May The 4th Quiz Be With You.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I don’t know what it is, but I can’t resist using that “May The Force Be With You” thing on this date. Sorry, but you’ll probably see another version of it next year if we’re all still around in the blogshpere.

But to get on with today’s real business, I do have another quiz for you.

The usual random selection and also as usual you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating.

Enjoy and good luck.




Q.  1:  What word links vacations to the phonetic alphabet?



Q.  2:  What is the collective noun for a group of owls?



Q.  3:  ‘PL’ is the international car registration for which country?



Q.  4:  What city is also known as the ‘City of 72 Nations’ ?



Q.  5:  What is the highest score that can be awarded by a figure-skating judge?

            a) 2            b) 4            c) 6            d) 8            e) 10



Q.  6:  For what operation on the brain was Antonio de Egas Moniz of Portugal awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 1949?



Q.  7:  Who was prime minster of China under Chairman Mao?



Q.  8:  Which literary characters set out on a journey from the Tabard Inn, Southwark?



Q.  9:  What is the brightest star in the night sky?



Q. 10:  Spain has many famous ‘costas’. A point for each one of the following you can name correctly the four below and a bonus point if you get them all.


Costa   _  _  _  _  _  _

Costa   _  _  _  _  _

Costa   _  _  _  _  _  _

Costa   _  _  _      _  _  _



Q. 11:  What name links the writers Kipling, Conrad and Heller?



Q. 12:  As well as being a girl’s best friend Diamonds are a form of which chemical element?



Q. 13:  What is the difference in paddles between canoeing and kayaking?



Q. 14:  In which country is Liberation of Saigon Day on April 30 a public holiday?



Q. 15:  What is created when the loop of a meander of a river is cut off and the river diverted on a different course?



Q. 16:  The number of voting representatives in the House of Representatives was fixed by law in 1911 at what number?



Q. 17:  What color is a Welsh poppy?

             a)  Blue            b) Yellow            c) Red            d) White



Q. 18:  How many valves does a trumpet have?



Q. 19:  Which is the only American state to begin with the letter ‘P’ ?



Q. 20:  Which band were Living Next Door to Alice in 1976?










































































Q.  1:  What word links vacations to the phonetic alphabet?

A.  1:  Hotel.



Q.  2:  What is the collective noun for a group of owls?

A.  2:  A parliament.



Q.  3:  ‘PL’ is the international car registration for which country?

A.  3:  Poland.



Q. 4: What city is also known as the ‘City of 72 Nations’ ?

A.  4:  Tehran.



Q.  5:  What is the highest score that can be awarded by a figure-skating judge?

            a) 2            b) 4            c) 6            d) 8            e) 10

A.  5:  The correct answer is c) 6.



Q.  6:  For what operation on the brain was Antonio de Egas Moniz of Portugal awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 1949?

A.  6:  Prefrontal lobotomy.



Q.  7:  Who was prime minster of China under Chairman Mao?

A.  7:  Chou En-Lai (or Zhou Enlai).



Q.  8:  Which literary characters set out on a journey from the Tabard Inn, Southwark?

A.  8:  The pilgrims in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.



Q.  9:  What is the brightest star in the night sky?

A.  9:  Sirius (The Dog Star).



Q. 10:  Spain has many famous ‘costas’. A point for each one of the following you can name correctly the four below and a bonus point if you get them all.

Costa  _  _  _  _  _  _

Costa  _  _  _  _  _

Costa  _  _  _  _  _  _

Costa  _  _  _    _  _  _

A. 10:  The correct answers are Costa BLANCA, Costa BRAVA, Costa DORADA, and the Costa DEL SOL



Q. 11:  What name links the writers Kipling, Conrad and Heller?

A. 11:  The answer is ‘Joseph’. Joseph Conrad, Joseph Heller and although he was much better known as Rudyard Kipling his first name was also Joseph.



