More Of Those Questions That Are Well Worth Asking, But Nobody Bothers To Ask

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Well, apparently I was right, last week’s selection of questions that are worth asking, but nobody bothers to ask, weren’t life changing. But some people seemed to like them, so here is another batch for your consideration.

As usual, enjoy.



What can deaf people use instead of an Alarm Clock?


Why are Softballs hard?


Why aren’t Blueberry’s blue?


Do Butterfly’s make butter?


Does the Queen Bee have a King?


Can you carry a Kangaroo on your back?


Is a gold knife or fork still considered Silverware?


Why isn’t Chocolate considered a vegetable if it comes from Cocoa Beans?


What happens when you get ‘half scared to death’ twice?


Is it true cannibals don’t eat clowns because they taste funny?


If all the world’s a stage, where does the audience sit?


Why are the alphabets in the order that they are? Is it because it’s a song?


If you write a book about failure, and it doesn’t sell, is it called success?


If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?


If work is so terrific, how come they have to pay you to do it?


Are the good things that come to people who wait, the leftovers of people who went before them?


Why did Yankee Doodle name the feather in his hat Macaroni?


Isn’t Disney World a people trap operated by a mouse?


Why is Greenland called Greenland, when it’s white and covered with ice?


If something ‘goes without saying’, why do people still say it?




More Monday Madness – It’s Quiz Show Answers Time Again

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Another Monday and more quiz show answers. Those that know about these things tell me that the universe is expanding. All I can tell you it would need to be expanding fast because the amount of stupidity in the world is accelerating at a phenomenal rate.

Want proof?

Read on….(and enjoy)


Q: An article of clothing kids usually don’t like wearing   

A: Gap 



Q: An occupation in which you disguise your appearance           

A: Doctor



Q: Name something women borrow from each other      

A: Husbands



Q: Name a bad place to look for good husband material

A: Family Reunion



Q: Name something you put under a pillow        

A: Radio



Q: An astronaut

A: Neil Young



Q: Name something a man wears to bed           

A: Condom



Q: Name a room in the house where the family gathers   

A: Bathroom



Q: Name something people do when they’re alone         

A: Make love



Q: Name something starting with “egg”  

A: Excellent

A: Eggland



Q: Someone you’d never want to see the results of your IQ test 

A: The IRS



Q: Name a pie that does not contain fruit           

A: Lemon Meringue



Q: An ugly color           

A: Puce



Q: The one thing people know about Rosie O’Donnell.   

A: That she was the wife on the TV show “Roseanne”



Q: Name something a wife tells her husband to put on   

A: Makeup



Q: Name something a woman out on a date would hate to discover on her face  

A: Booger



Q: Name a department in a supermarket

A: Lingerie



Q: Name something you keep in the drawer beside your bed      

A: Contraceptives



Q: Name a magazine that many men get subscriptions to as gifts           

A: Playgirl



Q: The one word that people yell at the end of a performance    

A: “I love you.” 



Q: Someone Bugs Bunny might invite to his birthday party         

A: Doc 



Q: Name something that might get backed up   

A: Trash

A: Yourself



Q: Name something you know about Rudy Giuliani        

A: Absolutely nothing



Q: Name something you’d yell at if it stopped working   

A: Spouse



Q: Name a game show title that best describes your marriage    

A: Happy Days 



Q: Name a food that’s red on the inside

A: Kiwi 



Q: The talent show with the crankiest judges, past or present      

A: America’s Funniest Home Videos



Q: Name something you wash once a week       

A: Self 



Q: Name a TV show with the word “family” in it, past or present  

A: My Three Sons



Q: One of Santa’s reindeer        

A: Nixon


