Starting: What Jamaican Astronomers Look At.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Starting with a star ting must mean it’s Pun Day.

Another selection of word plays for you to ….

Enjoy or endure!




Sadly, the man who invented

the raffle has passed away.

R.I.P Tom Bola.

Tom Bola



I’ve been merciless with my French class.

I get no thanks.




I was standing on soft ground

but I didn’t realize at first

because it took a while to sink in.

soft ground



If you give a physicist to a cannibal,

he’ll eat Faraday.




I’ve read ‘Plumbing For Dummies’ twice and

I still haven’t got a clue what I’m doing.

I guess it’s going to take another

few reads before this sinks in.

Plumbing For Dummies



If your dad had a sex change,

would he be your transparent.




Chinese censors are trying to

ban the use of puns in the media.

This is the wong move, and I hope

Western governments don’t panda to it.




I’m beginning to see loads of second

hand shops opening up in my area.

Surely selling the complete clock

would be more profitable???

second hand shops



I just built a huge tower of books.

It had to be like 50 stories.

huge tower of books



When David Rockefeller was asked to make

a contribution to the American conservation movement,

he planted two Bushes in the White House.

two Bushes in the White House



Have you seen the new

’30 minutes or it’s free’

cocaine home delivery service?

They call it Instagram.

cocaine home delivery service



My boyfriend took me out in his new Ferrari last night,

and spent the whole time going on about acceleration,

power-to-weight ratios, handling and braking efficiency,

before dropping me at home and zooming off into the night. 

Frankly, I was hoping for less torque and more action.

new Ferrari 2015



I went to the doctor because

of my morbid fear of breasts.

He said I’m suffering from





I met this dwarf called Peter the other day,

he’s a baker and he was telling

me all about baking flatbreads,

it was fascinating.

I love to hear the

Pita patter of tiny Pete.




Music puns,

Not everyone can Handel them…



= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =



Another Monday, Another Quiz Day.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes folks, another Monday and another Quiz Day.

I hope you enjoy trying this challenging selection of questions.

And as usual if you get stuck, you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck.


quiz confused1


Q.  1:  What demands an answer, but asks no questions?



Q.  2:  What type of creature is a ‘Bonito’?



Q.  3:  What part of the body has the greatest capacity to cool itself?



Q.  4:  In what country was ‘Canadian Club’ whiskey first distilled?



Q.  5:  What name is given to a person that stuffs animals for display?



Q.  6:  What is unusual about the ‘crab eating seal’?



Q.  7:  For what process do plants need sunlight, CO2 and water?



Q.  8:  What is the name for an animal that feeds on (a) plants and (b) meat? (You get a point for each correct answer.)



Q.  9:  What is hydrophobia more commonly known as (clue: it’s not the fear of water)?



Q. 10:  What is the smallest bird in the world?



Q. 11:  What name is given to calcite deposits (a) suspended from cave roofs and (b) the formations that rise from the floor of a cave due to the accumulation of material deposited from ceiling drippings? (You get a point for each correct answer.)



Q. 12:  In physics, what is defined as something that causes a change in the acceleration of an object?



Q. 13:  Which element is used in the manufacture of computer microprocessors?



Q. 14:  What is mixed with steel to make it stainless?



Q. 15:  What is the collective name for a group of finches?



Q. 16:  What is the angle between the hands of a clock at 1 o’clock?



Q. 17:  How many men’s names are there in the standard phonetic alphabet and what are they? (Score one point for the correct total and a point for each name you answer correctly.)



Q. 18:  With which branch of medicine is Mesmer associated?



Q. 19:  Guglielmo Marconi pioneered the development of what?



Q. 20:  What type of animal is a ‘silverback’?









































































Q.  1:  What demands an answer, but asks no questions?

A.  1:  A telephone.



Q.  2:  What type of creature is a ‘Bonito’?

A.  2:  A fish (between mackerel and tuna)



Q.  3:  What part of the body has the greatest capacity to cool itself?

A.  3:  The hands.



Q.  4:  In what country was ‘Canadian Club’ whiskey first distilled?

A.  4:  The USA (Detroit, in 1858 by American Hiram Walker using the brand Walker’s Club Whiskey – he subsequently moved the business to Ontario where it was renamed in 1889.)



Q.  5:  What name is given to a person that stuffs animals for display?

A.  5:  A Taxidermist.



Q.  6:  What is unusual about the ‘crab eating seal’?

A.  6:  It doesn’t eat crabs.



Q.  7:  For what process do plants need sunlight, CO2 and water?

A.  7:  Photosynthesis.



Q.  8:  What is the name for an animal that feeds on (a) plants and (b) meat? (You get a point for each correct answer.)

A.  8:  Answer (a) herbivore and (b) carnivore.



Q.  9:  What is hydrophobia more commonly known as (clue: it’s not the fear of water)?

A.  9:  Rabies.



Q. 10:  What is the smallest bird in the world?

A. 10:  The hummingbird.



Q. 11:  What name is given to calcite deposits (a) suspended from cave roofs and (b) the formations that rise from the floor of a cave due to the accumulation of material deposited from ceiling drippings? (You get a point for each correct answer.)

A. 11:  Answer (a) Stalactites hang from the cave roof and (b) Stalagmites rise from the cave floor.



Q. 12:  In physics, what is defined as something that causes a change in the acceleration of an object?

A. 12:  A Force.



Q. 13:  Which element is used in the manufacture of computer microprocessors?

A. 13:  Silicon – hence Silicon Valley in California where most of the major internet companies are based.



Q. 14:  What is mixed with steel to make it stainless?

A. 14:  Chromium.



Q. 15:  What is the collective name for a group of finches?

A. 15:  A Charm.



Q. 16:  What is the angle between the hands of a clock at 1 o’clock?

A. 16:  30 degrees  (360 / 12).  



Q. 17:  How many men’s names are there in the standard phonetic alphabet and what are they? (Score one point for the correct total and a point for each name you answer correctly.)

A. 17:  There are 5 men’s names in the standard phonetic alphabet; they are Charlie, Mike, Oscar, Romeo, and Victor.



Q. 18:  With which branch of medicine is Mesmer associated?

A. 18:  Hypnotism.



Q. 19:  Guglielmo Marconi pioneered the development of what?

A. 19:  Radio.



Q. 20:  What type of animal is a ‘silverback’?

A. 20:  An adult male gorilla is called a ‘silverback’ because of the distinctive silvery fur growing on their back and hips. Each gorilla family has a ‘silverback’ as leader who scares away other animals by standing on their back legs and beating their chest!