Q. 12:  As well as being a girl’s best friend Diamonds are a form of which chemical element?

A. 12:  Carbon.



Q. 13:  What is the difference in paddles between canoeing and kayaking?

A. 13:  Canoe paddles have a single face and Kayak paddles a double face.



Q. 14:  In which country is Liberation of Saigon Day on April 30 a public holiday?

A. 14:  Vietnam.



Q. 15:  What is created when the loop of a meander of a river is cut off and the river diverted on a different course?

A. 15:  Oxbow Lake.



Q. 16:  The number of voting representatives in the House of Representatives was fixed by law in 1911 at what number?

A. 16:  The number of voting representatives in the House of Representatives was fixed by law in 1911 at no more than 435, proportionally representing the population of the 50 states.



Q. 17:  What color is a Welsh poppy?

             a)  Blue            b) Yellow            c) Red            d) White

A. 17:  The correct answer is b) Yellow.



Q. 18:  How many valves does a trumpet have?

A. 18:  A trumpet has 3 valves.



Q. 19:  Which is the only American state to begin with the letter ‘p’?

A. 19:  Pennsylvania.



Q. 20:  Which band were Living Next Door to Alice in 1976?

A. 20:  Smokie.





E = MC2 ? Yes, It’s Quiz Day.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to prove the theory of relativity or anything like that, although the ‘E’ does crop up in one of the questions.

But there are a few easy ones mixed in as well, so why not have a go?

If you get stuck you can, as always, find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck.


quiz host


Q.  1:  Was 1998 a leap year?



Q.  2:  What (domestic) animal gives us the most by-products?



Q.  3:  What city is known as the Paris of South America?



Q.  4:  What does an ‘oologist’ (pronounced oo-all-o-gist) collect or study?

           a) shoe laces          b) stamps          c) bird eggs          d) rare coins



Q.  5:  What’s the term for water induction process in plants?



Q.  6:  In which American state is Cape Canaveral, a launching site for space travel?



Q.  7:  This metal is the main element in Bronze and constitutes approximately 10% of Yellow Gold, what is it?



Q.  8:  What does the ‘E’ represent in the equation  E = MC2?



Q.  9:  Which bird turns its head upside down to eat?

    a) the stork        b) the albatross        c) the flamingo        d) the swan



Q. 10:  LOT is the national airline of which country?

            a) Peru          b) Lithuania          c) Poland          d) Latvia



Q. 11:  What are the two major groups of islands off the north-east coast of Scotland?



Q. 12:  ‘Richard Hannay’ is the chief protagonist in what John Buchan novel?



Q. 13:  What is the name of Caractacus Potts’ 12- cylinder, eight-litre, supercharged Paragon Panther?



Q. 14:  As well as being the first woman mayor in England, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was the first woman to qualify in which profession?



Q. 15:  What general name is given to a female donkey?



Q. 16:  What name is given to the natural grassland area of southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay?



