It’s Anagram Sunday Again!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


It’s anagram Sunday again, folks.

Time for another selection of those hidden meaning word puzzles.




‘car has’ 

a crash



‘circumstantial evidence’ 

can ruin a selected victim



‘coins kept’ 

in pockets




on scale of sin








finest grip



‘fir cones’ 





oh, felt warmer



‘George Bush’ 

he bugs Gore



‘goodbye ‘

obey God



‘Halley’s Comet’ 

shall yet come



‘I run to escape’ 

a persecution



‘ipod lover ‘

poor devil



‘Jennifer Aniston’ 

fine in torn jeans









Say Mad Man Gore Ran US?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Don’t worry, it’s not another political rant.

And nothing to do with the man who made a fortune peddling scare-mongering nonsense like cow farts are destroying the planet.

‘Say Mad Man Gore Ran US’ ……is…….‘More Sunday Anagrams!!!’

It’s a scary thought, though.

Enjoy the anagrams!



‘Florence Nightingale’

Nigel, Fetch an Iron Leg




acts phony



‘The Detectives’

detect thieves



‘Salman Rushdie’

read, shun Islam



‘Television programming’ 

permeating living rooms



‘Debit card’ 

bad credit




A trails nut



‘God save us all’

salvaged soul



‘heavy rain’

hire a navy




dirty room



‘escape from alcatraz’ 

frozen cast in lame crap



‘O Mister Newt Gingrich’ 

right wing censor time



‘A telescope’ 

To see place



‘Actor Sylvester Stallone’ 

Very cool talentless star



‘Bruce Springsteen’ 

Creep brings tunes



‘Hillary Clinton’

only I can thrill     

(Is feet tickling part of it?)

Biden gets feet tickled in vp debate
Biden gets feet tickled in vp debate










Punchy Punitive Punditry Today? – No, Just More Puny Pungent Puns!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes it’s another selection of those groan-making jokes carefully wrapped up in the thing we call puns.

Enjoy, if you can.



When fish are in schools they sometimes take debate.


What did the grape say when it got stepped on?

Nothing – but it let out a little whine.


A criminal’s best asset is his lie ability.


Be true to your teeth, or they will be false to you.


If you give some managers an inch they think they’re a ruler.


Gravity is studied a lot because it’s a very attractive field.


Old lawyers never die they just lose their appeal.


Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.


When women enter middle age, it gives men a pause.


Prison walls are never built to scale.


There was a guy who was fired from the orange juice factory for lack of concentration.


We were so poor when I was growing up we couldn’t even afford to pay attention.


I used to be a tap dancer until I fell in the sink.


When the smog lifts in Los Angeles, U C L A.


The poet had written better poems, but he’d also written verse.


There was a ghost at the hotel, so they called for an inn spectre.


Ancient orators tended to Babylon.


What do you call a melon that’s not allowed to get married?

Can’t elope.


For plumbers, a flush beats a full house.


Did you hear about the guy who sent ten puns to friends, in the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh.

Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.




Another Anagram Sunday

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


What better way to spend a quiet Sunday than reading a few more of those word puzzles called anagrams. As usual it is a mixture of new subjects and old, but I hope you find something in this lot to make you smile.




‘Animal Farm by George Orwell’

Minor war fable? Allegory gem!



‘The Terrorist Osama Bin Laden’

This rotten Arab is real demon.



‘The Prince of Wales (Charles Philip Arthur George Mountbatten-Windsor)’

Diana Spencer? Elbow her, forget her…now to thrust penis right up Camilla.



‘Elvis Aaron Presley’

Seen alive? Sorry, pal!



‘Nurse Florence Nightingale’

Heroine curing fallen gents.



‘Husband and wife’

Fun was had in bed



‘Feeling romantic’

Flaming erection!



‘Cosmetic surgery’

“Yes, I correct mugs.”



‘Public relations’

Crap, built on lies



‘Internet chat rooms’

The moron interacts



‘Election results’

“Lies! Let’s recount!”



‘The Mona Lisa’

Ah not a smile?




Best In Prayer



‘Madam Curie’

Radium came



‘Mitt Romney for President’

money first pride, torment!



 ‘A telephone girl’                                 

Repeating “Hello”





Another Selection Of Those Word Puzzles Called Anagrams.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Another selection of those word puzzles called anagrams. Some of the usual suspects are back, but with different takes on their name, and of course thee are a lot of new ones too.




‘Dolly Parton’




‘The Prince of Wales (Charles Philip Arthur George Mountbatten-Windsor)’

Real pompous, petulant, high-class inbreed wretch waiting for E.R. throne.



