Education About Education

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”



Today a little education about education.

First I’ll crunch some numbers, as I like to do.

4,726 = the number of colleges and universities United States.

$589 billion =  the amount spent by students annually.

Of that figure,

$393 billion = tuition fees, and

$196 billion = expenses like travel and housing.

538% = the percentage increase of the cost of a college education over the past three decades.

4.5 = the number times more expensive it is to go to college today than it was back in 1985, even allowing for inflation.

So is the cost worth it?

Does the education system make sense?

The vast majority of Americans never even consider these important questions. They are fixated on their kids going to college – end of debate.

Whether they have the ability or not, or whether it is the right career path for them or not, if the parents can afford it and/or the kids can get a student loan (which they usually can) then they go to college.

But there is a heavy cost to pay, as we have just seen above. By the time they graduate 70% of students are lumbered with a loan balance averaging $28,400. Nationwide in the US, student loan debt now sits at a staggering $1.2 trillion, which is nearly 50% higher than all the outstanding auto-loan debt, and almost double credit card debt.

student loan debt

While it is true that college graduates have more opportunities to earn more than those without a degree, the number of those good paying jobs is limited. Most college graduates have to settle for a lot less that they were planning for when they started that expensive college education.

What is often forgotten is that there are many other opportunities out there in the workplace for someone who spends their time and money learning a trade or a skill. A friend of mine who is a plumber earns many times more than many of his contemporaries with college degrees and office jobs.

In fact, since more and more young Americans are turning their noses up at manual type jobs and opting for expensive colleges, there will soon be a shortage of essential trades such as plumbers, electricians and so forth, making those jobs even more lucrative than they are now.

Food for thought for the future perhaps.





I Decide Which Beer To Drink On A Case By Case Basis!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


What other way can you sample beer?

While you are thinking about that here are a few more samples of word plays, otherwise knows as puns.

Enjoy or endure!




I photographed myself stealing from

the DIY store earlier today.

I took some shelfies.




My friend Dave has drunk many weird

and wonderful things in his time.

I asked him if he’d ever drunk cologne.

“No,” he replied. “Always with friends.”




I don’t know why people feel the need to travel

around the world to “find themselves”;

I found myself years ago.

Turns out I was right under my nose.




I’ve recently been a stunt man in a couple of movies.

Nothing major, just a couple of small rolls.




I bought a chair at the furniture store

from a new range based on Thai furniture.

It’s called a ‘Ladyboy’.




Have you visited www. conjunctivitis. com?

It’s a site for sore eyes

sore eyes



My attempts at making a ham soup are always ad hoc.




With these terrible storms, I’ve been trying to think

of a way of stopping the water entering my property.

Can’t come up with anything though.


sandbags dam



Dijon vu

dijon vu mustard



My sister fell in love with an arsonist.

She carried a torch for him for months.

They eventually split up, after a blazing row.

lit match



The new strip bar in my town doesn’t let Jews in.

It’s a gentile man’s club.




I took a ‘Mickey Mouse’ degree and now

I’m head of animation at Disney Studios.




Paddy’s in the bathroom and Murphy shouts to him.

“Did you find the shampoo?”

“Oi did,” Paddy says,

“But it’s for dry hair and I’ve just wet mine.”

dry hair shampoo



One of the Sisters at the convent was kidnapped the other day.

Police blamed the lack of security at the premises.

The local newspaper summed it up with the headline…

“No ‘fence.  Nun taken.”




I hate jokes that rely on visual imagery.

I’ve had it right up to here with them.

blank page




Why Isn’t There An I In Cyclops?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Pun day again. How quickly they seem to come around.

Here’s the latest selection.

Enjoy or endure!




The key to winning world’s best chiropodist title is no mean feet.




I got woken up at 5am today by a bird tweeting.

If she doesn’t get a grip on her Internet addiction soon, I’m dumping her.

Woman in front of a computer with Twitter logo



Mulled wine is just wine that people think a lot about.

mulled wine



My friend told me he is going to a fancy dress

party as a native American warrior.

I thought, that’s brave.

indian brave



I’ve just given a ten minute presentation

about underwear to Stephen Hawking.

It was a timed history of briefs.

Stephen Hawking A Brief History Of Time



My friend asked me,

“Why are you so lazy when it comes to numbers?”

I said “You do the maths.”

math problem



Dave the slug and Pete the termite are in the pub.

“I’d love to win the lottery,” Dave the slug said.

“Not me,” replied Pete the termite. “No way.”

“Why not?” asked Dave the slug.

“It would be a nightmare,” Pete the termite said.

“I’d have all my family crawling out of the woodwork after a share.”

termite cartoon



I said to the wife, “How come I never find you in the mood for sex?”

She replied, “You don’t look hard enough.”

husband and wife in bed cartoon



I always pray before I play a game of pool.

That way the angles help me.

pool shark



Reports are coming in of a huge explosion

in a baking powder factory.

Police are expecting casualties to rise.

explosion in factory



My wife gets furious when I put her down in front of my friends.

But it’s really embarrassing carrying around a 35 year old woman.




What is small, red and whispers?

A hoarse raddish.




While trekking in Nepal I saw a Yeti with an awesome six-pack.

Must have been the abdominal snowman.

abdominable snowman



To become a good dentist,

you need a degree in Flossify.

flossing cartoon



Just found out that ‘Aaarrrggghhh’ is not a real word.

I can’t even tell you how angry I am!





