More Stuff You Maybe Didn’t Know

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


It’s fascinating fact day on the fasab blog.

Another random selection of stuff you maybe didn’t know and possibly didn’t know you didn’t know.

But now you will.



fact 01


The fight scene on top of the train in Skyfall

was actually filmed on top of a real moving train

and Daniel Craig did not use a stunt double




The last Woolly Mammoths lived at the same time

as the Egyptians were building the pyramids

wooly mammoth



Because metal was scarce during World War II,

it wasn’t the acting but the Oscars given out that were wooden.




Mexico City sinks about 10 inches a year




In 2001 Beaver College changed its name

to Arcadia in part because anti-porn filters

blocked access to the school’s website.

beaver college student



On average, 100 people choke to death

on ball-point pens every year.




Negative emotions such as anxiety and depression

can weaken your immune system.



“Entomophagy” is the name used to describe the fact that people eat insects,

a practice that has been going on for centuries throughout

Africa, Australia, Asia, the Middle East, and North, Central and South America,

because many bugs are both protein-rich and good sources of vitamins, minerals and fats.

eating insects



One in fourteen women in America is a natural blonde.

Only one in sixteen men is.




Next Bugatti SuperVeyron will reach 60 mph in 1.8 seconds

at a maximum speed of 288 mph or 463 km/hr




98% of all murders and rapes are by a

close family member or friend of the victim.

crime scene



The H Bomb leaves no blood when it is used,

only a 20 km radius of radioactive ash.




British People Are Drunk in 76% of Facebook Photos

Brits drunk on facebook



Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.




Men grow ear hair as they get older, women don’t

hair ears



An ant always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.




Bananas contain a natural chemical that can make a person happy.

This is the same chemical found in Prozac.

happy banana



Boeing 747’s wing span is longer than the Wright brother’s first flight.

The Wright brother’s invented the airplane.




Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.




The United States sent 813 men, 27 helicopters and

nuclear capable bombers to cut down a tree in the Korean DMZ.

cutting down tree




Safe And Secure

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Safe and secure is the wish of all of us and we pay other people to make sure that we are. In fact in today’s world hundreds of thousands of people are employed one way or another in the security business.

Looking at the macro-side of it, despite the fact that we all hate being treated as suspects when we go to the airport, most of the time the security people seem to get it right. After all, although many have been planned, there have been very few successful terrorist attacks since the infamous 9-11 in New York City and The Pentagon.


Nevertheless we have to be vigilant and cautious no matter where we are in the world. This is particularly so for American citizens and government employees, who are potential targets overseas.

Even in the most unlikely of places.

On July 31, last year, for example, Norwegian Police blocked off the area around Oslo’s royal palace following the discovery of a suspicious object beneath a nearby automobile outside the U.S. embassy.

The embassy was evacuated.

So was Norway’s royal palace and part of downtown Oslo.

Authorities even temporarily suspended subway service.

An international children’s soccer game was canceled at nearby Voldslokka Stadium so that the field could be used to land helicopters close to the embassy.

The Oslo bomb squad, emergency services and other agencies responded to the bomb alert. They examined the ‘device’ but were quickly able to determine that it was in fact a fake, much to the relief of everyone.

However, the incident then raised further questions.

Who had been responsible?

How had the perpetrators managed to breech Embassy security and plant the device, even a fake one?

It wasn’t too long before an “Oh, oh…” was heard.

Keen to make sure everyone was alert to the possibility of an attack, security staff at the U.S. embassy in Oslo had carried out a safety drill earlier in the week. That safety drill had included placing fake bombs on vehicles to rehearse their emergency-response operations.  

However, they forgot about one of the ‘bombs’ and a few days later the practice bomb was spotted on an embassy vehicle as it tried to enter the embassy grounds just after 11 a.m. The eagle-eyed security guards on duty leaped into action and the bomb alert was declared.

Of course the officials concerned apologized for their mistake in leaving the fake bomb, regretting any disruption caused by this incident, and essentially calling a bomb scare on themselves.

Safe and secure? Maybe, but from whom?

Who is going to protect us from the idiots?  


