Why Isn’t There An I In Cyclops?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Pun day again. How quickly they seem to come around.

Here’s the latest selection.

Enjoy or endure!




The key to winning world’s best chiropodist title is no mean feet.




I got woken up at 5am today by a bird tweeting.

If she doesn’t get a grip on her Internet addiction soon, I’m dumping her.

Woman in front of a computer with Twitter logo



Mulled wine is just wine that people think a lot about.

mulled wine



My friend told me he is going to a fancy dress

party as a native American warrior.

I thought, that’s brave.

indian brave



I’ve just given a ten minute presentation

about underwear to Stephen Hawking.

It was a timed history of briefs.

Stephen Hawking A Brief History Of Time



My friend asked me,

“Why are you so lazy when it comes to numbers?”

I said “You do the maths.”

math problem



Dave the slug and Pete the termite are in the pub.

“I’d love to win the lottery,” Dave the slug said.

“Not me,” replied Pete the termite. “No way.”

“Why not?” asked Dave the slug.

“It would be a nightmare,” Pete the termite said.

“I’d have all my family crawling out of the woodwork after a share.”

termite cartoon



I said to the wife, “How come I never find you in the mood for sex?”

She replied, “You don’t look hard enough.”

husband and wife in bed cartoon



I always pray before I play a game of pool.

That way the angles help me.

pool shark



Reports are coming in of a huge explosion

in a baking powder factory.

Police are expecting casualties to rise.

explosion in factory



My wife gets furious when I put her down in front of my friends.

But it’s really embarrassing carrying around a 35 year old woman.




What is small, red and whispers?

A hoarse raddish.




While trekking in Nepal I saw a Yeti with an awesome six-pack.

Must have been the abdominal snowman.

abdominable snowman



To become a good dentist,

you need a degree in Flossify.

flossing cartoon



Just found out that ‘Aaarrrggghhh’ is not a real word.

I can’t even tell you how angry I am!





CLASSIFIED: For Your Eyes Only, Part Twelve!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Saturday again and time for another selection of classified ads that would probably be better classified as mistakes.

Judge for yourself if the people who created these got it right or not.




classified ad anniversary coupon.


classified ad 232.


classified ad assorted varieties of tampons.


classified ad 233.


classified ad a whole chiropractic.


classified ad 234.


classified ad baby picante sauce.


classified ad 235.


classified ad bananass.


classified ad 236.


classified ad bbq and pharmaceutical services.


classified ad 237.


classified ad best drinks in town.


classified ad 239.


classified ad better hearing aid device.


