It’s A May Day Holiday In Some Places, But There Are No Breaks From The Weekly Fasab Quiz.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Holiday or not, no place to hide from the fasab weekly quiz.

Let’s see how you cope with today’s challenge.

As usual, if you get stuck, you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck.


quiz 2


Q.  1:  What does the ‘K’ in K-mart stand for?



Q.  2:  Which way does a “no smoking” sign’s slash run?



Q.  3:  During WWII, what popular food in the U.S. was dubbed “Liberty Steaks” to avoid a German-sounding name?



Q.  4:  Do books have even # pages on the right or left side?



Q.  5:  What is the name of Britain’s highest mountain?



Q.  6:  The Triumph TR 6, Aston Martin DB6, Ferrari Dino and the early 1970s Ford Mustang all had which kind of tail or back?



Q.  7:  Who was awarded the 1993 Nobel Peace Price along with Nelson Mandela?



Q.  8:  What is the collective term for a group of tigers?



Q.  9:  Who is responsible for saying “You’re Fired” in the American and British versions of The Apprentice? (A point for each correct answer.)



Q. 10:  On which card in a deck is the cardmaker’s trademark?



Q. 11:  This small, war torn, country’s name translated means white, its Capital is divided by the ‘green line’, Dan Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci Code’ was banned there and it hosted the 2009 Asian Winter Games. What is it?



Q. 12:  What were the early occupations of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini? (A point for each correct answer.)



Q. 13:  The name of which country means ‘go and milk it’?  

            a) Italy          b) India          c) Somalia          d) Brazil



Q. 14:  What Nobel Prize winning writer was In Dubious Battle with The Grapes Of Wrath, East Of Eden?



Q. 15:  Which President of the United States of America regularly bought slaves in Washington, D.C. and quietly freed them in Pennsylvania?



Q. 16:  Towards the end of World War II, the Allied forces dropped the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima and a second, an H-bomb, on the city of Nagasaki. If it had been necessary to drop a third nuclear device what was to be the target city?



Q. 17:  What is the longest chapter in the Bible?



Q. 18:  In Mel Brooks’ ‘Silent Movie,’ who is the only person who has a speaking role?



Q. 19:  Who wrote ‘A Clockwork Orange’?



Q. 20:  Which letter of the alphabet links Boney People?







































































Q.  1:  What does the ‘K’ in K-mart stand for?

A.  1:  The K stands for founder Sebastian S Kresge.



Q.  2:  Which way does a “no smoking” sign’s slash run?

A.  2:  Towards the bottom right.



Q.  3:  During WWII, what popular food in the U.S. was dubbed “Liberty Steaks” to avoid a German-sounding name?

A.  3:  Hamburgers.



Q.  4:  Do books have even # pages on the right or left side?

A.  4:  Left.



Q.  5:  What is the name of Britain’s highest mountain?

A.  5:  Ben Nevis.



Q.  6:  The Triumph TR 6, Aston Martin DB6, Ferrari Dino and the early 1970s Ford Mustang all had which kind of tail or back?

A.  6:  Kamm (Kamm tail, K-tail or Kammback).



Q.  7:  Who was awarded the 1993 Nobel Peace Price along with Nelson Mandela?

A.  7:  Former South African President Frederik Willem de Klerk.



Q.  8:  What is the collective term for a group of tigers?

A.  8:  An ‘Ambush’.



Q.  9:  Who is responsible for saying “You’re Fired” in the American and British versions of The Apprentice? (A point for each correct answer.)

A.  9:  Donald Trump in the US version and Lord Alan Sugar in the British version.



Q. 10:  On which card in a deck is the cardmaker’s trademark?

A. 10:  On the Ace of spades.



Q. 11:  This small, war torn, country’s name translated means white, its Capital is divided by the ‘green line’, Dan Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci Code was banned there and it hosted the 2009 Asian Winter Games. What is it?

A. 11:  Lebanon.



Q. 12:  What were the early occupations of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini? (A point for each correct answer.)

