More Scaredy Cats, Phobias Part Four

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


We are going for ‘H’ to ‘K’ today in part four of this incredible list of irrational fears called phobias. As usual I have omitted the more mundane and well known ailments such as ‘Hypocondria’. A lot of the rest should shock, amuse or otherwise entertain.

My own favorite, by a long way (little pun there to get you in the mood for tomorrow’s post), is ‘Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia’ the very look and mention of which must send waves of terror into those afflicted by it.

Read on and discover why.


scaredy cat  

Hadephobia ………. fear of hell.


Hagiophobia ………. fear of saints or holy things.


Hamartophobia ………. fear of sinning.


Haphephobia or Haptephobia ………. fear of being touched.


Harpaxophobia ………. fear of being robbed.


Hedonophobia ………. fear of feeling pleasure.


Heliophobia ………. fear of the sun.


Hellenologophobia ………. fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology.


Helminthophobia ………. fear of being infested with worms.


Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia ………. fear of blood.


Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia ………. fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation.


Herpetophobia ………. fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things.


Heterophobia ………. fear of the opposite sex. (Sexophobia)


Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia ………. fear of the number 666.


Hierophobia ………. fear of priests or sacred things.


Hippophobia ………. fear of horses.


Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia ………. fear of long words.


Hobophobia ………. fear of bums or beggars.


Hodophobia ………. fear of road travel.


Hormephobia ………. fear of shock.


Homichlophobia ………. fear of fog.


Homilophobia ………. fear of sermons.


Hominophobia ………. fear of men.


Homophobia ………. fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual.


Hoplophobia ………. fear of firearms.


Hydrargyophobia ………. fear of mercurial medicines.


Hydrophobia ………. fear of water or of rabies.


Hydrophobophobia ………. fear of rabies.


Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia ………. fear of glass.


Hygrophobia ………. fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture.


Hylephobia ………. fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy.


Hylophobia ………. fear of forests.


Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia ………. fear of responsibility.


Hypnophobia ………. fear of sleep or of being hypnotized.


Hypsiphobia ………. fear of height.


Iatrophobia ………. fear of going to the doctor or of doctors.


Ichthyophobia ………. fear of fish.


Ideophobia ………. fear of ideas.


Idiophobia ………. fear of idiots.


Illyngophobia ………. fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down.


Iophobia ………. fear of poison.


Insectophobia ………. fear of insects.


Isolophobia ………. fear of solitude, being alone.


Isopterophobia ………. fear of termites, insects that eat wood.


Ithyphallophobia ………. fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis.


Japanophobia ………. fear of Japanese.


Judeophobia ………. fear of Jews.


Kainolophobia or Kainophobia ………. fear of anything new, novelty.


Kakorrhaphiophobia ………. fear of failure or defeat.


Katagelophobia ………. fear of ridicule.


Kathisophobia ………. fear of sitting down.


Katsaridaphobia ………. fear of cockroaches.


Kenophobia ………. fear of voids or empty spaces.


Keraunophobia or Ceraunophobia ………. fear of thunder and lightning.(Astraphobia, Astrapophobia)


Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia ………. fear of movement or motion.


Klaoanemophobia ………. fear of breaking wind (which quite a number of people have in social settings). [Perhaps Phartophobia might have been a better name for this one?] 


Kleptophobia ………. fear of stealing.


Koinoniphobia ………. fear of rooms.


Kolpophobia ………. fear of genitals, particularly female.


Kopophobia ………. fear of fatigue.


Koniophobia ………. fear of dust. (Amathophobia)


Kosmikophobia ………. fear of cosmic phenomenon.


Kymophobia ………. fear of waves. (Cymophobia)


Kynophobia ………. fear of rabies.


Kyphophobia ………. fear of stooping.



What Is It You’re Scared Of? Bet I Have A Name For It.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I thought it might be a good idea to do a post on phobias, that is, things that people are scared of. There re the obvious things like spiders and rats and heights and so forth, but I was hoping that there might be enough material to do a post concentrating on the stupid things, the things that you would never imagine in your wildest dreams that somebody would be scared of.

Well it turns out I was right. There was enough material for a post. In fact there was enough material for a whole series of posts!

The rule I quickly discovered is  –  if it exists some poor demented soul will be scared of it. Even the most mundane and innocuous things.

I should also point out that what we are talking about here is not just simply being scared as you would be scared of a lion or a charging herd of elephants. That’s just common sense. What we are talking about here is a totally irrational and heightened fear for which there is no logic or sensible explanation, other than that the sufferer is a bit nuts!

