People Who Use Euphemisms Really Get On My You Know Whats!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Pun day!

Twenty more examples of word play to make you smile or groan, or maybe even both.





No matter how hard I try, I simply can’t figure out

what’s the opposite of ironing.

It’s depressing.





What’s the difference between mountains and hills?

Mountains tend to get high, but hills are less inclined

mountains and hills




After criticizing yet another outfit, my wife said she

was going to leave me due to my poor dress sense.

“Please baby” I pleaded. “I can change.”

poor dress sense




Doctor Who started working for our road repair company today,

his first job was to fill in potholes.

“Tardis”, I told him.

Dr Who's tardis





What Sgt Pepper served in.





Did you hear about the guy who was so stupid

that when they gave him enough rope,

he shot himself.





The blow hard bloke next door says his car is more powerful than mine

and that he would easily beat me in a race.

He’s all torque.





I’ve been caught up in a race row.

I don’t care what he says, I won fair and square.





People often tell me I have very little patience.

But that’s probably because I’m a doctor specializing in dwarfism.

Seven Dwarfs




A friend of mine accused me of plagiarism.

I didn’t know what that meant, but I took his word.





I saw that the latest remake of the Dukes of Hazzard includes

a scene where Bo and Luke install a talking car alarm.

I’m not sure that’s going to go down well,

General Lee speaking.





The wife used to work on a maternity ward.

It was labor-intensive.





My new neighbor works in a board game factory.

His job is to take small wooden cubes and engrave them.

I don’t like him…

He’s dot a dice person.





I stopped at a hotel last night called

“The good, the bad, and the ugly.”

It was a Best Western.





I once met a really stupid bloke on a Greek island.

He was a Cretan.

Souda Bay Crete




At an awards dinner last night,

I just finished enjoying some middle eastern dip

when I was called up to accept my award.

It was post hummus.





A few weeks ago, 1,400 people were killed in Syria by a chemical attack.

It almost became Obama’s road to Degasmasks.

gas masks




I can never wear my lucky golf socks again.

I got a hole in one.





And since we are almost at the end of today’s post,

I have to announce that unfortunately tonight’s

Self Harmers Anonymous group

has been cancelled due to staff cuts.





An African lady called Betty came into my restaurant

and asked “Is there any chicken on the menu?”

I replied “No black Betty, it’s ham or lamb.”



