Pioneers, People And Places – It’s Quiz Day!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Welcome to another week and another fasab quiz.

Today is the usual random mixture of questions, including as the title suggests, some about pioneers, people and places.

If you get stuck you can find the answers as usual waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck.

.quiz 8



Q.  1:  Which US state is nick-named the ‘Empire State’ ?



Q.  2:  What sort of creature is a ‘serval’ ?



Q.  3:  What city is known as the ‘Capital of the Alps’ ?



Q.  4:  What African tribe represents a letter in the phonetic alphabet?



Q.  5:  What color are the flowers of the laburnum tree?

            a)  red            b) yellow           c) blue            d) cream



Q.  6:  Which chemical element has the symbol ‘Fe’ ?



Q.  7:  What is the only bird capable of flying all day without flapping its wings?



Q.  8:  How many sides does a rhombus have?



Q.  9:  Which small shark is also known as a ‘rock-eel’ or ‘rock Salmon’ ?



Q. 10:  What is the capital of the Falkland Islands?



Q. 11:  How many balls are on a snooker table at the start of play?



Q. 12:  In physics, what letter is used to represent the constant that is equal to “9.80665 metres per second squared” ?



Q. 13:  Who was the United States’ ‘Action Man’ ?



Q. 14:  What name was given to the women who campaigned to have the vote in the first two decades of the 20th century?



Q. 15:  What was the fishing dispute between Britain and Iceland during the 1960s and 1970s popularly known as?



Q. 16:  Founded in 1413, what is Scotland’s oldest university?



Q. 17:  Who pioneered vaccination as a means of inoculating against smallpox?



Q. 18:  SS Archimedes was an appropriately named ship which was the world’s first to use what form of propulsion?



Q. 19:  Julia Margaret Cameron was an early pioneer of which art form?



Q. 20:  For which Henrik Ibsen play, first performed in 1876, did Edvard Grieg compose the instrumental music?









































































Q.  1:  Which US state is nick-named the ‘Empire State’ ?

A.  1:  New York.



Q.  2:  What sort of creature is a ‘serval’ ?

A.  2:  A Wildcat.



Q.  3:  What city is known as the ‘Capital of the Alps’ ?

A.  3:  Grenoble.



Q.  4:  What African tribe represents a letter in the phonetic alphabet?

A.  4:  Zulu, representing the letter ‘Z’.



Q.  5:  What color are the flowers of the laburnum tree?

            a)  red            b) yellow           c) blue            d) cream

A.  5:  The correct answer is b) yellow.



Q.  6:  Which chemical element has the symbol ‘Fe’ ?

A.  6:  Iron.



Q.  7:  What is the only bird capable of flying all day without flapping its wings?

A.  7:  The Albatross.



Q.  8:  How many sides does a rhombus have?

A.  8:  A rhombus has 4 sides.



Q.  9:  Which small shark is also known as a ‘rock-eel’ or ‘rock Salmon’ ?

A.  9:  Dogfish.



Q. 10:  What is the capital of the Falkland Islands?

A. 10:  Port Stanley.



Q. 11:  How many balls are on a snooker table at the start of play?

A. 11:  22. (15 reds, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 brown, 1 blue, 1 pink, 1 black and the cue ball.)



Q. 12:  In physics, what letter is used to represent the constant that is equal to “9.80665 metres per second squared” ?

A. 12:  It is the letter ‘G’ (constant is Earth’s gravity pull, the acceleration of free fall)



Q. 13:  Who was the United States’ ‘Action Man’ ?

A. 13:  He was called ‘G.I. Joe’.



Q. 14:  What name was given to the women who campaigned to have the vote in the first two decades of the 20th century?

A. 14:  They were known as ‘Suffragettes’.



Q. 15:  What was the fishing dispute between Britain and Iceland during the 1960s and 1970s popularly known as?

A. 15:  It was known as ‘The Cod War’.



Q. 16:  Founded in 1413, what is Scotland’s oldest university?

A. 16:  It is the University of St Andrews.



Q. 17:  Who pioneered vaccination as a means of inoculating against smallpox?

A. 17:  Edward Jenner.



Q. 18:  SS Archimedes was an appropriately named ship which was the world’s first to use what form of propulsion?

A. 18:  A Screw Propeller.



Q. 19:  Julia Margaret Cameron was an early pioneer of which art form?

A. 19:  Photography.



Q. 20:  For which Henrik Ibsen play, first performed in 1876, did Edvard Grieg compose the instrumental music?

A. 20:  Peer Gynt.





Whiteboards Are Remarkable!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


What was that? Whiteboards are remarkable?

Yes, another pun day awaits below.




My New Zealand girlfriend said that

she was falling in love with my rubbish puns,

so I asked her to maori me.


My boss said I couldn’t park my monster truck in the work car park.

So I went over her head.


When my grandfather passed away,

I had his ashes kept in an old bottle of vodka.

I know he’s not here right now,

but he’s with me in spirit.


Feminism is sooooo cute.

feminist cartoon

My wife also left me because of my constant animal puns.

She just couldn’t Bear it…

So she Swanned off…

And took the Kids…

Well at least I no longer have to listen to her bleating on…

otter nonsense

I rang the local ramblers club yesterday.

The bloke at the other end went on and on and on.

ramblers cartoon

Some say a world without sin is ideal,

but there are only so many problems which can be answered

with cos and tan.


The worst pub I’ve ever been to was called The Fiddle.

It really was a vile inn.


If you’re always organizing things, you have OCD.

If you’re always eating things, you have OBCD.

ocd cartoon

This girl came up to me today and

said she recognized me from vegetarian club.

I was confused, I’d never met herbivore.


How did I get out of Iraq?


Iran David_Pope_Iraq_cartoon_Inkspot

I found a rock yesterday which measured 1760 yards in length.

Must be some kind of milestone.    

measurement chart-length

I’m not a competitive person…

I’ll be the first to admit it.    


Me and my friend have just been fighting

over which is the best vowel.

I won.      


Iron man.

What a Fe male.


Today, I walked into a restaurant.

“Hi, is my table ready?”

“No, not yet sir. Do you mind waiting?”

“No, that’s okay.”

“Great, take these to table six then.”


What should you say when you see one of the toddlers

on the Intensive Care Unit is playing with a toy donkey?

ICU baby, shaking that ass.



