I’m Almost Afraid To Look At Today’s Post!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


No I haven’t been stricken with Fasabophobia, not yet anyway, and I hope none of you have either.

As you will see there are plenty of other afflictions already in existence without creating any more.

Today’s list of phobias covers some of those listed from ‘L’ to ‘N’.





Lachanophobia ……….fear of vegetables.


Laliophobia or Lalophobia ……….fear of speaking. (This one only very rarely affects women.) 


Leitourgophobia ……….fear of public servants.


Lepidopterophobia ……….fear of butterflies


Leprophobia or Lepraphobia ……….fear of leprosy.


Leukophobia ……….fear of the color white.


Levophobia ……….fear of things to the left side of the body.


Ligyrophobia ……….fear of loud noises.


Lilapsophobia ……….fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.


Limnophobia ……….fear of lakes.


Linonophobia ……….fear of string.


Liticaphobia ……….fear of lawsuits.


Lockiophobia ……….fear of childbirth.


Logizomechanophobia ……….fear of computers.


Logophobia ……….fear of words.


Luiphobia ……….fear of lues, syphillis.


Lutraphobia ……….fear of otters.


Lygophobia ……….fear of darkness.


Lyssophobia ……….fear of rabies or of becoming mad.


Macrophobia ……….fear of long waits.


Mageirocophobia ……….fear of cooking.


Maieusiophobia ……….fear of childbirth.


Malaxophobia ……….fear of love play. (Sarmassophobia)


Maniaphobia ……….fear of insanity.


Mastigophobia ……….fear of punishment.


Mechanophobia ……….fear of machines.


Medomalacuphobia ……….fear of losing an erection.


Medorthophobia ……….fear of an erect penis.


Megalophobia ……….fear of large things.


Melissophobia ……….fear of bees.


Melanophobia ……….fear of the color black.


Melophobia ……….fear or hatred of music.


Meningitophobia ……….fear of brain disease.


Menophobia ……….fear of menstruation.


Merinthophobia ……….fear of being bound or tied up.


Metallophobia ……….fear of metal.


Metathesiophobia ……….fear of changes.


Meteorophobia ……….fear of meteors.


Methyphobia ……….fear of alcohol.


Metrophobia ……….fear or hatred of poetry.


Microbiophobia ……….fear of microbes. (Bacillophobia)


Microphobia ……….fear of small things.


Misophobia or Mysophobia ……….fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs.


Mnemophobia ……….fear of memories.


Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia ……….fear of dirt or contamination.


Monophobia ……….fear of solitude or being alone.


Monopathophobia ……….fear of definite disease.


Motorphobia ……….fear of automobiles.


Mottephobia ……….fear of moths.


Musophobia or Muriphobia ……….fear of mice.


Mycophobia ……….fear or aversion to mushrooms.


Mycrophobia ……….fear of small things.


Myctophobia ……….fear of darkness.


Myrmecophobia ……….fear of ants.


Mysophobia ……….fear of dirt and germs


Mythophobia ……….fear of myths or stories or false statements.


Myxophobia ……….fear of slime. (Blennophobia)


Nebulaphobia ……….fear of fog. (Homichlophobia)


Necrophobia ……….fear of death or dead things.


Nelophobia ……….fear of glass.


Neopharmaphobia ……….fear of new drugs.


Neophobia ……….fear of anything new.


Nephophobia ……….fear of clouds.


Noctiphobia ……….fear of the night.


Nomatophobia ……….fear of names.


Nosocomephobia ……….fear of hospitals.


Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia ……….fear of becoming ill.


Nostophobia ……….fear of returning home.


Novercaphobia ……….fear of your step-mother.


Nucleomituphobia ……….fear of nuclear weapons.


Nudophobia ……….fear of nudity.


Numerophobia ……….fear of numbers.


Nyctohylophobia ……….fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night


Nyctophobia ……….fear of the dark or of night.


