Being Calm Is Not Something I Rate.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


But of course something I do rate are puns.

Here’s some more.

Enjoy or endure!!!




Polce Toay Announce They Are

Nvestgatng A Strng Of ID Thefts.

ID Thefts



I hate washing up liquid.

Washing up solids is much simpler.

washing up liquid



My girlfriend is leaving me because I’ve got alopecia.

oh well it’s hair loss.




Cryptographers make terrible drummers.

They just sit there, fascinated by all the cymbals.




My new job as a taxidermist is pretty boring.

All I do is sit around and stuff.




My son is cold and calculating

I’ve turned the heating off whilst

he does his maths homework.




Got an insurance quote today for my car.

They offered me a fire-and-theft policy.

I thought, “Who’d nick a car that was on fire?”

"Why's your fire-and-theft policy so cheap?"



“When might we take the kids to Disneyland?”

the wife asked me a few weeks ago.

I thought about it, and replied, “May.”

It’s been a blast watching her pack,

and the kids getting excited.

All I did was correct her grammar.




A man walked over to a kid playing with a

huge lizard and asked if he could see it.

After fiddling around with it for a few moments,

he asked what its name was.

The kid replied with, “Tiny.”

“How on Earth did you ever get a name like that

for such a huge creature?” the man asked in awe.

The kid replied with, “Because he’s my newt!”




My wife is a mute.

She communicates by embroidery.

It’s her own version of sign language,

sew to speak.




I can’t believe they fired me from the clock factory

after all the extra hours I put in.

clock factory



I heard vandals have broken into

an origami exhibition

and ruined all the exhibits.

Police are trying to work out

how it all unfolded.




My gym instructor pointed at fifteen heavy dumbbells

and told me I had to lift them all

over the next quarter of an hour.

Weight a minute…

fifteen heavy dumbbells



What do you call seafood in a cement mixer?

Hardcore prawn.

cement mixer



News just in:

Stevie Nicks has announced her

engagement to William Shatner.

When they get married she will

be known as Stevie Shatner Nicks.





CLASSIFIED: For Your Eyes Only, Part Twenty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


My goodness! What started off at a quick amusing look at classified ads that went horribly wrong, has turned into a major series on the fasab blog. And it seems to be quite popular too. Thanks to everyone who calls in to read these.

And why shouldn’t they be popular? They show the raw stupidity of people. Don’t forget that usually a lot of time and effort is spent “perfecting” these horrors before they are sent for publication.

Here’s some more.












































Day Two 2013, Are You Scared Yet?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


If you aren’t scared yet the chances are you are not afflicted with anything on the following list of phobias or irrational fears that seem to grip some unfortunate people. For them 2013 will be as frightening as 2012. Imagine, for example, spending the whole year with proctophobia – what a bummer!

In today’s list are the ‘O’s and the ‘P’s. 


Obesophobia……….fear of gaining weight. (Pocrescophobia)


Ochlophobia……….fear of crowds or mobs.


Ochophobia……….fear of vehicles.


Octophobia ……….fear of the figure 8.


Odontophobia……….fear of teeth or dental surgery.


Odynophobia or Odynephobia……….fear of pain. (Algophobia)


Oenophobia……….fear of wines.


Oikophobia……….fear of home surroundings, house. (Domatophobia, Eicophobia)


Olfactophobia……….fear of smells.


Ombrophobia……….fear of rain or of being rained on.


Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia……….fear of eyes.


Omphalophobia……….fear of belly buttons.


Oneirophobia……….fear of dreams.


Oneirogmophobia……….fear of wet dreams.


Onomatophobia……….fear of hearing a certain word or of names.


Ophidiophobia……….fear of snakes. (Snakephobia)


Ophthalmophobia……….fear of being stared at.


Opiophobia……….fear medical doctors experience of prescribing needed pain medications for patients.


Optophobia……….fear of opening one’s eyes.


Ornithophobia……….fear of birds.


Orthophobia……….fear of property.


Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia……….fear of smells or odors.


Ostraconophobia……….fear of shellfish.


Ouranophobia or Uranophobia……….fear of heaven.


Pagophobia……….fear of ice or frost.


Panthophobia……….fear of suffering and disease.


Panophobia or Pantophobia……….fear of everything.


Papaphobia……….fear of the Pope.


Papyrophobia……….fear of paper.


Paralipophobia……….fear of neglecting duty or responsibility.


Paraphobia……….fear of sexual perversion.


Parasitophobia……….fear of parasites.


Paraskavedekatriaphobia……….fear of Friday the 13th.


Parthenophobia……….fear of virgins or young girls.


Pathophobia……….fear of disease.


Patroiophobia……….fear of heredity.


Parturiphobia……….fear of childbirth.


Peccatophobia……….fear of sinning or imaginary crimes.


Pediculophobia……….fear of lice.


Pediophobia……….fear of dolls.


Pedophobia……….fear of children.


Peladophobia……….fear of bald people.


Pellagrophobia……….fear of pellagra.


Peniaphobia……….fear of poverty.


Pentheraphobia……….fear of mother-in-law. (Novercaphobia)


Phagophobia……….fear of swallowing or of eating or of being eaten.


Phalacrophobia……….fear of becoming bald.


Phallophobia……….fear of a penis, especially erect.


Pharmacophobia……….fear of taking medicine.


Phasmophobia……….fear of ghosts.


Phengophobia……….fear of daylight or sunshine.


Philemaphobia or Philematophobia……….fear of kissing.


Philophobia……….fear of falling in love or being in love.


Philosophobia……….fear of philosophy.


Phobophobia……….fear of phobias.


Photoaugliaphobia……….fear of glaring lights.


Photophobia……….fear of light.


Phonophobia……….fear of noises or voices or one’s own voice; of telephones.


Phronemophobia……….fear of thinking.


Phthiriophobia……….fear of lice. (Pediculophobia)


Phthisiophobia……….fear of tuberculosis.


Placophobia……….fear of tombstones.


Plutophobia……….fear of wealth.


Pluviophobia……….fear of rain or of being rained on.


Pneumatiphobia……….fear of spirits.


Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia……….fear of choking of being smothered.


Pocrescophobia……….fear of gaining weight. (Obesophobia)


Podophobia……….fear of feet.


Pogonophobia……….fear of beards.


Poliosophobia……….fear of contracting poliomyelitis.


Politicophobia……….fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.


Polyphobia……….fear of many things.


Poinephobia……….fear of punishment.


Ponophobia……….fear of overworking or of pain.


Porphyrophobia……….fear of the color purple.


Potamophobia……….fear of rivers or running water.


Potophobia……….fear of alcohol.


Pharmacophobia……….fear of drugs.


Proctophobia……….fear of rectums.


Prosophobia……….fear of progress.


P-P-P-P-P-Psellismophobia……….fear of stuttering.


Psychophobia……….fear of mind.


Psychrophobia……….fear of cold.


Pteridophobia……….morbid fear of fearns.


Pteromerhanophobia……….fear of flying.


Pteronophobia……….fear of being tickled by feathers.


Pupaphobia ……….fear of puppets.


Pyrexiophobia……….fear of fever.


Pyrophobia……….fear of fire.


How are you after all that? Are you developing symptoms or are you feeling good?




