America Just Can’t Make It Anymore.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


USA industrial economy

The statement in the title is not true, except that it is.

If you are a little confused stay with me and let me clarify.

The United States used to be the industrial power house of the world. Its industries generated unprecedented wealth for the country, creating the world’s first self-made billionaires and productive wealth creating jobs galore for everyone. The whole country prospered.

Today, however, the United States has become the world’s second biggest importer of goods. Worse than that, even though America still exports billions of dollars’ worth in oil, consumer goods and automotive products, it imports even more. This creates a trade deficit ($471 billion according to recent figures).

US Trade Deficit

So what are all these imports into the US?

Well, they include industrial machinery and equipment ($681 billion), automotive vehicles, parts, and engines ($309 billion), miscellaneous private services, primarily financial services ($201 billion), cell phones ($90 billion), travel passenger services ($86 billion), pharmaceuticals ($84 billion), computers ($65 billion), chemicals ($61 billion), other transportation services ($59 billion), computer accessories ($57 billion), telecommunications equipment ($54 billion), royalties and license fees services ($42 billion), apparel ($49 billion), petroleum products ($48 billion), fuel oil ($44 billion), industrial supplies ($29 billion), U.S. Government service imports primarily defense ($25 billion), fish ($18 billion), fruit ($13 billion), and vegetables ($11 billion).

Cartoon imports

If you are a bit shell-shocked by all those figures let me phrase it a bit differently using as examples the types of goods you would tend to buy.

  • 100% (almost) of the shoes bought in the U.S. come from China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Mexico;
  • 90% of white goods (washers, fridges, etc.) and consumer electronics are imported;
  • 85% of household furniture is imported;
  • 80% of cars on U.S. roads come from Canada (31%), Japan (24%), Germany (16%) and Mexico (12%); and,
  • 65% of U.S. clothing is imported from China (37%), Vietnam (9.4%), Indonesia (7.2%) and Bangladesh (6.7%).

Probably the saddest part is that even things you thought were “American” are now actually made overseas and imported.

I remember while on a business trip to the US many, many years ago I bought a gift for the young son of a friend of mine. He was a big sports enthusiast so I reckoned that one of the most iconic symbols of sport from America would be a baseball. I bought one in Wal-Mart. It was marked with all the different holding positions for the various ways to throw a baseball (fast ball, curve ball and all that). The perfect gift.

I gave it to him on my return feeling ever so pleased with myself. The kid opened it, showed momentary delight, then looked up at me accusingly. “It says ‘Made in China'” he told me.

Baseball made in China

But it’s not only baseballs. Similar types of product that you would think are all-American, like Converse All Stars, Levi’s, Huffy bicycles, televisions, Monopoly, Etch-a-Sketch, Radio Flyer wagons, Barbie dolls, and last but by no means least, most of those American flags just ain’t American no more.

modern monopoly board

It really doesn’t have to be this way. Apple, for example, doesn’t have to become the richest company in the world by manufacturing its products in China and storing its vast hoards of cash overseas.

Or does it?

Everything on the lists above could still be made in the US and surpluses exported to other countries. But the US government and its moronic bureaucrats are spending their time and our money thinking up new ways, not to help American businesses, but to add ever-increasing amounts of rules, regulations and bureaucracy on to American companies.

American businesses can no longer compete, because their own government has ensured that the deck is stacked against them.

In the mind of a bureaucrat losing a million productive wealth creating jobs, for example, in the automotive industry, and replacing them with a million more administrative jobs that cost the country money evens things out.

It doesn’t. Simple math will tell you that. Every time it happens things get worse and America gets poorer.

So America just can’t make it anymore, but not because China has stolen the jobs. It’s because the US government bureaucrats gave them away.

Put the blame where it should be.





Boffin Bollocks!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


mad scientist cartoon

I would love to have been a scientist.

Not a real one, I’m not clever enough or dedicated enough for that. Rather, I would have loved to have been one of those idiots who try to make a name for themselves off pronouncements on things about which they know absolutely nothing.

I saw another one of their headline grabbers (that I like to call “boffin bollocks”) recently. The headline went something like “Shock Warning Aliens Are Coming.” And it wasn’t about more Mexicans making their way north across the US border.

