meet.




Did you hear about the Frenchman

who could only count to seven?

He had a huit allergy.

cartoon frenchman



Cool, although I just barley got it…a little corny….

I can’t help it, they just keep cropping up….




A bulb walks into an airport without any bags

wearing nothing but a shirt, sandals, and a hat.

The check in girl looks at him and says,

“Travelling light?”

The bulb says “Yes, I am.”

light bulb



Did You Know? The Fact File Is Open Again!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


The fact file is open again so let’s have a look and see what random bits of information have come up today.

As always, enjoy.


did you know5


Through the first half of the 20th century,

only one winner of the Oscar for Best Picture was filmed in color:

Gone with the Wind.



Horses and donkeys are of different species.

In order to get what we call a “mule,” a horse and donkey

must mate and produce offspring.

Any offspring between two different species

will be sterile and unable to reproduce.

horse and donkey in love


Between 1912 and 1948, art competitions were a part of the Olympics.

Medals were awarded for architecture, music, painting, and sculpture.

LondonAlbertHallArt poster


Medal of Honor recipient Thomas Baker

was gravely wounded and had his comrades leave him behind,

propped up against a tree with a pistol that had 8 bullets remaining.

Later they found his body next to the tree,

surrounded by 8 dead Japanese soldiers.

Thomas Baker Medal of Honor


A 14 year old boy broke into Buckingham Palace

and stole the Queen’s underwear.

The Queen's Knickers


Theodore Roosevelt was once shot at during a campaign rally in Wisconsin.

The bullet penetrated his glasses case and a manuscript,

just missing his right lung.

Being an expert hunter he decided to stay and give his speech

since he wasn’t coughing up blood.

His speech lasted nearly an hour.



Sean Penn once beat Madonna over the head with a baseball bat,

shot at a paparazzi,

and hung another paparazzi by is ankles from a ninth-floor balcony.

(I hope he isn’t upset by this post!)



In 1994, Bill Gates bought the Da Vinci Codex for $30m

and then had it scanned and distributed

as screensavers and wallpapers for Windows95.

Da Vinci Codex


An eyeball weighs about 1 ounce.



World Famous Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey

is made only in the small town of Lynchburg, Tennessee.

Though the town supplies the world with the famous libation,

not a drop may be purchased for consumption anywhere in town.

Moore County is a “dry” county,

meaning that the sale and consumption of alcohol is illegal.

Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey


300 people died in Ycuá Bolaños supermarket fire

on Sunday, August 1, 2004 in Asunción, Paraguay

because the owners shut the doors

so people wouldn’t leave without paying.



Cats sweat through the pads of their feet

(especially when they hear a dog barking)

and cannot taste sweet things.

cat's paw


In 1939, Hitler’s nephew wrote an article called

“Why I Hate My Uncle.”

He came to the U.S., served in the Navy,

and settled on Long Island.

Hitler's nephew


Britain’s Prince Harry is partial owner

of a racehorse named Usain Colt.

Usain Colt


A priest on the Titanic refused a place on a life boat twice,

and stayed behind to hear confessions and

give absolution to people left on the ship.



A “2 by 4″ is really 1 1/2″ by 3 1/2″.

2 by 4


There are more than 40,000 different

spoken languages in the world today.



11% of the world is left-handed.



With five full-time chefs, the White House kitchen

is able to serve dinner to as many as 140 guests

and hors d’oeuvres to more than 1,000.

White House kitchen


Bob Marley was buried with his red Gibson guitar,

a Bible opened to Psalm 23, and a bud of marijuana.





Try Braking, It Gives Your Driving A Bit Of 00mph.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


It’s pun day.

The gift that just keeps on giving.

Try out this latest selection of word play gems.




When she lost her job in a toothpaste factory

for dropping the toothpaste tubes,

the girl was completely crestfallen.




The first meteorologists who studied fog were mistified.




This couple went on a sea cruise to sea if they could save their marriage,

but they soon drifted apart!

cruise ship



The guy always cheated at golf,

he didn’t play the fairway.

golf cheat cartoon



I was telling a friend last night

that I made $1,000 by selling manure.

He said, “That’s gross.”

I said, “No, that’s net.”

manure happens



What do you get if you eat a Blackberry?

