Do You Have To Fail A Test To Get On These Programs?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Another round of answers given by less than smart contestants on television and radio quiz shows.

It all makes me wonder what test do you have to do to get on these shows?

And does passing rule you out of taking part in the programs?




Q: Name a city in Arizona          

A: Tampa Bay

Q: Someone, living or dead, many people hate  

A: Rodney Dangerfield   

Q: Name a foreign country that you would want to visit  

A: Pakistan

Q: Name a holiday named after a person           

A: January

A: Easter

Q: The perfect dessert for a supermodel           

A: Chocolate Cake

A: Brownies      

Q: The most famous Disney character, other than Mickey Mouse

A: The road runner

Q: Name a city that begins with “San”    

A: Seattle

Q: An occupation requiring a college degree      

A: Vice president          

Q: An animal that starts with “D,” besides “dog”

A: Dragon

A: Dachshund   

Q: Name something people buy to impress other people           

A: Motorhome   

Q: The most enjoyable award show on television           

A ……….Family Feud (She heard “game show”)  

Q: Name a country in Africa      

A: South America

Q: Name something people drink when they have a cold

A: Vick’s

Q: Name a city named after a president 

A: Carson City  

Q: Name a man’s “best friend”  

A: Rubies



And then I found this. Sorry!

It’s Monday Again, And You Know What That Means…. More Stupid Quiz Show Answers

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Hi everyone, yes it’s Monday again and time for another selection of stupid quiz show answers.

Are you depressed at the horrendous level of stupidity out there in the big wide world, or just happy that you are a lot smarter then these guys? I mean, who could ever forget “Smelly Kelly”? 

Either way I hope you enjoy today’s bunch.




Q: Name a time when people wake up   

A: Morning



Q: Name a sport people play by themselves      

A: Video games



Q: The state with the best beaches        

A: Los Angeles



Q: Name something a husband asks his wife to carry in her purse          

A: Condoms



Q: Name something a woman likes a man to have that begins with the letter M    

A: Makeup



Q: Name a Southern city           

A: Georgia



Q: Name a subject people discuss on their first date      

A: Sex 



Q: Name something an airline passenger might be holding during a bumpy flight

A: A lucky rabbit’s foot  



Q: Name something about Dr. Phil that comedians make fun of 

A: His contestants



Q: Name a famous Kelly           

A: Kelly “Ripka”

A: “Smelly Kelly”



Q: Name a sure cure for a hangover      

A: Making love 



Q: Name a famous Christina     

A: Christina the car



Q: Name a food with an edible skin       

A: Banana



Q: The night with the worst TV programs




Q: Name something you put in tea        

A: Tea bag



Q: Name a place where you might see a dead body       

A: Your house  



Q: Name a job around the house that has to be done every fall  

A: Spring cleaning



Q: An occupation considered to be un-masculine           

A: Truck driver  



Q: Name something dogs can do better than people      

A: Pee 



Q: The longest amount of time you have spent without talking to your spouse    

A: 20 minutes   






More Monday Madness – It’s Quiz Show Answers Time Again

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Another Monday and more quiz show answers. Those that know about these things tell me that the universe is expanding. All I can tell you it would need to be expanding fast because the amount of stupidity in the world is accelerating at a phenomenal rate.

Want proof?

Read on….(and enjoy)


Q: An article of clothing kids usually don’t like wearing   

A: Gap 



Q: An occupation in which you disguise your appearance           

A: Doctor



Q: Name something women borrow from each other      

A: Husbands



Q: Name a bad place to look for good husband material

A: Family Reunion



Q: Name something you put under a pillow        

A: Radio



Q: An astronaut

A: Neil Young



Q: Name something a man wears to bed           

A: Condom



Q: Name a room in the house where the family gathers   

A: Bathroom



Q: Name something people do when they’re alone         

A: Make love



Q: Name something starting with “egg”  

A: Excellent

A: Eggland



Q: Someone you’d never want to see the results of your IQ test 

A: The IRS



Q: Name a pie that does not contain fruit           

A: Lemon Meringue



Q: An ugly color           

A: Puce



Q: The one thing people know about Rosie O’Donnell.   

A: That she was the wife on the TV show “Roseanne”



Q: Name something a wife tells her husband to put on   

A: Makeup



Q: Name something a woman out on a date would hate to discover on her face  

A: Booger



Q: Name a department in a supermarket

A: Lingerie



Q: Name something you keep in the drawer beside your bed      

A: Contraceptives



Q: Name a magazine that many men get subscriptions to as gifts           

A: Playgirl



Q: The one word that people yell at the end of a performance    

A: “I love you.” 