Q. 17:  According to legend, which creatures did Saint Patrick banish from Ireland?



Q. 18:  What is an estate, large farm or ranch called in Spanish-speaking countries?



Q. 19:  Who is the wizard in The Hobbit?



Q. 20:  From which country does Samba dancing come?










































































Q.  1:  Was 1998 a leap year?

A.  1:  No.



Q.  2:  What (domestic) animal gives us the most by-products?

A.  2:  The Pig.



Q.  3:  What city is known as the Paris of South America?

A.  3:  Buenos Aires In Argentina.



Q.  4:  What does an ‘oologist’ (pronounced oo-all-o-gist) collect or study?

           a) shoe laces          b) stamps          c) bird eggs          d) rare coins

A.  4:  The correct answer is c) bird eggs.



Q.  5:  What’s the term for water induction process in plants

A.  5:  Osmosis.



Q.  6:  In which American state is Cape Canaveral, a launching site for space travel?

A.  6:  It is in Florida.



Q.  7:  This metal is the main element in Bronze and constitutes approximately 10% of Yellow Gold, what is it?

A.  7:  It is Copper.



Q.  8:  What does the ‘E’ represent in the equation  E = MC2?

A.  8:  The ‘E’ represents ‘Energy’.



Q.  9:  Which bird turns its head upside down to eat?

    a) the stork        b) the albatross        c) the flamingo        d) the swan

A.  9:  The correct answer is c) the flamingo.



Q. 10:  LOT is the national airline of which country?

            a) Peru          b) Lithuania          c) Poland          d) Latvia

A. 10:  The correct answer is c) Poland.



Q. 11:  What are the two major groups of islands off the north-east coast of Scotland?

A. 11:  They are the Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands.



Q. 12:  ‘Richard Hannay’ is the chief protagonist in what John Buchan novel?

A. 12:  The 39 Steps.



Q. 13:  What is the name of Caractacus Potts’ 12- cylinder, eight-litre, supercharged Paragon Panther?

A. 13:  It is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.



Q. 14:  As well as being the first woman mayor in England, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was the first woman to qualify in which profession?

A. 14:  As a doctor.



Q. 15:  What general name is given to a female donkey?

A. 15:  A Jenny.



Q. 16:  What name is given to the natural grassland area of southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay?

A. 16:  The Pampas.



Q. 17:  According to legend, which creatures did Saint Patrick banish from Ireland?

A. 17:  Snakes.



Q. 18:  What is an estate, large farm or ranch called in Spanish-speaking countries?

A. 18:  It is called a Hacienda.



Q. 19:  Who is the wizard in The Hobbit?

A. 19:  Gandalf.



Q. 20:  From which country does Samba dancing come?

A. 20:  Brazil.





It’s Time For – The BIG Christmas Quiz!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Christmas week again folks and another year almost gone.

Time of course for the BIG Christmas quiz.

Some of the questions are fairly easy, but one or two will keep you thinking for a while.

So grab a cup of coffee, or something stronger if you like, and test your knowledge of Christmas and things Christmasy.

And, as always, if you get stuck, you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy, good luck, and a very Merry Christmas.


The BIG Christmas Quiz


Q.  1:  In which country does Santa have his own personal postcode ‘HOH OHO’?



Q.  2:  Which Christmas plant takes its name from the first US Minister to Mexico?



Q.  3:  What date is St Stephen’s Day?



Q.  4:  The song ‘White Christmas’ was first performed in which 1942 movie?



Q.  5:  Who is officially credited as the author of ‘Auld Lang Syne’?



Q.  6:  ‘Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents’ is the opening line from which classic novel?



Q.  7:  Which Christmas carol includes the lyrics ‘…To save us all from Satan’s power, when we were gone astray..’?



Q.  8:  In ‘The Twelve Days Of Christmas’, what were there eight of?



Q.  9:  If you’ve watched a TV show like ‘The Sopranos’ you’ve probably heard the term ‘Bada Bing’, but in what country is Christmas known as ‘Bada Din’ (the big day)?



Q. 10:  Which of Santa’s reindeer shares its name with a mythical god of love?



Q. 11:  What color are the berries of the mistletoe plant?



Q. 12:  The character ‘Jack Skellington’ appears in which 1993 Tim Burton movie?



Q. 13:  What’s the second line of “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas“?



Q. 14:  Marzipan is made (conventionally in the western world) mainly from sugar and the flour or meal of which nut?



Q. 15:  In the inspirational 1946 movie, ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, what’s the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel?



Q. 16:  What Christmas item was invented by London baker and wedding-cake specialist Tom Smith in 1847?



Q. 17:  We all know that “Good King Wenceslas looked out on the feast of Stephan” and that he liked his pizzas deep pan crisp and even, but in which country was Wenceslas king?



Q. 18:  Who wrote ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’?



Q. 19:  Who were first people to visit the baby Jesus?



Q. 20:  A Christmas present for country western fans. Who sang “It was Christmas in prison the food was real good, we had turkey and pistols carved out of wood”

            a) Willy Nelson        b) Johnny Cash        c) John Prine        d) Garth Brooks



Q. 21:  What do George C. Scott, Alastair Sim, Daffy Duck, Patrick Stewart, Michael Caine, Fred Flintstone and Jim Carrey all have in common?