‘The Titanic disaster’

Death, it starts in ice



‘Western Union’

No Wire Unsent



‘The Cincinnati Reds’

Indecent Christian




On scale of sin



‘Princess Diana’

End is a car spin




Moon starer




No more stars



‘Frito Lay’

Oily Fart




Voices Rant On



‘ipod lover’

Poor devil



‘Justin Timberlake’

I’m a jerk but listen



Mitt Romney for President

form prime intent, destroy




Trims cash



‘A Domesticated Animal’

Docile, as a man tamed it



‘Garbage Man’

Bag manager



‘President Bush of the USA’

A fresh one, but he’s stupid



 ‘Adolf Hitler’

Heil, old fart!



‘Chairman Mao’

I am on a march.




Another Selection Of Anagrams, part two in this short Sunday series

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Welcome to another Sunday and another selection of anagrams to, I hope, amuse and entertain.



‘Plastic surgery’

Result: Gasp! I cry



‘The Prince of Wales (Charles Philip Arthur George Mountbatten-Windsor)’

Pre-eminent twerp. Highbrow felon. Adulterous English aristocrat chap.



‘America’s first moon landing’

Grand-scale misinformation!




A grim era



‘marriage vows’

Orgasm waiver



‘menstrual cycle’

Cleanly rectums




Evil’s agent




A rope ends it



‘The Morse Code’

Here come dots



‘Slot Machines’

Cash lost in ’em



‘The Public Art Galleries’

Large picture halls, I bet



‘A Decimal Point’

I’m a dot in place



‘The Earthquakes’

That queer shake



‘Eleven plus two’

Twelve plus one



“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” (Neil Armstrong, on the moon)

A thin man ran; makes a large stride, left planet, pins flag on moon! On to Mars!



‘President Clinton, of the USA’

To copulate, he finds interns



‘President Barack Hussein Obama

A maniac presides. The banks rob u



‘William Shakespeare’

I’ll make a wise phrase



‘Jay Leno’

Enjoy L.A.



‘Gene Simmons’

Immense song



‘The eyes’

They see




Another Selection Of Anagrams

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Last week’s selection of anagrams prompted a challenge to do one about ‘Clint Eastwood’ that included the word ‘stool’ in reference to his recent debacle at the Republican Party’s shin-dig in Florida. The best one I could come up with was – ‘Stool tactic a downer’ – but if you can do better please have a go by all means.

Meantime here is another selection for (I hope) your enjoyment and amusement.



‘federal bureau of investigation’

If found alive, abuse, interrogate!



‘washington dc’

Don’t shag in WC



‘princess diana’

Ascend in Paris



‘Microsoft Frontpage Technical Support’           

Oops, if PC falters contact or ring them up



‘Microsoft technical support’

Con, from culprit’s pathetic OS



‘Microsoft Incorporated’

Aim: no cost, record profit!



‘Microsoft Incorporated’

Moronic code rats profit



‘The Prince of Wales (Charles Philip Arthur George Mountbatten-Windsor)’

E.R. recalls his torment, huge ears flapping about in the wind. Poor wretch!



‘Liposuction surgery’

Super, young clitoris



 ‘Author George Orwell’

Wrote “Hog-Rule Galore!”



‘The President Of The United States Of America, George Walker Bush’

The twit threatens Baghdad. (To make sure of oil preference, I guess!)



‘The USA President George Bush’

Bugger the one stupid ass here!



‘George Walker Bush, President of the United States of America’

Damn! Result is garbage, takes pretender to White House office



‘The Terrorist Osama Bin Laden’

Arab monster is no idle threat



‘Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden’

Bad human demon and ideal assassin.



‘Dan Brown, writer of the Da Vinci Code.’

Torrid wand of a bewitched conniver



‘Hamas wins election’

New hostile maniacs



‘The first moon landing’

Grand hit on film-set, No?





“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I like anagrams. I think they can be quite clever and I enjoy both reading them and also making them too.

Other people believe that they have greater significance, revealing ‘hidden’ messages about the subject matter. That’s as maybe.

The best ones, however, are both amusing and should have some link to the source word or phrase.

Here is a short selection. Some of them may surprise you.




‘Liposuction surgery’

Incurs lousy ego-trip



‘A Christmas Carol: The Movie’

Oh, a classic: heart-mover “Tim”



‘Charles Laughton’

An actor? He’ll gush!



‘Clint Eastwood’           

Old west action



‘Dolly Parton’

Top? Only lard



‘How the West was won’           

What we shot we owns



‘Lawrence of Arabia’

Albion warfare ace



‘Plastic surgery’

Ugly star’s price



‘breast implants’           

‘Men’s pal? Bra/tits.’



‘lee harvey oswald’

Reveal who slayed



‘hunchback of notre dam’

Fat, hunchbacked moron



‘world trade centre’

Lewd terror act end



‘weapons of mass destruction’

US team swoops. Finds no trace



‘microsoft windows xp’

Worm downs PC, so fix it!



‘microsoft operating systems’

Sorest gits scam money, profit



‘moral majority’ 

Trim amoral joy



‘homeland security’

Our decline’s a myth



‘first lady’

Idly farts