It was from NASA’s Chief Scientist, Ellen Stofan, and claimed that first contact with alien life will happen “very soon” – very soon being not tomorrow, but within the next decade or two.

“We know where to look,” she confirmed.

Yes, “UP” would be my non-scientific guess at the best direction.

“We know how to look,” she added.

Again I am forced to agree. Personally I’d use a telescope, and a great big one, but that’s only me!

astronomer cartoon

Ms Stofan was ably backed up by a colleague, John M. Grunsfeld, who came out with good sound bite words and phrases like “solar system”, “galaxy”, “the icy crusts of Jupiter’s moons Ganymede and Europa” (my favorite I think) and “the internal water within Saturn’s moon Enceladus”.

Mars and the Martians also got mentioned, but only with suggestions that life may have at one time been present on the planet. H. G. and Orson Wells had beaten them to visits by the ‘real’ Martians many, many years ago.

War of the Worlds

More scientists, this time at the Parkes Observatory in Australia, have been carefully studying peryton-a type of radio signals similar to Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) which are known to come from somewhere else in the galaxy.

For years, they had been puzzled by these brief but intense bursts of radio waves that in some ways appeared to be coming from deep space. There have been dozens of reported perytons, some dating back to the 1990s, and theories about the signals’ origin included ball lightning, aircraft, and components of the telescopes themselves.

Then this year they made a break through. They discovered the source of the rogue signals. They were coming from – no, not somewhere deep in the galaxy – but instead from the microwave oven in the next room.

In what has to be the understatement of the year, Emily Petroff of Australia’s Swinburne University of Technology admitted, “It was quite surprising that it ended up being microwaves.”  I bet it was!

microwave aliens

I must add that I’m a big fan of space exploration, always have been, since I was a kid and was captivated by the television coverage of the Apollo missions. My only regret is that it all takes so very long that I will have gone ‘supernova’ before we see any tangible results of that exploration. There’s never a handy wormhole around when you need one, is there!

I am also a big fan of TV sci-fi series like the Star Treks, the Stargates and so forth, and of movies from ‘War of the Worlds’, thru ‘E.T.’ to ‘Independence Day’ and beyond. But I also have the wit to realize I’m being entertained and these things are not real.

So is there life out there?

I wouldn’t rule the idea out for a second. But what I would rule out is that intelligent life is ever going to be found within our Solar System, maybe not even within our Galaxy. But it could be out there somewhere.

The question we should be asking is, assuming it is benign and not hell bent on conquering all in its path, or maybe viewing us as a culinary delicacy, would that intelligent life really want anything to do with a planet full of people who, for almost their entire existence, seem to want nothing better than to continually wage war on each other?

I think having observed us for a while they would probably pass us by without calling in to say hello.

If I were in their shoes – or space boots – that’s what I would do – and at warp speed too!

alien observers




Let’s Talk Turkey – And Other Thanksgiving Facts.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes, we are on a Thanksgiving theme this week.

So here are a few relevant facts.



did you know5


The word ‘turkey’ is said to come

from the Hebrew word ‘Tukki’

which means ‘Big Bird’ or ‘Pheasant Bird’

or ‘Indian chicken’.

turkey derived from Hebrew word ‘Tukki’



The busiest travel day of the year

is the Friday after Thanksgiving.

busiest travel day of the year



Turkeys can drown

if they look up in the rain.

Turkeys can drown if they look up in the rain



Historians have proven that

the pilgrims didn’t really wear those

funny hats and buckles on their shoes.

They dressed really colorfully.

No one knows how the pilgrim image began.

pilgrims clothes



The first meal eaten on the moon

by astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren

was a roasted turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

first meal eaten on the moon



The first balloon in the

1927 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

was Felix the Cat

Felix the Cat



Turkeys are able to adapt to a wide variety of habitats.

However, most turkeys are found

in hardwood forests with grassy areas.

turkey habitat



On June 20, 1998, in Bellevue, Ohio,

Dale Gasteier built a 52’ free-standing

illuminating star to celebrate

the American Thanksgiving holiday?