Q. 22:  Which Christmas condiment is made from fruit sometimes referred to as ‘marshworts’?



Q. 23:  The American ad writer Robert L. May invented which colorful Christmas character in 1939? 



Q. 24:  ‘Three Kings Day’ is known by what numerical name in Britain?



Q. 25:  What Angel visited Mary?



Q. 26:  Which Christmas slogan was introduced by Clarissa Baldwin of Dogs Trust in 1978?



Q. 27:  Peter Auty sang ‘Walking In The Air’ in what Christmas time movie?



Q. 28:  What do American singer and actor Dean Martin, actress and singer Eartha Kitt, and Charlie Chaplin all have in common?



Q. 29:  In the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, ‘…my true love brought to me nine…’ what?



Q. 30:  Which American-born English poet, having first names Thomas Stearns, wrote the poem ‘The Cultivation Of Christmas Trees’?



Q. 31:  Who composed the music known as ‘The Nutcracker Suite’, for the Christmas themed ballet The Nutcracker, premiered in St Petersburg, 1892?



Q. 32:  What is the surname of the family in the 1989 movie ‘National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation’?



Q. 33:  Patra, the birthplace of the original Santa Claus, St Nicholas, is in which modern country?



Q. 34:  How many of Rudolph’s eight companions names start with ‘D’? (A point for the correct number and bonus points for each one you can name correctly.)



Q. 35:  Which southern central US state, whose capital city has the same name, was the last to recognize Christmas as an official holiday?



Q. 36:  Under which Puritan leader did the English parliament pass a law banning Christmas in 1647?



Q. 37:  In the song ‘The Twelve Days Of Christmas‘, how many swans were a-swimming?



Q. 38:  Why were Joseph and the expectant Mary on the road to Bethlehem in the first place?



Q. 39:  In which country was Boxing Day renamed ‘Day of Goodwill’ in 1994?



Q. 40:  How many Lords-a-leaping are there in ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’?



Q. 41:  In which American state would you find the city of Bethlehem? 



Q. 42:  Which Hasbro children’s robot action figures were the most popular Christmas presents in 1984?



Q. 43:  What Christmas item takes its name from the old French word ‘estincelle’, meaning spark?



Q. 44:  In the movie ‘Jingle All The Way’ name the toy Arnold Schwarzenegger was hunting?



Q. 45:  Which famous mathematician was born on Boxing Day in 1791?



Q. 46:  What does the word ‘Christ’ mean? 



Q. 47:  Which 1987 action/comedy movie opens to the music of ‘Jingle Bell Rock’?   



Q. 48:  What Apple product was reportedly the most popular Christmas gift in 2007?



Q. 49:  A lot of them have already been mentioned in this quiz, so how many presents were given in total in the 12 Days of Christmas?



Q. 50:  In the Christmas carol, which town is known as ‘Royal David’s City’?








































































Q.  1:  In which country does Santa have his own personal postcode ‘HOH OHO’?

A.  1:  Canada.



Q.  2:  Which Christmas plant takes its name from the first US Minister to Mexico?

A.  2:  Poinsettia.



Q.  3:  What date is St Stephen’s Day?

A.  3:  26th December.



Q.  4:  The song ‘White Christmas’ was first performed in which 1942 movie?

A.  4:  Holiday Inn.



Q.  5:  Who is officially credited as the author of ‘Auld Lang Syne’?

A.  5:  Robert Burns.



Q.  6:  ‘Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents’ is the opening line from which classic novel?

A.  6:  Little Women.



Q.  7:  Which Christmas carol includes the lyrics ‘…To save us all from Satan’s power, when we were gone astray..’?

A.  7:  God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.



Q.  8:  In ‘The Twelve Days Of Christmas’, what were there eight of?

A.  8:  Maids-a-milking.



Q.  9:  If you’ve watched a TV show like ‘The Sopranos’ you’ve probably heard the term ‘Bada Bing’, but in what country is Christmas known as ‘Bada Din’ (the big day)?

