Stonehenge Rocks!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yeah, Stonehenge rocks!

So does Pun Day!!

As always….

Enjoy or endure!!!




Deaf people are lip reading as we speak.




In school, my teacher asked me if I

had any of my own maths equipment.

“I have a broken abacus,” I replied.

She said, “That doesn’t count.”




I’m a puppeteer –

I had to pull a lot of strings to get the job.




My friend happily announced recently that,

after 18 months of hard work and determination,

he had lost over 130 pounds of unhealthy useless fat.

He divorced her.




Want to pull a Jewish girl?

Just show them some interest.

Jewish girl



A woman walks up to a handsome man

in a nightclub and shouts, “Fat penguin!”

“Pardon?” he says, looking bemused.

“Sorry,” she replies. “I was just trying to

think of something that would break the ice.”

cartoon Fat penguin



Being unemployed definitely has its benefits.

unemployment benefit



I always get chutney and pickle mixed up.

It makes me chuckle.




My mate asked if I wanted to

play electric shock monopoly.

I jumped at the chance.




Yesterday I accidentally swallowed some food coloring.

The doctor says I’m OK,

but I feel like I’ve dyed a little inside.

food coloring



My mum always said,

Never use two words when one will do.”

Why didn’t she just say,

“Avoid verbosity”?

mother talking to child



I love blondes, but I was gutted to come

home from work to find my girlfriend

had dyed her hair brunette.

It’s just not fair.




Protesters at the recent G20 conference

were holding up huge signs saying

‘Capitalism Isn’t Working’.

A friend of mine turned to me and said,

“Surely that’s wrong.

Surely ‘Capitalism Is Working’.”

Capitalism Isn't Working



My English teacher told me that it’s impossible

to take two completely different words out of context

and use them to create a coherent sentence.

Wheel sea.

English teacher



Friends of my wife and I, recently bought a farm,

and decided to invite us to a House warming party.

I asked my wife, “What shall we get them for a present?”

“How about this long length of rope with bucket attached?” she replied.

“Yes,” I agreed. “I am sure that will go down well.”

well bucket and rope




Apparently 5/3rds Of People Can’t Do Fractions.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


5/3rds? That’s almost half, isn’t it?

But never mind all that, today isn’t about mathematics, it’s about puns.

Enjoy or endure!




Recently got myself a symphony orchestra but for some reason

all they eat is lemons and strawberry shortcake.

They’re called the Bittersweet Symphony.

Bittersweet Symphony



My brother just got his exam results

for his Double Equine Studies.

He got a G G.




My friend’s wife started her job on a cruise ship last week.

I asked him, “How is she getting on?”

He replied, “I’m not sure, I think they use a crane.”




Did you hear about the two clams

who went out on a cheap date?

They were just being shellfish.




Two geologists were staring

at a huge fissure in a cliff face

and one was overheard to say

‘It’s not my fault’.

fissure in cliff face



I once tried telling a joke about bad postmen,

the delivery was all wrong.




When an actress saw her first strands of

gray hair she thought she’d dye.

first grey hair



Paddy took two stuffed dogs he had

on to the Antiques Road Show

“Ooooh,” says the presenter.

“This is a very rare breed.”

“Do you have any idea what they’d fetch

if they were in good condition?”

“I dunno.” says Paddy.





My doctor reckons I’m paranoid.

He didn’t say it,

but I know he’s thinking it.




An elderly man with Alzheimer’s walks into a bar

and sees a rather tasty elderly woman.

He walks over and sits beside her and says,

“Do I come here often?”

old man cartoon



It’s really difficult to find what you want on eBay.

I was searching for cigarette lighters

and found over 15,000 matches.

match and cigarette lighter




“My findings are pointless when taken out of context.”


“Scientist claims ‘findings are pointless’.”

cartoon scientist



My friend was sacked yesterday

for sexual harassment.

No one understands why,

he was always hard at work.

hard at work



My friend just told me he saw a midget climbing

over the wall of the prison on a bed sheet.

I told him he was a little con descending.




So the young teenage girl says to her mother,

“I think I’m pregnant.”

“What?” exclaims the mother.

“But we had a talk about this.”

“I told you if a boy touches your breast you are to say ‘STOP’

and if he tries to touch you down there your are to say ‘DON’T’.”

“But Mom,” the girl replies.

“He touched them both at the same time.”

“And I shouted ‘DON’T’  ‘STOP’.”