A Bluetooth.




My sex life is unbelievable.

Whenever I tell people I have a sex life,

they don’t believe me.

sex life



I can’t understand why my new automatic

air freshener doesn’t work even though

I’ve just put brand new batteries in it.

It just doesn’t make scents.




If you crossed a fortune teller with a prostitute

would you get your whoroscope!




Tom said to his friend, “I think we should feed my wife herbicide.”

The friend said, “weed killer?”

“My point exactly,” Tom replied.




I was throwing rice at an Indian wedding

and accidentally started a pilau fight.

pilau rice



When I worked in a building supplies store,

one day this guy came in shouting and swearing

about needing something to fill a big hole in his wall.

Needless to say, I showed him the door.

new door



17 days until I stop using aerosol deodorants.

Roll on!

roll on deodorant



When I took my car in for a service

the guy at the shop said it would soon

need a new pair of shock absorbers.

He didn’t say when though

– the suspension’s killing me.

shock absorbers



As a grown man I feel awkward admitting that I still play with my train set,

so I hide it under the duvet.

No one will find it now, I’ve covered my tracks.

train set



I was having dinner with Mr T and he said,

“Don’t talk with your mouth full!”

I said, “How else would I talk? And I ain’t no fool.”




I was surprised when my psychic friend complimented

me on the way I had cooked his steak.

“Well done” is rare from a medium.

psychic dinners



I travel the land,

Asking rides from kind strangers:

I’m a hitchhaiku.




An old lady at the park said to me today,

“I see your dog’s fetching balls.”

I said, “I know, but, at your age,

you shouldn’t really be looking.”

dog fetching ball



After feeling a little depressed lately,

so I decided to treat myself to the new Jay-Z endorsed back-scratcher.

Now I’ve got 99 problems but an itch ain’t one.





CLASSIFIED: For Your Eyes Only, Part Seventeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Here we go with another bunch of classified ads.

They looked perfect, but not to most people.



















































CLASSIFIED: For Your Eyes Only, Part Sixteen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Welcome to another edition of the classified ads. Those advertisements that didn’t quite turn out as planned in the minds of those who devised them.

The first one reminded me of a small take-away Chinese establishment in a town near where I used to live. A friend and I stopped off there on the way home from work one evening, both of us hungry but not wanting to waste the time going for a sit-down meal.

We ordered our food and all went well. The take-away had an excellent reputation for producing good food and it was always very busy.

Sure enough after about ten minutes or so our ticket was called and I went up to the counter to collect.

It wasn’t the usual girl on duty that evening, but a small rather elderly Chinese lady.

Had it been the usual girl she would have known to pack some utensils, like a plastic fork, in the bag, but instead the little Chinese lady looked up into my face and asked in a heavily accented but loud voice for all to hear,

“D’ya wanna fok?”

There was momentary silence, no one quite knowing what they thought they had heard. Then my mouth got in the way of good sense and I said, “No thanks, I’m just in to get something to eat.”

Then everyone laughed and I made my way out of the place before any further conversation or explanation.

As it turns out the joke was on me in the end because I left without getting a ‘fok’ so the meal had to wait until I got home.

So that by way of anecdotal introduction leads us nicely to today’s classifieds.









































CLASSIFIED: For Your Eyes Only, Part Thirteen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

german Shepherd, puppy, puppies, “Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Today Part Thirteen of our look at the Classified Ads that turned out a little bit differently than originally planned.

Verification in print that stupidity is alive and well.






classified ad 240





classified ad 241.





classified ad 242





classified ad 244.




classified ad 243.




classified ad 247.




classified ad 248.






CLASSIFIED: For Your Eyes Only, Part Two!!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Time today for another selection of those classified ads we all love to read. Pick your favorite or just enjoy them all. No doubt a lot of hard work was put into getting them so perfect for publication, which just goes to show that it takes a little bfain power as well as effort to get the desired result.




classified ad 00



classified ad 01



classified ad 02



classified ad 03



classified ad 04



classified ad 05



classified ad 06



classified ad 07



classified ad 08



classified ad 09



classified ad 10



classified ad 11



classified ad 12



classified ad 12a


.classified ad 16



classified ad 17



classified ad 18



classified ad 15