A.  9:  India.



Q. 10:  Which of Santa’s reindeer shares its name with a mythical god of love?

A. 10:  Cupid.



Q. 11:  What color are the berries of the mistletoe plant?

A. 11:  White.



Q. 12:  The character ‘Jack Skellington’ appears in which 1993 Tim Burton movie?

A. 12:  The Nightmare before Christmas.



Q. 13:  What’s the second line of “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas”?

A. 13:  “Just like the ones I used to know”.



Q. 14:  Marzipan is made (conventionally in the western world) mainly from sugar and the flour or meal of which nut?

A. 14:  Almond.



Q. 15:  In the inspirational 1946 movie, ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, what is the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel?

A. 15:  Clarence (Oddbody).



Q. 16:  What Christmas item was invented by London baker and wedding-cake specialist Tom Smith in 1847?

A. 16:  Christmas cracker.



Q. 17:  We all know that “Good King Wenceslas looked out on the feast of Stephan” and that he liked his pizzas deep pan crisp and even, but in which country was Wenceslas king?

A. 17:  Bohemia (Czech Republic)



Q. 18:  Who wrote ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’?

A. 18:  Dr Seuss.



Q. 19:  Who were first people to visit the baby Jesus?

A. 19:  Shepherds.



Q. 20:  A Christmas present for country western fans. Who sang “It was Christmas in prison the food was real good, we had turkey and pistols carved out of wood”

    a. Willy Nelson    b. Johnny Cash    c. John Prine    d. Garth Brooks

A. 20:  Answer c. John Prine (‘Christmas in prison’ from the album Sweet Revenge)



Q. 21:  What do George C. Scott, Alastair Sim, Daffy Duck, Patrick Stewart, Michael Caine, Fred Flintstone and Jim Carrey all have in common?

A. 21:  They have all played the role of Ebenezer Scrooge in movies or television.



Q. 22:  Which Christmas condiment is made from fruit sometimes referred to as ‘marshworts’?

A. 22:  Cranberry sauce.



Q. 23:  The American ad writer Robert L. May invented which colorful Christmas character in 1939?   

A. 23:  Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  



Q. 24:  ‘Three Kings Day’ is known by what numerical name in Britain?

A. 24:  Twelfth Night.



Q. 25:  What Angel visited Mary?

A. 25:  Gabriel.



Q. 26:  Which Christmas slogan was introduced by Clarissa Baldwin of Dogs Trust in 1978?

A. 26:  A Dog Is For Life, Not Just For Christmas.



Q. 27:  Peter Auty sang ‘Walking In The Air’ in what Christmas time movie?

A. 27:  The Snowman.



Q. 28:  What do American singer and actor Dean Martin, actress and singer Eartha Kitt, and Charlie Chaplin all have in common?

A. 28:  All died on Christmas day.



Q. 29:  In the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, ‘…my true love brought to me nine…’ what?

A. 29:  Ladies dancing.



Q. 30:  Which American-born English poet, having first names Thomas Stearns, wrote the poem ‘The Cultivation Of Christmas Trees’?

A. 30:  T S Eliot.



Q. 31:  Who composed the music known as ‘The Nutcracker Suite’, for the Christmas themed ballet The Nutcracker, premiered in St Petersburg, 1892?

A. 31:  Tchaikovsky.



Q. 32:  What is the surname of the family in the 1989 movie ‘National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation’?

A. 32:  Griswold.



Q. 33:  Patra, the birthplace of the original Santa Claus, St Nicholas, is in which modern country?

A. 33:  Turkey.



Q. 34:  How many of Rudolph’s eight companions names start with ‘D’? (A point for the correct number and bonus points for each one you can name correctly.)

A. 34:  Three – Dasher, Dancer and Donner



Q. 35:  Which southern central US state, whose capital city has the same name, was the last to recognize Christmas as an official holiday?

