A Conversation With The Cat.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”



I was walking through the house

the other day with my camera

when I spotted the cat lying on a sofa.

“Hi there.” I said. “Whatya doin?”

“Just chilling out here on the sofa,’” she said.



“I have a joke for you,” I said.

So I told her a joke.

It must have been a good one,

my how she laughed.



Then I asked,

“Mind if I take your photo?”

“Oh no, no way,” she replied.

“I haven’t combed my fur or anything.”






E-mail Is Post, Modern.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


E-mail is post, modern – get it?

Yes, it’s pun day again.





The poet had written better poems,

but he’d also written verse.




Those who get too big for their britches

will be exposed in the end.

ripped pants



“This must be an aerobics class!”

the blonde worked out at the gym.

step aerobics



When the doctor told him he was missing 

a left ventricle and a left aorta 

the patient laughed half-heartedly.




I’ve got some good advice for the camera shy.

Use coconuts instead.




I like European food so I decided to Russia over there

because I was Hungary. After Czech’ing the menu

I ordered Turkey. When I was Finnished

I told the waiter, Spain good,

but there is Norway I could eat another bite




Those who study the moon are optimists

– they look at the bright side.

moon bright dark sides



To learn rope tricks you have to be taut.

rope trick



You know, vultures can make really good comedy actors.

I really loved them in those old “Carrion” movies.




When a skunk walked in, the judge said,

‘odor in the court’.




How does it change many dyslexics to take a light-bulb?




I had an accident in chemistry class yesterday

when I spilled some sodium chloride

and sulphuric acid over myself.

It was terrible.

I didn’t know how to react.

chemistry class



I’ve just gone into the bedroom

and someone’s stolen my bed.


I’m not lying.




My friends tell me that I’m terrible at telling jokes.

I always punch up the mess line.




The phone rings, and the wife answers it.

A pervert, with heavy breathing, says,

“I bet you have a tight ass with no hair.”

Woman replies, “Yes, he’s watching TV – who shall I say is calling?”



