What Do I Think Of Message Boards? I’m Forum!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


And I’m for punny jokes too.

The worse, the better.

Here’s some more.

Enjoy or endure!




Downloading digital audio has completely revolutionized our lives.

It’s the biggest change in the way we buy music since records began.




I went to the doctors today

about my addiction to astrology.

He said “What are the signs?”




For Sale:

Grandfather clock

– only one part missing.

Second hand.

Grandfather clock



My wife asked me to fix a

plug for her this morning.

I refused.

fix a plug



Did you hear about the guy who 

trashed a Chinese restaurant?

He’s being charged with

Wonton Destruction.




I looked up ‘Opaque’ in the dictionary today.

The definition was not very clear.

Opaque glass



Scientists who were against genetic engineering

have managed to cross a seagull with a sheep,

which is a massive ewe tern.

seagull and sheep - Tanya Marriott designs



I bought a belt made entirely from five dollar bills.

It was a waist of money.

Money Origami



What is a group of deaf people called?

I bet it’s not a herd.

group of deaf people



To help change her appearance my missus

has started using clay facials with cucumber slices

over her eyes and her hair in rollers.

It helps, but I can still tell it’s her.




I got stopped by a policeman

while I was driving along the road.

I stopped, opened the window and he said

“This is a spot check.”

So I replied

“I’ve got 2 blackheads and a boil on my bottom!”

cartoon cop stopping car



Fibonacci numbers.

It’s as easy as 1, 1, 2, 3.

Fibonacci numbers



I hate the local debating group.

They discussed me.

debating group



So; if men are from Mars

and women are from Venus,

do gay men come from Uranus?

(Oh oh, that’s going to offend somebody!)




We used to call the printer in the office ‘Bob Marley’.

It was always jammin!





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