A. 35:  Oklahoma.



Q. 36:  Under which Puritan leader did the English parliament pass a law banning Christmas in 1647?

A. 36:  Oliver Cromwell.



Q. 37:  In the song ‘The Twelve Days Of Christmas’, how many swans were a-swimming?

A. 37:  Seven.



Q. 38:  Why were Joseph and the expectant Mary on the road to Bethlehem in the first place?

A. 38:  To pay tax (and take part in a census). 



Q. 39:  In which country was Boxing Day renamed ‘Day of Goodwill’ in 1994?

A. 39:  South Africa



Q. 40:  How many Lords-a-leaping are there in ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’?

A. 40:  10.



Q. 41:  In which American state would you find the city of Bethlehem?   

A. 41:  Pennsylvania 



Q. 42:  Which Hasbro children’s robot action figures were the most popular Christmas presents in 1984?

A. 42:  The Transformers    



Q. 43:  What Christmas item takes its name from the old French word ‘estincelle’, meaning spark?

A. 43:  Tinsel.



Q. 44:  In the movie ‘Jingle All The Way’ name the toy Arnold Schwarzenegger was hunting?

A. 44:  Turbo Man.



Q. 45:  Which famous mathematician was born on Boxing Day in 1791?

A. 45:  Charles Babbage.



Q. 46:  What does the word ‘Christ’ mean?  

A. 46:  ‘Annointed’ (from the Greek ‘Xristo’).



Q. 47:  Which 1987 action/comedy movie opens to the music of ‘Jingle Bell Rock;?   

A. 47:  Lethal Weapon



Q. 48:  What Apple product was reportedly the most popular Christmas gift in 2007?

A. 48:  The iPod Touch.



Q. 49:  How many presents were given in total in the 12 Days of Christmas?

A. 49:  364.



Q. 50:  In the Christmas carol, which town is known as ‘Royal David’s City’?

A. 50:  Bethlehem.





Quizzers, Your Moment Has Come!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Hello to all you quizzers out there. Your moment has indeed come.

It’s time for the Monday quiz here at the fasab blog.

Another random selection of questions and as usual if you get stuck you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy, and good luck.


quiz 09


Q.  1:  What is the longest river in South America?



Q.  2:  Philip Pirrip is the central character in which famous Charles Dickens novel?



Q.  3:  ‘Firefly’, ‘The Mole’ and ‘Fab 2’ are all examples of what?



Q.  4:  This famous historical duke and his horse both had capital cities named after them. Can you name them? (A point for each correct answer.)



Q.  5:  The island of Zealand is part of which country?



Q.  6:  What is the name of the satirical novel by the American author Joseph Heller set during World War II from 1942 to 1944?



Q.  7:  What is the name of the Norwegian politician who became a puppet leader of his country during World War II, his name now a byword for treachery?



Q.  8:  This 1999 movie starring Will Smith, who also sang the title song, won five Golden Raspberry Awards for Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Screen Couple, Worst Screenplay and Worst Original Song – what was it?



Q.  9:  Which island has the 2 official languages Sinhalese and Tamil?



Q. 10:  The site of this famous battle is now a National Monument, but in which American state did the Battle of The Little Bighorn take place?



Q. 11:  In order of popularity, can you name the world’s top three religions?



Q. 12:  Which South American city provides the setting for the 1982 movie ‘Missing’, starring Jack Lemmon?



Q. 13:  British Honduras is now called what?



Q. 14:  What Catholic Bishop was killed in Rome on February 14 AD 270?



Q. 15:  Where were the ‘Camp David Accords’ signed, and by whom?



Q. 16:  Who,  in the 1970s and at the age of forty-three, became the world’s first female President and the youngest Head of State in Latin America?



Q. 17:  Who founded the first US detective agency in 1850?



Q. 18:  For what invention is Earl Silas Tupper best known?



Q. 19:  Who said in a 1933 movie, “I could dance with you till the cows come home. On second thoughts, I’d rather dance with the cows till you came home” (A bonus point if you can name the movie.)



