What Do I Think Of Message Boards? I’m Forum!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


And I’m for punny jokes too.

The worse, the better.

Here’s some more.

Enjoy or endure!




Downloading digital audio has completely revolutionized our lives.

It’s the biggest change in the way we buy music since records began.




I went to the doctors today

about my addiction to astrology.

He said “What are the signs?”




For Sale:

Grandfather clock

– only one part missing.

Second hand.

Grandfather clock



My wife asked me to fix a

plug for her this morning.

I refused.

fix a plug



Did you hear about the guy who 

trashed a Chinese restaurant?

He’s being charged with

Wonton Destruction.




I looked up ‘Opaque’ in the dictionary today.

The definition was not very clear.

Opaque glass



Scientists who were against genetic engineering

have managed to cross a seagull with a sheep,

which is a massive ewe tern.

seagull and sheep - Tanya Marriott designs



I bought a belt made entirely from five dollar bills.

It was a waist of money.

Money Origami



What is a group of deaf people called?

I bet it’s not a herd.

group of deaf people



To help change her appearance my missus

has started using clay facials with cucumber slices

over her eyes and her hair in rollers.

It helps, but I can still tell it’s her.




I got stopped by a policeman

while I was driving along the road.

I stopped, opened the window and he said

“This is a spot check.”

So I replied

“I’ve got 2 blackheads and a boil on my bottom!”

cartoon cop stopping car



Fibonacci numbers.

It’s as easy as 1, 1, 2, 3.

Fibonacci numbers



I hate the local debating group.

They discussed me.

debating group



So; if men are from Mars

and women are from Venus,

do gay men come from Uranus?

(Oh oh, that’s going to offend somebody!)




We used to call the printer in the office ‘Bob Marley’.

It was always jammin!





All The Good Puns About The Periodic Table Argon!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


In case you hadn’t guessed from the title, it’s Pun Day again.

Another selection of great jokes or terrible jokes depending on your point of view.

So get those groans ready.

Enjoy or endure!




The time will never be wrong.

Not on my watch.

Omega watch



I used to live in a normal house,

but then steps were taken to make it into a bungalow.




My dog has just eaten my entire James Bond DVD collection.

Luckily I managed to beat The Living Daylights out of him.

The Living Daylights



I got an answering machine today but I think it’s broken.

I’ve asked it loads of questions and nothing’s happening.

answering machine



My wife lost her Tampax and got really angry.

I hate it when she loses her rag.




I’ve finally remembered the word that

I’ve been thinking about for two weeks.

It’s ‘fortnight.’




Me and my mate are having a competition

to see who can steal the most dog related stuff

from next door’s house.

I’ve just taken the lead….





They call me Mr Rhetorical.

Can you guess why?

Rhetorical question stems

I’m looking to start up my own business,

recycling discarded chewing gum.

Just need help getting it off the ground.

discarded chewing gum on sidewalk



My whisky kept going missing so I confronted the wife.

She told me that the guilty party was the family dog.

I found it staggering.

drunk dog



I lost my job today because I said the office is full of assholes.

Bit of an overreaction to my opinion about a TV program I think.

the office



What’s black and gets abused 24/7

on social networking sites?





I’m a much better fighter now that I have a blackbelt.

I was hopeless when my trousers kept falling down.

trousers kept falling down



Shopping for antiques won’t make you gay,

but it will make you buy curios.

Shopping for antiques



A lady at the supermarket asked me if I’ve ever drunk orange juice with pulp.

I said, “No, but I once had coffee with The Bluetones.”





Did They Really Mean To Say That? – Newspaper Headline Nightmares, Part Seventeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Maybe the last in this series of newspaper headline nightmares – for the moment. They’ve had a long run, buy I hope an entertaining one.

So enjoy this latest batch.

Who knows what will happen next week!














































And finally, a correction







You Can’t Just Be Cremated – You Have To Urn It!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Like it says in the title, nothing is free these days.

Except for puns that is.

You just can’t put a price on that level of enjoyment!



Guy #1:  “I’m stuck with one word on this crossword,

the clue is a 10 letter word, similar to being silly”

Guy #2:  “Oh, that’s ridiculous”

Guy #1:  “I know, I’ve been stuck on it for hours”.

pun crossword_puzzle



I’ve put in so many shifts where I work recently

that they’ve decided to fire me.

Making keyboards isn’t as easy as it looks.

pun shift_key



My sister had a baby boy and

she’s gonna name him Mark, but with a “C”.

Who ever heard of someone called “Cark”?

pun cartoon_baby



The manager of the toy shop I work at phoned me and said:

“Steve, our stock records show that we’re missing a space hopper.

