Beware Of Geeks Bearing GIFs!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


The clue is always in the title.

Yes, prepare to give you chuckle muscles a workout.

It’s pun day.

Another selection of those jokes you love to hate.





I’ve been trying to get this computer to work for an hour now.

Wish I’d bought a laptop.

So much lighter to carry.





My friend clearly wears dentures but won’t admit it.

He’s lying through his teeth.





Still thinking of taking that long term job in the PDRK?

Personally I’d choose a different Korea.





As my wife and three of her friends

squeezed into the car after WeightWatchers,

I muttered under my breath, “Fat cows.”

“What was that?” snapped my wife.

“You herd.”





I thought I was in for the long hall.

But it was just a really big mirror at the end of it.

long hall




I was in the fitting room when a

beautiful woman walked in holding a lacy bra.

I think she was trying it on.

fitting room cartoon




Scientists have discovered a new shade of green.

It’s sublime.





Old MacDonald loves to play with action dolls….

G I G I Joe.

GI Joe




I clicked on the ‘Home Alone’ link earlier.

It opened a page for an Italian mortgage company.





I entered my dog in the redneck dog show last week.

She won “Best Inbreed.”

redneck dogs




Would anyone like to buy any cymbal shaped pillows?

$50 Per cushion.





Think the worst time of my life was when I worked as a cinema usher.

I was in a very dark place back then.





It’s amazing how a piece of technology as simple

as a tablet can revolutionize your life.

Those viagra are amazing.





I’ve found the alcohol which has solved all my problems.

It was liqueur.

liqueur bottles




I have a lot of hangups.

I blame telemarketers.





I’ve styled my hair so that it appears like I’ve got horns.

It’s my gnu look.

Baby Gnu




NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden left Moscow Airport a while ago.

He’s no longer hiding in plane site.





Bauxite refining is a secret carefully guarded by the aluminati.

aluminium rolls




I can’t see the new Nicholas Cage action movie doing very well.

He plays a wrongly convicted man, trapped among

a bunch of the world’s most dangerous criminals,

all stuck inside a Refrigeration Factory.

It’s called Air Con

nicolas cage con air cartoon




Finally when I saw a woman had broken down at

the side of the road I didn’t stop to help her.

I’m not a psychiatrist.

cartoon psychiatrist by Ron Leishman




Some More Witty Sayings, Inspired By George Carlin

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


There was a lot of love for the short series of quotes from George Carlin. I was pleased that he is remembered well and still giving amusement to people, despite no longer being with us.

Today I have a selection of other witty sayings, not attributed to anyone in particular, but in the same spirit as last week’s post.

I hope you enjoy these too.



Dickson’s Gardening Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.


The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.


Sex is like air; it’s not important unless you aren’t getting any.


Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.


One good turn gets most of the blankets.


There are two kinds of pedestrians — the quick and the dead.


Life is sexually transmitted.


An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.


If quitters never win, and winners never quit, then who is the fool who said “Quit while you’re ahead”?


ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI. (One for the nerds and geeks to LTAO.) 


Willie was a Chemist, But Willie is no more, What Willie thought was H2O Was H2SO4.


A closed mouth gathers no feet.


Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.


It’s not hard to meet expenses, they’re everywhere.


Jury — Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.


Never lick a gift horse in the mouth.


The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.


Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.


Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the ‘Y’ becomes silent.


If you want your spouse to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say, talk in your sleep.

