Clones Are People Two.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Great news today!

The September puns start here.

I know you will, but I’ll say it anyway.




My son broke his Apple computer today and

had the audacity to ask me to buy him a new one.

I just told him, “Apples don’t grow on trees you know!”

pun apple tree




I didn’t hear the sea when I held a Shell up.

I did, however, get six years in jail

for armed robbery of a gas station.

pun shell gas station




NBC have commissioned my new show about

what goes on inside an airplane cockpit.

We’re filming the pilot next week.

pun pilot




A man walks into a library and says

“I hope you don’t have a book on reverse psychology.”

pun reverse-psychology1




People used to tell me being blind would

hinder my chances of becoming a comedian.

Who’s laughing now?

pun blind-turkey-farmer




My cheating ex-girlfriend was called Tulsa.

Looking back, she was aslut.

pun tulsa aslut




My friend recently moved in with his girlfriend

and her massive magazine collection.

But when she refused to part with them he left her.

Apparently she had too many issues.

pun too many issues




I’m not worried about the Third World War.

That’s the Third World’s Problem.

pun Third World




I have got a bit of a reputation as a ladies man in my local bar.

All I can say is, they smell so much cleaner than the gents.

pun toilet-cologne-stadium




Some guy broke into my house last night.

Thankfully the only thing he took was one of my bullets.

pun santa-burglar




My father’s answer to everything was alcohol.

He didn’t drink, he was just bad at quizzes.

pun simpsonsgood46




I recently went on a holiday to a place called Romania.

It was useless; no one was even rowing.

pun rowing




A guy I know has invented a new hobby

called “blindfold plane watching”.

Can’t see it taking off.

pun blindfolded




I was watching a DVD on my laptop when I thought,

“Maybe it would be better if I put it in.”

pun laptop-with-open-dvd-tray-and-usb-flash-drive




My wife told me she was absolutely fed up with the world.

“Why?” I asked

“Arrogant people like you!” she screamed back.

I said “Yeah they do, don’t they?”

pun cocksure




Someone has been pretending to be Mr T by using a similar name,

but no-one knows his real identity.

It’s a Mr E.

pun mr t




I’m reading a book about the Titanic at the moment,

and the experts speculate that the designer of the Titanic had a lisp.

That’s unthinkable!

pun titanic




I went to the shop and said, “I need a battery so I can tell the time.”

The man said, “Is it for a clock?”

I said, “How do I know, that’s why I asked you for a battery.”

pun cartoon for a clock




I won $2 million on the lottery this weekend

so I decided to donate a quarter of it to charity.

Now I have $ 1,999,999.75.

pun united_states_quarter




I’ll leave you with a word of warning.

pun beware




Try Braking, It Gives Your Driving A Bit Of 00mph.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


It’s pun day.

The gift that just keeps on giving.

Try out this latest selection of word play gems.




When she lost her job in a toothpaste factory

for dropping the toothpaste tubes,

the girl was completely crestfallen.




The first meteorologists who studied fog were mistified.




This couple went on a sea cruise to sea if they could save their marriage,

but they soon drifted apart!

cruise ship



The guy always cheated at golf,

he didn’t play the fairway.

golf cheat cartoon



I was telling a friend last night

that I made $1,000 by selling manure.

He said, “That’s gross.”

I said, “No, that’s net.”

manure happens



What do you get if you eat a Blackberry?

A Bluetooth.




My sex life is unbelievable.

Whenever I tell people I have a sex life,

they don’t believe me.

sex life



I can’t understand why my new automatic

air freshener doesn’t work even though

I’ve just put brand new batteries in it.

It just doesn’t make scents.




If you crossed a fortune teller with a prostitute

would you get your whoroscope!




Tom said to his friend, “I think we should feed my wife herbicide.”

The friend said, “weed killer?”

“My point exactly,” Tom replied.




I was throwing rice at an Indian wedding

and accidentally started a pilau fight.

pilau rice



When I worked in a building supplies store,

one day this guy came in shouting and swearing

about needing something to fill a big hole in his wall.

Needless to say, I showed him the door.

new door



17 days until I stop using aerosol deodorants.

Roll on!

roll on deodorant



When I took my car in for a service

the guy at the shop said it would soon

need a new pair of shock absorbers.

He didn’t say when though

– the suspension’s killing me.

shock absorbers



As a grown man I feel awkward admitting that I still play with my train set,

so I hide it under the duvet.

No one will find it now, I’ve covered my tracks.

train set



I was having dinner with Mr T and he said,

“Don’t talk with your mouth full!”

I said, “How else would I talk? And I ain’t no fool.”




I was surprised when my psychic friend complimented

me on the way I had cooked his steak.

“Well done” is rare from a medium.

psychic dinners



I travel the land,

Asking rides from kind strangers:

I’m a hitchhaiku.




An old lady at the park said to me today,

“I see your dog’s fetching balls.”

I said, “I know, but, at your age,

you shouldn’t really be looking.”

dog fetching ball



After feeling a little depressed lately,

so I decided to treat myself to the new Jay-Z endorsed back-scratcher.

Now I’ve got 99 problems but an itch ain’t one.