Q. 20:  Which super group were originally called the ‘New Yardbirds’?









































































Q.  1:  What is the longest river in South America?

A.  1:  The Amazon.



Q.  2:  Philip Pirrip is the central character in which famous Charles Dickens novel?

A.  2:  Great Expectations.



Q.  3:  ‘Firefly’, ‘The Mole’ and ‘Fab 2’ are all examples of what?

A.  3:  Vehicles in the TV series Thunderbirds.



Q.  4:  This famous historical duke and his horse both had capital cities named after them. Can you name them? (A point for each correct answer.)

A.  4:  The famous historical duke is the Duke of Wellington, Wellington being the capital city of New Zealand;  the name of his horse was Copenhagen which is also the name of the capital city of Denmark.  



Q.  5:  The island of Zealand is part of which country?

A.  5:  Denmark.



Q.  6:  What is the name of the satirical novel by the American author Joseph Heller set during World War II from 1942 to 1944?

A.  6:  Catch-22.



Q.  7:  What is the name of the Norwegian politician who became a puppet leader of his country during World War II, his name now a byword for treachery?

A.  7:  Vidkun Quisling.



Q.  8:  This 1999 movie starring Will Smith, who also sang the title song, won five Golden Raspberry Awards for Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Screen Couple, Worst Screenplay and Worst Original Song – what was it?

A.  8:  Wild, Wild West.



Q.  9:  Which island has the 2 official languages Sinhalese and Tamil?

A.  9:  Sri Lanka.



Q. 10:  The site of this famous battle is now a National Monument, but in which American state did the Battle of The Little Bighorn take place?

A. 10:  Montana.



Q. 11:  In order of popularity, can you name the world’s top three religions?

A. 11:  Christianity (2 billion followers approximately), Islam (1.6 billion) and Hinduism (1 billion).



Q. 12:  Which South American city provides the setting for the 1982 movie ‘Missing’, starring Jack Lemmon?

A. 12:  Santiago de Chile. (You get a point if you just said Santiago.)



Q. 13:  British Honduras is now called what?

A. 13:  Belize.



Q. 14:  What Catholic Bishop was killed in Rome on February 14 AD 270?

A. 14:  Did the date give it away? The answer is, St Valentine.



Q. 15:  Where were the ‘Camp David Accords’ signed, and by whom?

A. 15:  Although they are named after the location at which the secret negotiations preceding them took place, The ‘Camp David Accords’ were actually signed at the White House in Washington DC, by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on 17 September 1978, witnessed by United States President Jimmy Carter.



Q. 16:  Who, in the 1970s at the age of forty-three, became the world’s first female President and the youngest Head of State in Latin America?

A. 16:  Isabel Peron.



Q. 17:  Who founded the first US detective agency in 1850?

A. 17:  Allan Pinkerton.



Q. 18:  For what invention is Earl Silas Tupper best known?

A. 18:  The clue was in the name, the answer is ‘Tupperware’.



Q. 19:  Who said in a 1933 movie, “I could dance with you till the cows come home. On second thoughts, I’d rather dance with the cows till you came home” (A bonus point if you can name the movie.)

A. 19:  Groucho Marx in ‘Duck Soup’.



Q. 20:  Which super group were originally called the ‘New Yardbirds’?

A. 20:  Led Zeppelin.





First Quiz For December. Let’s See How You Do.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


First of the Monday quizzes for December.

As usual the answers can be found waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below – but NO cheating please.

Enjoy, and good luck!


quiz 05


Q.  1: In which American state did the English first settle in 1607?



Q.  2:  What name was given to a pilot who flew suicide missions in World War II?



Q.  3:  Whish of these is the name of a town or city in Turkey?

a)  Batman        b)  Robin           c)  Joker



Q.  4:  Who was the first person to cross the English channel with an airplane?



Q.  5:  Fifty years ago, on November 22nd 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas but what was the name of the airport where Air Force One landed on that fateful journey?



