It’s Quiz Show Answers Monday

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yet again we plumb the depths of human stupidity. Yes, it’s Monday and time for more quiz show answers.




Q: Name something you bang when it’s not working right           

A: Wall



Q: Name something you might accidentally leave on all night     

A: Shoes



Q: Name a famous pig 

A: My mother-in-law



Q: Name a place you dab perfume on   

A: Tip of tongue



Q: Name a subject elderly people spend a lot of time discussing           

A: Bingo



Q: Name a famous group of singers     

A: The Simpsons



Q: Name a food dieters have dreams about at night       

A: Losing weight



Q: Name a place where you might see a whole lot of shaking going on   

A: The malted milk factory



Q: Name a country Americans admire    

A: Europe



Q: Name a brand of gasoline    

A: Regular

A: Unleaded

A: Ethyl           



Q: Name a country known for its beautiful beaches        

A: Hawaii



Q: Name a word or phrase you hear in a tennis game     

A: “Fore”



Q: Name something books tell you that you can do in 30 days or less    

A: Make a baby



Q: Name something you wear for protection      

A: Gun 



Q: Name a famous person named Carey (Carrie, Carrey, etc.)     

A: Carey Bradshaw



Q: Name something people peek through          

A: Down a lady’s blouse



Q: Name a Scandinavian country           

A: Australia



Q: Name a city with a reputation as the sin capital of the world   

A: Sodom



Q: Name a U.S. President that would look good in a Speedo     

A: Harry S. Truman



Q: One of the three bears         

A: Yogi



Q: Name a famous Hogan        

A: The Hogan   

