Another Anagram Sunday

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


What better way to spend a quiet Sunday than reading a few more of those word puzzles called anagrams. As usual it is a mixture of new subjects and old, but I hope you find something in this lot to make you smile.




‘Animal Farm by George Orwell’

Minor war fable? Allegory gem!



‘The Terrorist Osama Bin Laden’

This rotten Arab is real demon.



‘The Prince of Wales (Charles Philip Arthur George Mountbatten-Windsor)’

Diana Spencer? Elbow her, forget her…now to thrust penis right up Camilla.



‘Elvis Aaron Presley’

Seen alive? Sorry, pal!



‘Nurse Florence Nightingale’

Heroine curing fallen gents.



‘Husband and wife’

Fun was had in bed



‘Feeling romantic’

Flaming erection!



‘Cosmetic surgery’

“Yes, I correct mugs.”



‘Public relations’

Crap, built on lies



‘Internet chat rooms’

The moron interacts



‘Election results’

“Lies! Let’s recount!”



‘The Mona Lisa’

Ah not a smile?




Best In Prayer



‘Madam Curie’

Radium came



‘Mitt Romney for President’

money first pride, torment!



 ‘A telephone girl’                                 

Repeating “Hello”





10 thoughts on “Another Anagram Sunday

  1. Kind of a toss-up between public relations and cosmetic surgery, though I think I’ll have to support the BS factory. 😀
    And just WHO are you calling a moron, eh? I resemble that remark! 😉
    (By the by, Madame Curie has her own element – Curium, if I recall correctly. So you did good by not cheating!)

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