It was Sarah Joesph Hale, a magazine editor

who persuaded President Lincoln

to declare Thanksgiving a national holiday.

She had previously persuaded Zachary Taylor,

Millard Filmore, Franklin Pierce, and James Buchanan.

Sarah Joesph Hale



Almost 280 million turkeys

are consumed during Thanksgiving

celebrations in the United States.

turkey meal



Turkeys have heart attacks.

When the Air Force was conducting test runs

and breaking the sound barrier,

fields of turkeys would drop dead.




The real Plymouth rock is cracked,

it happened during the revolutionary war.




Since 1947, the National Turkey Federation

presents a live turkey and two dressed turkeys

to the President on Thanksgiving.

The President pardons the live turkey

and it is sent to a historical farm

where it lives the rest of its days.




Thanksgiving was not an official holiday

until Lincoln proclaimed it.

Before that, presidents would declare it

a holiday or not, depending on how they felt.

The official Thanksgiving Proclamation

was signed on October 3, 1863

by Abraham Lincoln.

According to this proclamation,

the last Thursday of November was

to be celebrated as Thanksgiving.

President Roosevelt declared Thanksgiving

one week earlier to stabilize the economy

during the Great Depression in 1939.

In 1941, the Congress passed an

official proclamation and made

Thanksgiving a national holiday

which would be observed on the

4th Thursday of November every year.





Yes Of Course They’re Real!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


A few people have asked me if the quiz show answers that I use on the fasab blog are all genuine or did I make some of them up for comic effect.

It’s not that I would be beyond doing things to get a laugh sometimes, but to answer the question for everyone who considered it:

Yes they are all genuine answers.

Yes, people are genuinely that stupid.

Yes, it’s hard to believe but it’s true.

Still not convinced?

Need evidence direct from the horses’ mouths?

Grab yourself a nice cup of coffee and take 15 minutes or so to watch the video.

Enjoy (and never doubt fasab again…… well not all the time.)



Unexpected Answers From Minds That Don’t Quite Work As Intended – Yes, Quiz Show Monday

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”

Yes, another Monday and time for more of those unexpected answers from minds that don’t quite work as intended – even by their owners!



Q: Name something that you wanted to do as a kid, but your parents wouldn’t let you

A: Have a snake

cartoon snake.


Q: An occupation in which people cover their faces

A: Model

model with face hidden.


Q: Name a food used to describe a person

A: A dog

scared dog.


Q: Name a food you wish was healthy for you

A: Ketchup

cartoon ketchup.


Q: The bad habit you’d most like to get rid of

A: Picking nose

Pick Me.


Q: An expression that means “getting married”

A: Rendezvous



Q: Name a high school class people might actually enjoy going to

A: Beverly Hills



Q: Name a food that comes smoked

A: Tobacco



Q: Name something a bricklayer uses

A: Spatula

bricklayer at work.


Q: Name a slang word for “man”

A: Homeboy



Q: Name a famous Biblical twosome

A: Ralph and Susie



Q: Name something you’d find in an operating room

A: Operator



Q: How many times per day you look in the mirror

A: Twenty

looking in mirror.


Q: Name a character from a horror movie that reminds you of some of your dates

A: Loch Ness Monster
A: Incredible Hulk



Q: Name a food that can be brown or white

A: Potatoes



Q: Name a day of the year when you want to be with friends

A: December



Q: Name a gift that might be insulting if a woman received it from her mother-in-law

A: Shoes



Q: Name a tall tourist attraction

A: Disneyland



Q: Your wife’s most unappealing habit (asked to 100 married men)

A: Picking her feet

picking feet - most annoying habit
picking feet – most unappealing habit





It’s Quiz Show Answers Monday

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yet again we plumb the depths of human stupidity. Yes, it’s Monday and time for more quiz show answers.