A. 12:  He had been a teacher and journalist.



Q. 13:  The name of which country means ‘go and milk it’?  

            a) Italy          b) India          c) Somalia          d) Brazil

A. 13:  c) Somalia.         



Q. 14:  What Nobel Prize winning writer was In Dubious Battle with The Grapes Of Wrath, East Of Eden?

A. 14:  John Steinbeck.



Q. 15:  Which President of the United States of America regularly bought slaves in Washington, D.C. and quietly freed them in Pennsylvania?

A. 15:  James Buchanan.



Q. 16:  Towards the end of World War II, the Allied forces dropped the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima and a second, an H-bomb, on the city of Nagasaki. If it had been necessary to drop a third nuclear device what was to be the target city?

A. 16:  Third city to be targeted was Tokyo.



Q. 17:  What is the longest chapter in the Bible?

A. 17:  The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119.



Q. 18:  In Mel Brooks’ ‘Silent Movie,’ who is the only person who has a speaking role?

A. 18:  Typical of Mel Brooks’ humor, the only person with a speaking role in ‘Silent Movie’  is the famous mime Marcel Marceau.



Q. 19:  Who wrote ‘A Clockwork Orange’?

A. 19:  Anthony Burgess.



Q. 20:  Which letter of the alphabet links Boney People?

A. 20:  The letter is ‘M’ as in ‘Boney M’ and ‘M People’.





Another Week, Another Quiz!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Hi, and welcome to another week and to start it off, another quiz.

The usual selection of random questions to test your knowledge.

And, as usual, if you get stuck you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please, NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck.


Quiz_button 02


Q.  1:  This one is the name of a famous city and also the man who ran away with Helen?



Q.  2:  What is the highest mountain in Africa?



Q.  3:  On which river does the city of Vienna stand?



Q.  4:  Who was the Empress of India in 1876?



Q.  5:  In which South American country did the ‘bossa nova’ originate?



Q.  6:  The so-called “Pastry war” of 1838 was fought between which two nations?



Q.  7:  Which capital city features in the name of a movie starring Sabu and based on the Arabian Nights?



Q.  8:  What started in a bakery in Pudding Lane in 1666?



Q.  9:  To which country does the island of Madeira belong?



Q. 10:  It’s almost time for the Hollywood Academy Awards again, but who won the Academy Award for best actress two years in a row in 1967 and 1968? (Bonus points if you can also name the movies.)



Q. 11:  How old was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart when he died in 1791?



Q. 12:  What U.S. President committed an unpardonable sin by kissing Britain’s Queen Mother on the lips?



Q. 13:  On which small island did the USA first test their H bomb in 1954?



Q. 14:  Most people have heard of the phrase “Crossing the Rubicon” meaning to pass a point of no return, but who was the source of the phrase when he crossed the Rubicon and who was his opponent? (A point for each.)



Q. 15:  What make of car did Lenin and Stalin have one of that Brezhnev had three of?



Q. 16:  Which country seceded from Colombia in 1903?



Q. 17:  Which famous movie title is the Mexican name for the river known in the USA as ‘Rio Grande’?



Q. 18:  in 1984 who were Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis?



Q. 19:  What mythological creature did Britain’s King George V have tattooed on his right arm?



Q. 20:  Versions of this popular song have been recorded by Julie Covington, Madonna, Sarah Brighman, Elaine Paige, Sinead O’Connor, Susan Erens and The Carpenters, among others, what is it?










































































Q.  1:  This one is the name of a famous city and also the man who ran away with Helen?

A.  1:  Paris.



Q.  2:  What is the highest mountain in Africa?

A.  2:  Mt. Kilimanjaro.



Q.  3:  On which river does the city of Vienna stand?

A.  3:  The River Danube.



Q.  4:  Who was the Empress of India in 1876?

A.  4:  Britain’s Queen Victoria.



Q.  5:  In which South American country did the ‘bossa nova’ originate?

A.  5:  Brazil.



Q.  6:  The so-called “Pastry war” of 1838 was fought between which two nations?

A.  6:  Mexico and France.



Q.  7:  Which capital city features in the name of a movie starring Sabu and based on the Arabian Nights?

A.  7:  Baghdad, the name of the movie is “The Thief of Baghdad”.



Q.  8:  What started in a bakery in Pudding Lane in 1666?

A.  8:  The great fire of London.



Q.  9:  To which country does the island of Madeira belong?

A.  9:  Portugal.



Q. 10:  It’s almost time for the Hollywood Academy Awards again, but who won the Academy Award for best actress two years in a row in 1967 and 1968? (Bonus points if you can also name the movies.)

