Time To Put The Fears Behind Us

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes, time to put the fears behind us. This is the final selection of curious and sometimes amusing fears and phobias that affect some people. Irrational but very real to them. Irrational and very silly to the rest of us.

So here we go, ‘T’ thru ‘Z’.



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Tachophobia ……….fear of speed.


Taijin Kyofusho ……….a phobia which occurs most typically in Japan, is the fear of offending others by one’s inappropriate social behavior or appearance


Taeniophobia or Taeniophobia ……….fear of tapeworms.


Taphephobia Taphophobia ……….fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries.


Tapinophobia ……….fear of being contagious.


Taurophobia ……….fear of bulls.


Technophobia ……….fear of technology.


Teleophobia ……….fear of 1) definite plans; 2) religious ceremony.


Telephonophobia ……….fear of telephones.


Teratophobia ……….fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.


Testophobia ……….fear of taking tests.


Tetanophobia ……….fear of lockjaw, tetanus.


Teutophobia ……….fear of German or German things.


Textophobia ……….fear of certain fabrics.


Thaasophobia ……….fear of sitting.


Thalassophobia ……….fear of the sea.


Thanatophobia or Thantophobia ……….fear of death or dying.


Theatrophobia ……….fear of theatres.


Theologicophobia ……….fear of theology.


Theophobia ……….fear of gods or religion.


Thermophobia ……….fear of heat.


Tocophobia ……….fear of pregnancy or childbirth.


Tomophobia ……….fear of surgical operations.


Tonitrophobia ……….fear of thunder.


Topophobia ……….fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright.


Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia ……….fear of poison or of being accidently poisoned.


Traumatophobia ……….fear of injury.


Tremophobia ……….fear of trembling.


Trichinophobia ……….fear of trichinosis.


Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia ……….fear of hair. (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia)


Triskaidekaphobia ……….fear of the number 13.


Tropophobia ……….fear of moving or making changes.


Trypanophobia ……….fear of injections.


Tuberculophobia ……….fear of tuberculosis.


Turophobia ……….fear of cheese


Tyrannophobia ……….fear of tyrants.


Uranophobia or Ouranophobia ……….fear of heaven.


Urophobia ……….fear of urine or urinating.


Vaccinophobia ……….fear of vaccination.


Venereophobia ……….fear of catching a venereal disease.


Venustraphobia ……….fear of beautiful women.


Verbophobia ……….fear of words.


Verminophobia ……….fear of germs.


Vespertiliophobia ……….fear of bats.


Vestiphobia ……….fear of clothing.


Virginitiphobia ……….fear of virgins.


Virginitiphobia ……….fear of rape.


Vitricophobia ……….fear of step-father.


Vokephobia ……….fear of returning home.


Walloonphobia ……….fear of the Walloons.


Wiccaphobia ……….fear of witches and witchcraft.


Xanthophobia ……….fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.


Xeniaphobia ……….fear of foreign doctors, usually having to do with strong foreign accents making it difficult to understand their English. Also, if travelling in a foreign country, the fear that doctors may have inadequate medical skills.


Xenodochiophobia ……….fear of foreign hotels that could include the fear that there won’t be soap, the kind of toilet paper that you like, clean towels, or good maid service.


Xenoglossophobia ……….fear of foreign languages.


Xenonosocomiophobia ……….fear of foreigners who are pick-pockets.


Xenophobia ……….fear of strangers or foreigners.


Xerophobia ……….fear of dryness.


Xeroxophobia ……….fear of using anything made by Xerox, or fear of office equipment in general.


Xylophobia ……….fear of 1) wooden objects; 2) Forests.


Xyrophobia ……….fear of razors.


Zelophobia ……….fear of jealousy.


Zemmiphobia ……….fear of the great mole rat.


Zeusophobia ……….fear of God or gods.


Zoophobia ……….fear of animals.





Those Of A Nervous Disposition Should Look Away Now

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes, those of a nervous disposition should indeed look away now, because today we have the penultimate list of irrational fears and phobias that seem to afflict certain members of the population. How and why they develop such curious mental afflictions I don’t. They are real to them, but foolish and amusing to the rest of us.

Today is ‘Q’, ‘R’ and ‘S’.



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Quadraphobia ……….fear of the number four.


Quadriplegiphobia ……….fear of quadriplegics or fear of becoming a quadriplegic.


Quintaphobia ……….fear of the number five.


Radiophobia ……….fear of radiation, x-rays.


Ranidaphobia ……….fear of frogs.


Rectophobia ……….fear of rectum or rectal diseases.


Rhabdophobia ……….fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod, or of being severely criticized. Also fear of magic.(wand)


Rhypophobia ……….fear of defecation.


Rhytiphobia ……….fear of getting wrinkles.


Rupophobia ……….fear of dirt.


Russophobia ……….fear of Russians.


Samhainophobia ……….fear of Halloween.


Sarmassophobia ……….fear of love play. (Malaxophobia)


Satanophobia ……….fear of Satan.


Scabiophobia ……….fear of scabies.


Scatophobia ……….fear of fecal matter.


Scelerophibia ……….fear of bad men, burglars.


Sciaphobia or Sciophobia or Sciaphobia ……….fear of shadows.


Scoleciphobia ……….fear of worms.


Scolionophobia ……….fear of school.


Scopophobia or Scoptophobia ……….fear of being seen or stared at.


Scotomaphobia ……….fear of blindness in visual field.


Scotophobia ……….fear of darkness. (Achluophobia)


Scriptophobia ……….fear of writing in public.


Selachophobia ……….fear of sharks.


Selaphobia ……….fear of light flashes.


Selenophobia ……….fear of the moon.


Seplophobia ……….fear of decaying matter.


Sesquipedalophobia ……….fear of long words.


Sexophobia ……….fear of the opposite sex. (Heterophobia)


Siderodromophobia ……….fear of trains, railroads or train travel.


Siderophobia ……….fear of stars.


Sinistrophobia ……….fear of things to the left or left-handed.


Sinophobia ……….fear of Chinese, Chinese culture.


Sitophobia or Sitiophobia ……….fear of food or eating. (Cibophobia)


Snakephobia ……….fear of snakes. (Ophidiophobia)


Soceraphobia ……….fear of parents-in-law.


Social Phobia ……….fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations.


Sociophobia ……….fear of society or people in general.


Somniphobia ……….fear of sleep.


Sophophobia ……….fear of learning.


Soteriophobia ……….fear of dependence on others.


Spacephobia ……….fear of outer space.


Spectrophobia ……….fear of specters or ghosts.


Spermatophobia or Spermophobia ……….fear of germs.


Spheksophobia ……….fear of wasps.


Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia ……….fear of standing or walking. (Ambulophobia)


Staurophobia ……….fear of crosses or the crucifix.


Stenophobia ……….fear of narrow things or places.


Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia ……….fear of hell.


Suriphobia ……….fear of mice.


Symbolophobia ……….fear of symbolism.


Symmetrophobia ……….fear of symmetry.


Syngenesophobia ……….fear of relatives.


Syphilophobia ……….fear of syphilis.


