More Stupid Questions About Stupid Things Asked By Stupid People

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


A continuation from last week when we looked at stupid questions about stupid things asked by stupid people, who seem to get worried about the most inconsequential trivia.

As with last week’s warning, don’t try to analyze these, you’ll just get a headache!




If men and women have hair in all the same places, why do we bother shaving?


Are there any longitudinal studies of the development of honesty in children?

longtitudinal studies

What should not be found in urine?

urine sample

Has anyone ever experienced the ‘White light’ sensation?

white light

How do you get rid of the smell of Skunk from your hunting clothes?


Can you get drunk from eating pickled eggs and if so, is it socially acceptable in Alsaka?

pickled eggs

Is beer more harmful than the wine?


Is the name Greyanne is the most popular name in the world?


What are the effects of “sex” on human body?


What are rights of parents?

Parents rights cartoon

Why don’t woodpeckers get concussions?

Woody Woodpecker



Questions That Should Never Have Been Asked

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I have been featuring a lot of questions that no one asked but that needed asking.

Stupid people, however, tend to get worried about things that don’t matter and ask questions that don’t need to be asked. They are obviously important to them, but not to anyone else.

Here are some stupid questions asked by stupid people about stupid things.

Do yourself a favor and just read these and (hopefully) have a laugh. Do not try to figure out why they were asked or what they mean. If you get too far inside the mind of a moron you may never make it back out again!



Does anyone know the brand of soap Deer don’t like that I can put around my garden to keep them out?



What mother sauce does Alfredo come from?

Alfredo Sauce


Is there any relation between cool music and rain?



What is the opposite of science?

scientists chalk cheese


What are the three essential parts of a crisis?

3 essential parts of a crisis


If someone you loved turned into a zombie, would you be able to put them out of their misery?



What determines the life span of animals?



Which kind of cheating is the worst?

monica and bill


Why are so many more people allergic to cats than to dogs?



Would you eat steak made from human excrement?



How long does a mature worm live?

cartoon worm



More Scaredy Cats, Phobias Part Four

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


We are going for ‘H’ to ‘K’ today in part four of this incredible list of irrational fears called phobias. As usual I have omitted the more mundane and well known ailments such as ‘Hypocondria’. A lot of the rest should shock, amuse or otherwise entertain.

My own favorite, by a long way (little pun there to get you in the mood for tomorrow’s post), is ‘Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia’ the very look and mention of which must send waves of terror into those afflicted by it.

Read on and discover why.


scaredy cat  

Hadephobia ………. fear of hell.


Hagiophobia ………. fear of saints or holy things.


Hamartophobia ………. fear of sinning.


Haphephobia or Haptephobia ………. fear of being touched.


Harpaxophobia ………. fear of being robbed.


Hedonophobia ………. fear of feeling pleasure.


Heliophobia ………. fear of the sun.


Hellenologophobia ………. fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology.


Helminthophobia ………. fear of being infested with worms.


Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia ………. fear of blood.


Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia ………. fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation.


Herpetophobia ………. fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things.


Heterophobia ………. fear of the opposite sex. (Sexophobia)


Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia ………. fear of the number 666.


Hierophobia ………. fear of priests or sacred things.


Hippophobia ………. fear of horses.


Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia ………. fear of long words.


Hobophobia ………. fear of bums or beggars.


Hodophobia ………. fear of road travel.


Hormephobia ………. fear of shock.


Homichlophobia ………. fear of fog.


Homilophobia ………. fear of sermons.


Hominophobia ………. fear of men.


Homophobia ………. fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual.


Hoplophobia ………. fear of firearms.


Hydrargyophobia ………. fear of mercurial medicines.


Hydrophobia ………. fear of water or of rabies.


Hydrophobophobia ………. fear of rabies.


Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia ………. fear of glass.


Hygrophobia ………. fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture.


Hylephobia ………. fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy.


Hylophobia ………. fear of forests.


Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia ………. fear of responsibility.


Hypnophobia ………. fear of sleep or of being hypnotized.


Hypsiphobia ………. fear of height.


Iatrophobia ………. fear of going to the doctor or of doctors.


Ichthyophobia ………. fear of fish.


Ideophobia ………. fear of ideas.


Idiophobia ………. fear of idiots.


Illyngophobia ………. fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down.


Iophobia ………. fear of poison.


Insectophobia ………. fear of insects.


Isolophobia ………. fear of solitude, being alone.


Isopterophobia ………. fear of termites, insects that eat wood.


Ithyphallophobia ………. fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis.


Japanophobia ………. fear of Japanese.


Judeophobia ………. fear of Jews.


Kainolophobia or Kainophobia ………. fear of anything new, novelty.


Kakorrhaphiophobia ………. fear of failure or defeat.