I need you to find it for me.”

I said, “Don’t worry boss, I’m on it.”

pun space-hopper



Google Chrome

All you’ll get is a description of a metal.

pun google-chrome-metal-text-effect



The head teacher at my school called me in to his office today.

He said, “I’ve just had a rock thrown through my window, are you responsible?”

I replied, “No, I’m irresponsible. That’s why I threw it.”

pun Boy_Broken_Window



Woke up this morning and my joints were really stiff.

I’ve only got myself to blame: I rolled them far too thick.

pun joints



For my next trick, I will eat a percussion instrument in a bap.

Drum roll, please.

pun drum roll



I bought a tree at the garden center that was far too big to get in the car,

so we had to cut the top off.

I didn’t really mind though,

I’ve always wanted a convertible.

pun car tree



My girlfriend said it would be nice if I could maintain an erection.

So I’ve volunteered to clean bird crap off the Statue of Liberty.

pun statue of liberty



I saw a busker with no arms today singing so badly

I offered him five bucks to stop.

But that was just another note he couldn’t hold.

pun five_dollar_bill



I do not have an OCD over tidiness.

I just wanted to clear that up.

pun ocd



My Korean friend was going to cook his wife a surprise birthday dinner.

But someone let the cat out of the bag.

pun cat out of the bag



I’m planning a camping holiday but, I have to say,

I’m far from impressed with my travel insurance.

It turns out if someone steals my tent in the night,

I’ll no longer be covered.

pun stolen Tent



What are long, hard and delicious?


pun adjectives



I find nothing is quite so annoying as having someone

carry on talking while you’re trying to interrupt.

pun interrupt



Apparently 80% of people who have cosmetic surgery

are disappointed by the results.

Which is a bit odd,

because most of them look pleasantly surprised.

pun facelift



I was waiting in line for a club last night

and the guy at the door was checking IDs.

He was taking ages.

pun standing in line



Is anyone else tired,

or is it just M.E.?

pun myalgic encephalomyelitis



My friend’s new girlfriend has been around the block a few times…

Like most women, she’s crap at parking.





Can You Believe It? I’ve Run Out Of Puns!!!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Okay, wipe that smirk off your faces.

Of course I haven’t run out of puns. Whoever would believe such a thing.

And just to prove it, here are some more.

Enjoy, I know you will.



I ate the burger with relish.




Q: Why did Mozart kill all his chickens ?

A: Because all they would say was ” Bach , Bach ………Bach , Bach”




You say that this beverage is non-alcoholic.

But where is the proof?

non alcoholic drink



The best vitamin for making friends is B-1.




When they said I was mad I went out and got drunk.

I guess it was a choice between having a bottle in front of me

or a frontal lobotomy.

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy



When the artist tried to draw a cube he had a mental block.




Coffee is for mugs

coffee mug



Just been on bigbustycoons.com

Damn, those guys have really good bus companies.

bus companies



My wife shouted upstairs, “The sun’s just come out.”

I thought great, threw on some shorts and

flip flops and shot down the stairs.

I was rather shocked when I got down to find

our lad holding hands with his mate Michael.

out of the closet



There’s no denying it, Rap is 75% Crap

rap crap



I just saw an advert for the new film: ‘The Hole – Now in 3D!’

Well, surely it has to be in 3D otherwise it’s just a circle.




You invented White Out didn’t you?

Correct me If I’m wrong….




A lot of stupid people who don’t keep up with current

affairs still don’t know who Kim Jong Un is.

Duhhh, she is the leader of North Korea.




An unnamed weatherman has reacted angrily to being

sacked because he always gives cold gloomy forecasts.

So I guess it’s no more mist and ice guy.




Q. What makes a riot?

A. Three dyslexics.




A colleague just burst into my office

while I was busy working

and demanded to know what an

electrical synapse in the human body was.

The nerve.




Did you hear about the guy who got his thrills

by shoving resistors up his bottom.

He definitely sounds like an Ohmosexual to me.

ohm and resistance symbol



My internet bride got delivered today.

She’s the WiFi always dreamed of.

WiFi Bride



If you were lost in fog, would you be mist?

lost in fog



Finally some news from this week on the stock market.

Helium was up, but feathers were down.

Paper was stationary, but pencils lost a few points.

Elevators rose but escalators continued their slow decline.

Switches were off and mining equipment hit rock bottom.

The raisin market has dried up.

Pampers remained unchanged while Sun peaked at mid-day.

Andrex tissues touched a new bottom.






Stress In The Office

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yesterday’s blog was about focus and stress. As a bit of a light start to the week here is a compilation of incidents about stress in the office that I thought were amusing.

Hope you enjoy them too.