So we’ll start the series today. If you like it then we can do more. It’s actually quite entertaining in two senses, one just to laugh at the stupidity of people, and two, to marvel at some of the names scientists and doctors have dreamt up for the phobias.

Here we go. By the way, if you have a phobia about lists (and there is one!) get in behind the sofa now.



Ablutophobia ………. Fear of washing or bathing.


Acarophobia ………. Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching.


Acerophobia ………. Fear of sourness.   


Achluophobia ………. Fear of darkness.  


Acousticophobia ………. Fear of noise.  


Aerophobia ………. Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances.  


Aeroacrophobia ………. Fear of open high places.  


Aeronausiphobia ………. Fear of vomiting secondary to airsickness.   


Agateophobia ………. Fear of insanity.   


Agliophobia ………. Fear of pain.  


Agoraphobia ………. Fear of open spaces, or of being in crowded, public places like markets, or of leaving a safe place.  


Agraphobia ………. Fear of sexual abuse.   Also known as Contreltophobia


Agrizoophobia ………. Fear of wild animals.  


Agyrophobia ………. Fear of streets or crossing the street.


Aibohphobia ………. Fear of palindromes.

(So why did they make the name of this ailment a palindrome???)


Aichmophobia ………. Fear of needles or pointed objects.


Ailurophobia ………. Fear of cats.


Albuminurophobia ………. Fear of kidney disease.


Alektorophobia ………. Fear of chickens.


Algophobia ………. Fear of pain.


Alliumphobia ………. Fear of garlic.


Allodoxaphobia ………. Fear of opinions.


Altophobia ………. Fear of heights.


Amathophobia ………. Fear of dust.


Amaxophobia ………. Fear of riding in a car.


Ambulophobia ………. Fear of walking.


Amnesiphobia ………. Fear of amnesia.


Amychophobia ………. Fear of scratches or being scratched.


Anablephobia ………. Fear of looking up.


Ancraophobia ………. Fear of wind. (Anemophobia)


Androphobia ………. Fear of men.


Androidophobia ………. Fear of androids or robots


Anemophobia ………. Fear of air drafts or wind. (Ancraophobia)


Anestesiaphobia ………. Fear of being under anthestic or fear of loss of sensation


Anginophobia ………. Fear of angina, choking or narrowness.


Anglophobia ………. Fear of England or English culture, etc.


Angrophobia ………. Fear of anger or of becoming angry.


Ankylophobia ………. Fear of immobility of a joint.


Anthophobia ………. Fear of flowers or parts of flowers


Anthrophobia or Anthophobia ………. Fear of flowers.


Anthropophobia ………. Fear of people or society.


Antlophobia ………. Fear of floods.


Anuptaphobia ………. Fear of staying single.


Apeirophobia ………. Fear of infinity.


Aphenphosmphobia ………. Fear of being touched. (Haphephobia)


Apiphobia ………. Fear of bees.


Apotemnophobia ………. Fear of persons with amputations.


Aguaphobia ………. Fear of water


Arachibutyrophobia ………. Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.


Arithmophobia ………. Fear of numbers.


Arrhenphobia ………. Fear of men.


Arsonphobia ………. Fear of fire.


Ashenophobia ………. Fear of fainting or weakness


Astraphobia or Astrapophobia ………. Fear of thunder and lightning.(Ceraunophobia, Keraunophobia)


Astrophobia ………. Fear of stars or celestial space.


Asymmetriphobia ………. Fear of asymmetrical things.


Ataxiophobia ………. Fear of ataxia. (muscular incoordination)


Ataxophobia ………. Fear of disorder or untidiness.


Atelophobia ………. Fear of imperfection.


Atephobia ………. Fear of ruin or ruins.


Athazagoraphobia ………. Fear of being forgotten or ignored or forgetting.


Atomosophobia ………. Fear of atomic explosions.


Atychiphobia ………. Fear of failure.


Aulophobia ………. Fear of flutes.


Aurophobia ………. Fear of gold.


Auroraphobia ………. Fear of Northern lights.


Autodysomophobia ………. Fear of one that has a vile odor.


Automatonophobia ………. Fear of ventriloquist’s dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues – anything that falsely represents a sentient being.


Automysophobia ………. Fear of being dirty.


Autophobia ………. Fear of being alone or of oneself.


Aviophobia or Aviatophobia ………. Fear of flying.