Q: Someone Bugs Bunny might invite to his birthday party         

A: Doc 



Q: Name something that might get backed up   

A: Trash

A: Yourself



Q: Name something you know about Rudy Giuliani        

A: Absolutely nothing



Q: Name something you’d yell at if it stopped working   

A: Spouse



Q: Name a game show title that best describes your marriage    

A: Happy Days 



Q: Name a food that’s red on the inside

A: Kiwi 



Q: The talent show with the crankiest judges, past or present      

A: America’s Funniest Home Videos



Q: Name something you wash once a week       

A: Self 



Q: Name a TV show with the word “family” in it, past or present  

A: My Three Sons



Q: One of Santa’s reindeer        

A: Nixon






Start The Week With An Idiot, Preferably Several – It’s Quiz Show Monday Again!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


There are times and places I suppose one shouldn’t laugh, not that I bother too much about that, but one time when it is socially acceptable is on a Monday morning.

Here is your chance to test that out with another selection of ridiculous quiz show answers.




Q: Name something roofs are made of  

A: Chalk stuff



Q: Name something men do when they run out of clean underwear         

A: Turn them inside out 



Q: Name something that people steal from work

A: Cash register



Q: Name a famous Peter          

A: Peter



Q: Name something that finishes the sentence: “You’re slower than…”     

A: Moses         



Q: Name something you feel before you buy it  

A: Excited        



Q: Name something you hope your dog doesn’t do right before he licks your head         

A: Burps          



Q: The ideal daily temperature   

A: 98.6?F         



Q: Name something with claws  

A: Christmas    



Q: Name something you wear two of at the same time   

A: Underwear    



Q: The first thing you take off after work           

A: Underwear



Q: An occasion for which you stayed up all night           

A: Lost virginity



Q: Name something that just you know is going break when its warranty runs out

A: Glass



Q: Name a bird that some people look like when they walk         

A: Dolphin



Q: Name something you hope your husband never loses (asked to 100 married women)  

A: His pants



Q: Name something a woman needs to have before she gets married     

A: A pap smear



Q: Name something babies throw out of their crib          

A: Prayer book 



Q: Name something that gets wet when you use it          

A: Toilet paper  



Q: Name something that guests get hit with on Jerry Springer     

A: Keys           



Q: An occupation that begins with the letter “J”  

A: A jackhammerer



Q: Name something people take to a bath         

A: Duck



Q: Name a letter many words begin with

A: Dear John    



Q: Name something you wish you had one of for each person in your home       

A: A house



Q: Name something office workers turn off at the end of the day           

A: Their brains  



Q: An actor who played a gangster       

A: Al Capone    



Q: Name something you throw away daily          

A: Toilet paper  



Q: Name a place where you take off your clothes, besides home           

A: School



Q: Name something you wash more than once per day   

A: Socks



Q: Name a man’s name that starts with the letter “P”

A: Porcupine



Q: Name something that rhymes with ‘coke’

A: Toke





More Moron Madness For Monday

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Crikey! Not only has another Monday arrived with us but now we’re into September, summer is winding down and Autumn beginning. Personally I prefer the Spring time when everything is coming back to life rather than shutting down, but we have to take what we get.

Hope another selection from the quiz show answers archive helps your mood for the beginning of another week.




Q: Name a seafood that comes in a can, besides tuna   

A: Albacore

A: Chicken of the Sea   



Q: Name something worn only by children         

A: Clothes        



Q: The birthday that men dread the most           

A: Their wife’s  



Q: An activity that is both healthy and fun          

A: Sex



Q: Name a kind of bank that doesn’t deal with money    

A: Sperm         



Q: An attraction you see in every parade           

A: Merry-go-round         



Q: Name something you put in empty coffee cans         

A: Spaghetti



Q: Name a reason you might stay inside on a beautiful day        

A: It’s raining    



Q: Name a children’s story about an animal       

A: David and Goliath     



Q: Name a famous woman you wouldn’t want to see wearing a thong     

A: Sally the hippo         



Q: Name something you hear at a New Year’s Eve party 

A: Gunfire

A: A parade



Q: Name a farm animal that people have as a pet          

A: Turkey         



Q: Name something you rent for one day          

A: A stripper     



Q: An occupation where someone wears a robe at work 

A: Prostitute



Q: Name something you associate with the Dallas Cowboys      

A: Cowboy hats



Q: The most lovable breed of dog        

A: Kitten          



Q: Name something associated with Cuba         

A: It’s in South America



Q: Name a character from the movie Aladdin     

A: Jihad



Q: Name a Jewish person that had a great impact on society     

A: Mussolini     



Q: Name a movie with the word “King” in it         

A: King Dracula



Q: Name a measurement of time           

A: Watch



Q: One thing people do to imitate a dog when playing charades 

A: Lift their leg  



Q: An appliance you should definitely keep your fingers out of  

A: Dishwasher  



Q: Name something you think that all drivers, except you, should get a ticket for doing   