Ready To Give Your Head A Good Workout?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


The title means, of course, that it is quiz day again.

So if you are ready to give your head a bit of a work out to start the week you’ve come to the right place.

Easy, tricky and difficult, you should find something in this lot to make you think a bit. And if you get stuck you know the answers are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below – but NO cheating.



Quiz 03


Q.  1:  We all know about Martha Stewart, but what did the American Martha Graham become famous for?



Q.  2:  What is the capital of Finland?



Q.  3:  What in the human body is the epidermis?



Q.  4:  Sitting Bull, a victorious chief at the Battle of Little Big Horn later went on tour in which travelling show?



Q.  5:  In which famous short animation movie from 1969 does a beloved Disney character meet an untimely end?



Q.  6:  Which very popular writer with a degree invented the word ‘nerd’?



Q.  7:  Which three animals (a point for each) are directly responsible for  the most deaths each year in the USA? (The mosquito is excluded, as are fatalities resulting from a car crash with animals)



Q.  8:  James Madison was the first US President to sport which clothing fashion?



Q.  9:  In which two movies does Henry Fonda play the US President; and in which monumental movie does he play the ‘Medal of Honor’ winning son of US President Teddy Roosevelt? (Again a point for each correct answer)



Q. 10:  Which Frenchman, famous for abhorring bad drink, said “A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world”?



Q. 11:  David Hedison, Jack Lord, Rik van Nutter, Jeffrey Wright, John Terry, Cec Linder, Michael Pate, Norman Burton and Bernard Casey have all played which role in movies?



Q. 12:  What kind of burst is the most powerful radiation known to science?  



Q. 13:  Leningrad, Fort Sumter, Sarajevo and Massada are all examples of what?



Q. 14:  Which famous Russian female made around the world headlines after the 3rd of November 1957?



Q. 15:  Like other coastal regions in the area, what was the coast of Florida called in the 16th century?



Q. 16:  What was depicted on the seal of the Knights Templar?



Q. 17:  Which worry prone movie character is fluent in more than 6,000,000 forms of communication?



Q. 18:  The name for which delightful and lofty empyrean goal stems from the Persian word for ‘walled enclosure’?



Q. 19:  In which five US states has the USA tested atom bombs? (Another chance to get a point for each correct answer)



Q. 20:  Philadelphia is the old name for the largest city in which country?






















































Q.  1:  We all know about Martha Stewart, but what did the American Martha Graham become famous for?

A.  1:  As a Modern Dancer / Choreographer



Q.  2:  What is the capital of Finland?

A.  2:  Helsinki



Q.  3:  What in the human body is the epidermis?

A.  3:  Skin



Q.  4:  Sitting Bull, a victorious chief at the Battle of Little Big Horn later went on tour in which travelling show?

A.  4:  Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show



Q.  5:  In which famous short animation movie from 1969 does a beloved Disney character meet an untimely end?

A.  5:  Bambi meets Godzilla



Q.  6:  Which very popular writer with a degree invented the word ‘nerd’?

A.  6:  Dr. Seuss.  From the book ‘If I ran the zoo’.



Q.  7:  Which three animals (a point for each) are directly responsible for  the most deaths each year in the USA? (The mosquito is excluded, as are fatalities resulting from a car crash with animals)

A.  7:  Bees, dogs and horses.



Q.  8:  James Madison was the first US President to sport which clothing fashion?

A.  8:  Long trousers (pants)



Q.  9:  In which two movies does Henry Fonda play the US President; and in which monumental movie does he play the ‘Medal of Honor’ winning son of US President Teddy Roosevelt? (Again a point for each correct answer)

A.  9:  Fonda plays the US President in ‘Fail Safe’ and ‘Meteor’. In ‘The longest day’ he plays Teddy Roosevelt Jr.



Q. 10:  Which Frenchman, famous for abhorring bad drink, said “A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world”?

A. 10:  Louis Pasteur



Q. 11:  David Hedison, Jack Lord, Rik van Nutter, Jeffrey Wright, John Terry, Cec Linder, Michael Pate, Norman Burton and Bernard Casey have all played which role in movies?

A. 11:  CIA agent Felix Leiter in Bond films.



Q. 12:  What kind of burst is the most powerful radiation known to science?  

A. 12:  A gamma ray burst. (A burst recorded in December 1997 was for a few seconds brighter than all the other objects in the entire universe put together.)



Q. 13:  Leningrad, Fort Sumter, Sarajevo and Massada are all examples of what?

A. 13:  Famous or infamous sieges.



Q. 14:  Which famous Russian female made around the world headlines after the 3rd of November 1957?

A. 14:  Laika. The Russian cosmonaut dog. (or muttnik )



Q. 15:  Like other coastal regions in the area, what was the coast of Florida called in the 16th century?

A. 15:  The Spanish Main



Q. 16:  What was depicted on the seal of the Knights Templar?

A. 16:  Two knights riding on one horse.



Q. 17:  Which worry prone movie character is fluent in more than 6,000,000 forms of communication?

A. 17:  C3PO



Q. 18:  The name for which delightful and lofty empyrean goal stems from the Persian word for ‘walled enclosure’?

A. 18:  Paradise



Q. 19:  In which five US states has the USA tested atom bombs? (Another chance to get a point for each correct answer)

A. 19:  New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Alaska and Mississippi.



Q. 20:  Philadelphia is the old name for the largest city in which country?

A. 20:  Jordan  (The city of Amman)