Q.  6:  Why did the Roman Catholic church ban Mozart’s music?



Q.  7:  Australia built fences across outback areas to contain what agricultural pest?



Q.  8:  Which country’s troops invaded Cambodia in 1979?



Q.  9:  Who played an aging Jewish Nazi hunter named ‘Ezra Lieberman’ and in what movie? (A point for each answer.)



Q. 10:  In which country is the site of the famous battle of Waterloo?



Q. 11:  Which American diva got married after a whirlwind romance, in 2008?



Q. 12:  What were the first names the four members of the ‘Cartwright family’ and what long running television show they were in?  (Character’s names, not their real names and you can have a point for each.)



Q. 13:  What do the actors Rex Harrison, Yul Brynner and Yun Fat Chow all have in common?



Q. 14:  Who noted the day before he was killed in 1968: “I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man”?



Q. 15:  What famous television series starred Marilu Henner, Judd Hirsch and Danny DeVito?



Q. 16:  In which 1964 musical movie was Audrey Hepburn’s singing dubbed by Marni Nixon?



Q. 17:  In which country, until 1922, was the Ruler referred to as ‘Sultan of the Ottoman Empire’?



Q. 18:  Which nanny did Julie Andrews win an Oscar for playing?



Q. 19:  Which Scottish engineer gave the first public demonstration of television in 1925?



Q. 20:  Which song by Survivor is the best selling UK heavy metal release of all time?









































































Q.  1: In which American state did the English first settle in 1607?

A.  1:  Virginia.



Q.  2:  What name was given to a pilot who flew suicide missions in World War II?

A.  2:  Kamikaze.



Q.  3:  Whish of these is the name of a town or city in Turkey?

a)  Batman        b)  Robin           c)  Joker

A.  3:  a)  Batman  (Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo….)



Q.  4:  Who was the first person to cross the English channel with an airplane?

A.  4:  Louis Blèriot.



Q.  5:  Fifty years ago, on November 22nd 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas but what was the name of the airport where Air Force One landed on that fateful journey?

A.  5:  Love Field.



Q.  6:  Why did the Roman Catholic church ban Mozart’s music?

A.  6:  He joined the Freemasons.



Q.  7:  Australia built fences across outback areas to contain what agricultural pest?

A.  7:  Rabbits.



Q.  8:  Which country’s troops invaded Cambodia in 1979?

A.  8:  Vietnam.



Q.  9:  Who played an aging Jewish Nazi hunter named ‘Ezra Lieberman’ and in what movie? (A point for each answer.)

A.  9:  Laurence Olivier in ‘The Boys From Brazil’.



Q. 10:  In which country is the site of the famous battle of Waterloo?

A. 10:  Belgium.



Q. 11:  Which American diva got married after a whirlwind romance, in 2008?

A. 11:  Mariah Carey.



Q. 12:  What were the first names the four members of the ‘Cartwright family’ and what long running television show they were in?  (Character’s names, not their real names and you can have a point for each.)

A. 12:  Ben, Adam, Eric (Hoss), and Joesph (Little Joe) in Bonanza.



Q. 13:  What do the actors Rex Harrison, Yul Brynner and Yun Fat Chow all have in common?

A. 13:  They have all played the King (King Mongkut) in film. Harrison (‘Anna and the King of Siam’, 1946) Brynner (‘The King and I’, 1956), Chow (‘Anna and the King’, 1999).



Q. 14:  Who noted the day before he was killed in 1968: “I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man”?

A. 14:  Martin Luther King.



Q. 15:  What famous television series starred Marilu Henner, Judd Hirsch and Danny DeVito?

A. 15:  Taxi.



Q. 16:  In which 1964 musical movie was Audrey Hepburn’s singing dubbed by Marni Nixon?

A. 16:  My Fair Lady.



Q. 17:  In which country, until 1922, was the Ruler referred to as ‘Sultan of the Ottoman Empire’?

A. 17:  Turkey.



Q. 18:  Which nanny did Julie Andrews win an Oscar for playing?

A. 18:  Mary Poppins.



Q. 19:  Which Scottish engineer gave the first public demonstration of television in 1925?

A. 19:  John Logie Baird.



Q. 20:  Which song by Survivor is the best selling UK heavy metal release of all time?

A. 20:  Eye of the Tiger.