A: Driving on the median           



Q: An animal that starts with the letter A 

A: Arachnophobia



Q: Somewhere a man might go after he gets divorced   

A: Go buy a car



Q: Name something celebrities might be embarrassed to endorse on a commercial         

A: Name a douche        



Q: An occupation whose members must get tired of smiling       

A: Game show host      



Q: An Olympic sport starting with ‘S’     

A: Skydiving     



Q: Name something that might be a pizza topping in a horror movie       

A: Feces




Quiz Show Quackers, It’s Time Once Again To Meet Joe Public Trying To Think

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Mondays wouldn’t be the same without a selection of answers given by Joe Public on television quiz shows. Here’s the latest batch from the archives. 

Usual Disclaimer: If you are of a nervous disposition please read the following with caution, severe feelings of intellectual superiority may follow.




Q: Name something people want to be buried with         

A: Their home   



Q: Name a phrase some husbands dread hearing          

A: “Honey, I’m home”    



Q: Name something you learn how to do from a how-to book     

A: Read           



Q: Name something that goes off when a fuse blows     

A: Lighter

A: Gas



Q: Name something that breaks out      

A: A baby         



Q: Name a holiday usually celebrated on Mondays in order to get a three day weekend   

A: Thanksgiving

A: Somebody’s birthday



Q: An animal people fear because it’s a man-eater         

A: Hippo           



Q: Name something you’d hate to be doing on airplane when it hits turbulence    

A: Having sex   



Q: Name a part of the telephone           

A: The bottom part        



Q: Name something a baby might hide in his diaper if he didn’t want his mommy to leave home  

A: Kelly Clarkson          



Q: An unwelcome gift people receive from a cat

A: A bowl         



Q: An animal whose eggs you’d never eat for breakfast 

A: Hamster       



Q: Name a tradition associated with Christmas   

A: Hanukkah    



Q: The worst place to be when you need to use the restroom     

A: On a game show      



Q: Name something you might find on an old pirate ship, besides pirates           

A: A wrecked pirate ship



Q: Name something that goes up          

A: An erection



Q: Name something that is prohibited on most beaches 

A: Sex 



Q: Name something that falls from the trees      

A: Bird shit       



Q: Name something that has to warm up before you use it         

A: Wife



Q: Name a type of foreign money         

A: Monopoly     



Q: Name a weather term that can also describe your wife           

A: Wet 



Q: Name a job that helicopters are used for       

A: Tuna fishing 



Q: Name a happy occasion where you feel a little let down when it’s over

A: Funeral        



Q: Name something that comes with a summer storm    

A: Snow           



Q: Name something you wouldn’t want the police to find in the trunk of your car 

 A: Pickles                    



Q: Besides a house or a car, the most expensive item you own  

 A: Car  



Q: Name something starting with the word “Club”           

A: Golf club      



Q: Name a place where people are scolded for falling asleep     

 A: Traffic school



Q: Name a male dancer

A: Betty Grable 



Q: Name a famous rock band that starts with the word “The”      

A: The KISS     





The Funniest Game Show Incident I Have Seen

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”

Just a short blog post today, but a real little gem.

This is actually a follow-on from Sunday’s post, “I like Watching Game Shows” which featured some US (or US versions) of popular shows such as Wheel of Furtune, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and Family Feud. I hope you enjoyed those.

But the funniest game show incident I have seen comes from a British show called “Catch Phrase” hosted by a comedian called Roy Walker.

Catch Phrase with Roy Walker
Catch Phrase with Roy Walker


If you’ve never seen the show, the idea is to guess the answer (usually a well known phrase or saying) from the picture/animation on the screen which is slowly revealed in nine different random parts.

I don’t know what is funnier here, the actual animation, or the presenter and male contestant laughing, or the fact that the poor dumb girl contestant hasn’t the slightest clue what all the laughing is about.

Anyhow here it is.

Enjoy – you’ve got to!

