The Primary Responsibility For A Child’s Education Is Apparent.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes, that’s right, The primary responsibility for a child’s education is apparent.

But everyone’s education would not be complete without a healthy dose of puns.

Always here to help, here’s today’s selection.




I went into a fancy dress shop and asked the woman

working there if they had any ghost costumes.

She said “We don’t sell those, I’m afraid.”

Stupid woman. They’re not that scary.





French Chef commits suicide after critic’s attack.

After further investigation it turns out

he simply lost the huile d’olive.




I went to a really posh school.

In fact, the school was so posh that the Gym was called James.

gym cartoon



I have a friend who’s half Indian.


half indian



Cleavage is the only thing that you can look down on

and approve of at the same time.




My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday because of my obsession.

She said, “I’m sick of it. You actually believe that you’re a Transformer.

It’s stupid. I’ve had enough and I’m leaving you.”

I said, “But, Baby, I can change.”

She said, “There you go again!”




I put a couple of ‘t’s in my beer last night.

I think it made it better.




Shouldn’t the Air and Space museum be empty?

air and space museum



I put a wooden desk and a blackboard in my bedroom.

You know, to make it more classy.

school desk



I was only young when I learned to count.

It was odd at first, even then.




In a cave, I found pictures of women’s breasts,

but when I picked them up, a giant net fell on me.

Damn booby trap.




I make £1,000,000 a month cleaning Windows.

I invented Norton Anti-virus.




My parents gave me a really cheap dictionary for my birthday yesterday.

I couldn’t find the words to thank them.




I never let my children watch big band performances on TV.

Too much sax and violins.




There’s one thing I can’t stand when I’m drunk.





Einstein eventually developed a theory about space.

And it was about time too.




I’m so broke at the moment that all I can

afford to eat are herbs my mate has lent me.

I’m living on borrowed thyme.




I’ve just seen a group on Facebook called, ‘I hate feet’.

Obviously these people are fans of the metric system.




Talking to her about computer hardware,

makes my mother board.




My wife has packed her bags and gone –

just because of my fetish with touching pasta.

I’m feeling cannelloni right now.