A. 10:  Katharine Hepburn, in 1967 for ‘Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner’ and in 1968 for ‘The Lion In Winter’.



Q. 11:  How old was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart when he died in 1791?

A. 11:  Only 35 years old.



Q. 12:  What U.S. President committed an unpardonable sin by kissing Britain’s Queen Mother on the lips?

A. 12:  President Jimmy Carter.



Q. 13:  On which small island did the USA first test their H bomb in 1954?

A. 13:  Bikini.



Q. 14:  Most people have heard of the phrase “Crossing the Rubicon” meaning to pass a point of no return, but who was the source of the phrase when he crossed the Rubicon and who was his opponent? (A point for each.)

A. 14:  The phrase originated when Julius Caesar crossed the River Rubicon to fight Pompey.



Q. 15:  What make of car did Lenin and Stalin have one of that Brezhnev had three of?

A. 15:  Rolls Royce.



Q. 16:  Which country seceded from Colombia in 1903?

A. 16:  Panama.



Q. 17:  Which famous movie title is the Mexican name for the river known in the USA as ‘Rio Grande’?

A. 17: Rio Bravo



Q. 18:  in 1984 who were Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis?

A. 18:  They were the ‘Ghostbusters’, a group of misfit parapsychologists Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), Raymond Stantz (Dan Aykroyd), and Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis).



Q. 19:  What mythological creature did Britain’s King George V have tattooed on his right arm?

A. 19:  A Dragon.



Q. 20:  Versions of this popular song have been recorded by Julie Covington, Madonna, Sarah Brighman, Elaine Paige, Sinead O’Connor, Susan Erens and The Carpenters, among others, what is it?

A. 20:  “Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina”





More Stuff You Maybe Didn’t Know

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


It’s fascinating fact day on the fasab blog.

Another random selection of stuff you maybe didn’t know and possibly didn’t know you didn’t know.

But now you will.



fact 01


The fight scene on top of the train in Skyfall

was actually filmed on top of a real moving train

and Daniel Craig did not use a stunt double




The last Woolly Mammoths lived at the same time

as the Egyptians were building the pyramids

wooly mammoth



Because metal was scarce during World War II,

it wasn’t the acting but the Oscars given out that were wooden.




Mexico City sinks about 10 inches a year




In 2001 Beaver College changed its name

to Arcadia in part because anti-porn filters

blocked access to the school’s website.

beaver college student



On average, 100 people choke to death

on ball-point pens every year.




Negative emotions such as anxiety and depression

can weaken your immune system.



“Entomophagy” is the name used to describe the fact that people eat insects,

a practice that has been going on for centuries throughout

Africa, Australia, Asia, the Middle East, and North, Central and South America,

because many bugs are both protein-rich and good sources of vitamins, minerals and fats.

eating insects



One in fourteen women in America is a natural blonde.

Only one in sixteen men is.




Next Bugatti SuperVeyron will reach 60 mph in 1.8 seconds

at a maximum speed of 288 mph or 463 km/hr




98% of all murders and rapes are by a

close family member or friend of the victim.

crime scene



The H Bomb leaves no blood when it is used,

only a 20 km radius of radioactive ash.




British People Are Drunk in 76% of Facebook Photos

Brits drunk on facebook



Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.




Men grow ear hair as they get older, women don’t

hair ears



An ant always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.




Bananas contain a natural chemical that can make a person happy.

This is the same chemical found in Prozac.

happy banana



Boeing 747’s wing span is longer than the Wright brother’s first flight.

The Wright brother’s invented the airplane.




Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.




The United States sent 813 men, 27 helicopters and

nuclear capable bombers to cut down a tree in the Korean DMZ.

cutting down tree