Q: Name something you bang when it’s not working right           

A: Wall



Q: Name something you might accidentally leave on all night     

A: Shoes



Q: Name a famous pig 

A: My mother-in-law



Q: Name a place you dab perfume on   

A: Tip of tongue



Q: Name a subject elderly people spend a lot of time discussing           

A: Bingo



Q: Name a famous group of singers     

A: The Simpsons



Q: Name a food dieters have dreams about at night       

A: Losing weight



Q: Name a place where you might see a whole lot of shaking going on   

A: The malted milk factory



Q: Name a country Americans admire    

A: Europe



Q: Name a brand of gasoline    

A: Regular

A: Unleaded

A: Ethyl           



Q: Name a country known for its beautiful beaches        

A: Hawaii



Q: Name a word or phrase you hear in a tennis game     

A: “Fore”



Q: Name something books tell you that you can do in 30 days or less    

A: Make a baby



Q: Name something you wear for protection      

A: Gun 



Q: Name a famous person named Carey (Carrie, Carrey, etc.)     

A: Carey Bradshaw



Q: Name something people peek through          

A: Down a lady’s blouse



Q: Name a Scandinavian country           

A: Australia



Q: Name a city with a reputation as the sin capital of the world   

A: Sodom



Q: Name a U.S. President that would look good in a Speedo     

A: Harry S. Truman



Q: One of the three bears         

A: Yogi



Q: Name a famous Hogan        

A: The Hogan   




Brain By-Pass Monday – Yes, It’s More Quiz Show Answers!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


It wouldn’t be a Monday without another selection of answers given by members of the public on television and radio quiz shows, where all that’s required to feature is a brain by-pass. As usual the hapless contestants employ all devices to come up with an answer  –  all devices that is except for intelligence and logic.

Read on and you’ll see.




Q: Name something a man might ask for if he made a deal with the devil

A: Greed



Q: Name something people pitch          

A: Tower



Q: Name a magazine that a mother would love to see her son on the cover of     

A: USA Today  



Q: Name a famous magician     

A: Tom Cruise



Q: Name something a man might do to look good that he doesn’t want people to know about     

A: Stuff his pants



Q: Name a fruit found in fruitcake          

A: Booze



Q: An appliance you can’t live without   

A: Spatula



Q: Name a bill that’s always more than you expected it to be      

A: $100 bill

A: $50 bill



Q: Name a place you go to, to listen to music   

A: iPod



Q: Name something you should do in moderation or you’ll be sorry later 

A: Sex 



Q: Name a card game that’s easy to cheat at     

A: Checkers     



Q: Name a famous resort area outside of the continental United States   

A: Tahoe



Q: Name a time when people go to bed 

A: Night



Q: Name a TV show that took place on an island, past or present           

A: Miami Vice

A: General Hospital



Q: Name a real person who made a living scaring people           

A: Red Skelton 



Q: How often your parents punished you as a child        

A: 5 times



Q: The city with the world’s greatest art collections         

A: Europe



Q: Name a food people give as a gift   

A: Lasagna



Q: Name something people associate with a sumo wrestler        

A: Exposed buttocks

A: Their shoes  



Q: Name a road sign that describes your love life          

A: Do not enter

A: Slippery When Wet




Another Twenty Questions For Tuesday

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


You may discover the true meaning of life in today’s post (naw, okay, you probably won’t). Nevertheless here is a selection of questions that needed asking but that no one ever asks – until now, that is.




Why do people say ‘the sky is the limit’ when there are footprints on the moon?


If a lawyer says to the judge “I’m Lying”, is he telling the truth?


Why do we call it ‘after dark’ when it’s really ‘after light’?


Why isn’t the number 11 pronounced ‘onety-one’?


What if the Hokey Pokey REALLY IS what it’s all about?


Why is there only 12 hours on a clock?


If you have sex with a prostitute against her will, is it considered rape or shoplifting?


How long is a piece of string?


Can animals commit suicide?


Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don’t lay eggs!


Did London Bridge ever fall down?


Is it possible to be allergic to water?


Why do super-heroes wear their underwear on the outside of their clothes?


Why are women and men’s shoe sizes different?


What was the best thing BEFORE sliced bread?


How do you make seven even?


Why do they call it a ‘Television Set’ when there’s only one?


How fast do you need to cook for it to be considered ‘Fast Food’?


Where does the ‘o’ come from when we abbreviate the word ‘number’?


Why do they imply the ‘birds and the bees’ get up to something together?