Katagelophobia ………. fear of ridicule.


Kathisophobia ………. fear of sitting down.


Katsaridaphobia ………. fear of cockroaches.


Kenophobia ………. fear of voids or empty spaces.


Keraunophobia or Ceraunophobia ………. fear of thunder and lightning.(Astraphobia, Astrapophobia)


Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia ………. fear of movement or motion.


Klaoanemophobia ………. fear of breaking wind (which quite a number of people have in social settings). [Perhaps Phartophobia might have been a better name for this one?] 


Kleptophobia ………. fear of stealing.


Koinoniphobia ………. fear of rooms.


Kolpophobia ………. fear of genitals, particularly female.


Kopophobia ………. fear of fatigue.


Koniophobia ………. fear of dust. (Amathophobia)


Kosmikophobia ………. fear of cosmic phenomenon.


Kymophobia ………. fear of waves. (Cymophobia)


Kynophobia ………. fear of rabies.


Kyphophobia ………. fear of stooping.



Should We Waste Time Trying To Make Things Foolproof?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”

.  made a comment on one of my posts, “Confirmed Stupidity” that “The creativity of stupidity is also endless”. And so it seems to be.

Stupid people are always finding new ways to do stupid things. I don’t think I would go so far as to call it creative, though. Most of it happens by pure accident rather than design.

Now I have to point out at the start, that this blog post is not about things that are done to assist those in society who have some kind of disability. Everything that is done in that regard to make life a bit easier and things more accessible is to be encouraged and applauded. This blog applies specifically to those who could get out of their own way but because they are too lazy and/or obtuse, won’t!

So the question today is, and it’s a good question that hardly anyone bothers to ask or tries to answer, “Should we have to waste time, energy and resources pandering to the idiots in society?”

In other words should EVERYTHING have to sink down to their level? Should the rest of us normal-ish people be deprived of a better and simpler existence just because some people seem to be incapable of living their lives without doing themselves harm?

I vote NO, we shouldn’t pander to them. Not in the slightest.

In the dumbed down society that we are increasingly being forced to live in, and that the even dumber politicians encourage (probably so that the majority of people don’t develop the skills to see the hash they are making of everything), far from questioning the consequent waste of time, energy, and resources, they continue to make more and more rules to cater for the intellectually challenged.

Think about the consequences for a moment.

How many labels do we have on jars and cans and elsewhere that really don’t need to be there? Do we really need a label on a packet of nuts telling us that the packet contains nuts? Do we really need a label telling us that hot coffee is ‘hot’ or that iced mocha is ‘cold’?

How many otherwise productive man-hours are wasted each and every year trying to figure out what dumb thing some moron will do with a particular product?


Example of a sign for morons
Example of a sign for morons

I know the whole waste of time phenomenon has been spurred on in many cases because of spurious and unnecessary law suits by lawyers who aren’t smart enough to set up a proper law practice and by judges who are so out of touch with reality that they should be thrown out of court for not doing the same with these foolish lawsuits.

Example of a sign for morons
Example of a sign for morons


Then we have the bureaucrats weighing in. With nothing productive to do themselves, except to make our lives more and more intolerable, they dream up new rules and regulations to make business more uncompetitive and ordinary peoples’ lives more complicated.


Example of a sign for people stupider then morons
Example of a sign for people stupider then morons

And it’s all a waste of time. No matter what rules are invented and what precautions are taken it is a law of the universe that morons will find a way round them and hurt themselves anyway. Some of them have even walked into the signs put up to warn them about walking into signs.

So we should NOT waste time trying to make things foolproof because the fools have proved time and again that it’s a waste of time!

Let’s aspire to learn more and be smarter, instead of dumbing down to the level of those who don’t give a damn anyhow!

End rant. Have a cup of coffee – mind, though, it’s hot!


Here are a few more examples:


Suitable for outdoor use.  Found on a rain gauge.


Warning: High in sodium.  On a salt cellar.


Remove wrapper, open mouth, insert muffin, eat.


Use like regular soap.  On a bar of soap.


Simply pour the biscuits into a bowl and allow the cat to eat when it wants.  On a bag of cat biscuits.


Instructions: open packet, eat nuts  on a packet of nuts


Do not use as an ice cream topping  on Hair colouring


Warning: do not attempt to swallow  on a Mattress


Caution: contents may catch fire  on Matches


Some assembly required  on a 500-piece puzzle


The appliance is switched on by setting the on/off switch to the ‘on’ position  on a Kettle


Product will be hot after heating  on Bread Pudding


Warning: May cause drowsiness  on Sleep Aid


This ice may be cold  on an Ice drink


Instructions: Put on food  on Ketchup


Do not open here  on the Bottom of a Cola bottle