Quiz Show Quackers, It’s Time Once Again To Meet Joe Public Trying To Think

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Mondays wouldn’t be the same without a selection of answers given by Joe Public on television quiz shows. Here’s the latest batch from the archives. 

Usual Disclaimer: If you are of a nervous disposition please read the following with caution, severe feelings of intellectual superiority may follow.




Q: Name something people want to be buried with         

A: Their home   



Q: Name a phrase some husbands dread hearing          

A: “Honey, I’m home”    



Q: Name something you learn how to do from a how-to book     

A: Read           



Q: Name something that goes off when a fuse blows     

A: Lighter

A: Gas



Q: Name something that breaks out      

A: A baby         



Q: Name a holiday usually celebrated on Mondays in order to get a three day weekend   

A: Thanksgiving

A: Somebody’s birthday



Q: An animal people fear because it’s a man-eater         

A: Hippo           



Q: Name something you’d hate to be doing on airplane when it hits turbulence    

A: Having sex   



Q: Name a part of the telephone           

A: The bottom part        



Q: Name something a baby might hide in his diaper if he didn’t want his mommy to leave home  

A: Kelly Clarkson          



Q: An unwelcome gift people receive from a cat

A: A bowl         



Q: An animal whose eggs you’d never eat for breakfast 

A: Hamster       



Q: Name a tradition associated with Christmas   

A: Hanukkah    



Q: The worst place to be when you need to use the restroom     

A: On a game show      



Q: Name something you might find on an old pirate ship, besides pirates           

A: A wrecked pirate ship



Q: Name something that goes up          

A: An erection



Q: Name something that is prohibited on most beaches 

A: Sex 



Q: Name something that falls from the trees      

A: Bird shit       



Q: Name something that has to warm up before you use it         

A: Wife



Q: Name a type of foreign money         

A: Monopoly     



Q: Name a weather term that can also describe your wife           

A: Wet 



Q: Name a job that helicopters are used for       

A: Tuna fishing 



Q: Name a happy occasion where you feel a little let down when it’s over

A: Funeral        



Q: Name something that comes with a summer storm    

A: Snow           



Q: Name something you wouldn’t want the police to find in the trunk of your car 

 A: Pickles                    



Q: Besides a house or a car, the most expensive item you own  

 A: Car  



Q: Name something starting with the word “Club”           

A: Golf club      



Q: Name a place where people are scolded for falling asleep     

 A: Traffic school



Q: Name a male dancer

A: Betty Grable 



Q: Name a famous rock band that starts with the word “The”      

A: The KISS     

