Just Been On Holiday In The South Of France….. It Was Nice!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


A nice holiday in Nice, how nice.

Yes, pun day again folks.

Strap yourselves in and…..

Enjoy or endure!

. rofl


Working as a cake waiter at a wedding,

I saw the most beautiful girl from across the room.

I immediately took a fancy to her.




What berries do fat people enjoy the most?





Guess what is in the middle of nowhere…






I got bullied as a child for having glasses.

Every other kid in the neighborhood could only afford paper cups.




A female police officer used a taser gun on me yesterday.

She was stunning.




Two hours ago I told my kid to shut his mouth and eat his supper.

The poor boy is still sitting at the table trying to figure out how to do it.

cartoon kid mouth shut



I was supposed to go for a job interview

as a camouflage expert last week.

I didn’t turn up, and I got the job!

camouflage expert



Did you hear the one about the depressed frog?

He wanted to kermit suicide.




I caught my wife with another man last night.

Don’t worry though, it’s a trapeze act.

trapeze act



I accidently left an apple outside my local Doctor’s surgery.

Now I’m worried he won’t be able to get in.

an apple a day keeps the doctor away



I’m considering becoming a mind reader.

What are your thoughts?

mind reader



I’ve just invented a machine that can immediately

tell you what condition a painting is in.

It’s state-of-the-art technology.

state of the art



When you type

“Missing medieval servant”  

into Google it comes up with

“Page not found”




A man walked into a bar and ordered half a coke.

The barman said “OK”.

half a coke



I went into the music store earlier and asked the guy

behind the counter if they had anything by Run DMC.

“Walk this way,” he replied.





Is It Just Me, Or Are There Any Other Anagrams Of Em?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


No, it’s not just me.

Loads of people like puns and pun day.

Here’s another one.





If you’re fishing for compliments

it’s best to use allure.

fishing for compliments



I just pitched a tent in the garden.

Surprised myself how far I could throw it.




I was telling a friend that I made a

ventriloquist’s dummy out of some old carpet.

“Any good?” he queried.

“Nah, it’s ruggish,” I replied.

ventriloquist's dummy



I was stunned to find my Taser gun was still switched on.




I shouldn’t have dumped my girlfriend after

overhearing her making fun of my poor endowment.

Turned out she was a financial adviser




I’ve been using X and Y chromosomes in my

adverts recently since, after all, sex cells…

X and Y chromosomes



Last night I looked up at the stars and thought:

“It’s crap being a dwarf in Hollywood.”

grumpy dwarf



When I was young, I used to think CCTV was

a very positive Spanish television channel.




I’ve got an injured extraterrestrial in my shed.

He’s missing an eye.

I’ve called him Alen.

one eyed alien



My dog’s been sitting in the corner, feeling

sorry for himself, for three days.

I knew I shouldn’t have bought a Pitiful Terrier




I saw a headline in the local paper:

“Huge Grant Saves Derelict Theatre”.

I thought: That was nice of him.

hugh grant



I’m a doctor. My wife’s a judge.

She knows how to try my patients.




My missus says she is leaving me because of my obsession with pool.

“Come on love”, I said. “Give me a break”.

pool break



I thought I’d dug up an unknown species

of dinosaur in my back garden.

Excitedly I phoned the Natural History Museum,

but it turned out to be a fossil arm.




I’ve taken thousands of showers over the years.

Never been caught once.




A friend asked me if I knew any words that could describe relief.

I told him I know a phew




I bought a new thesaurus today.

It’s nothing to write house about.




I went for a colonic irrigation today,

then got hit with a huge $659 bill.

It really cleaned me out.




I phoned up the incontinence hotline today and

the lady on the other end asked where I’m ringing from.

I said, “From the waist down.”

incontinence hot line



What do Mexican Robots Eat?



