Time To Put The Fears Behind Us

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes, time to put the fears behind us. This is the final selection of curious and sometimes amusing fears and phobias that affect some people. Irrational but very real to them. Irrational and very silly to the rest of us.

So here we go, ‘T’ thru ‘Z’.



scared 4


Tachophobia ……….fear of speed.


Taijin Kyofusho ……….a phobia which occurs most typically in Japan, is the fear of offending others by one’s inappropriate social behavior or appearance


Taeniophobia or Taeniophobia ……….fear of tapeworms.


Taphephobia Taphophobia ……….fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries.


Tapinophobia ……….fear of being contagious.


Taurophobia ……….fear of bulls.


Technophobia ……….fear of technology.


Teleophobia ……….fear of 1) definite plans; 2) religious ceremony.


Telephonophobia ……….fear of telephones.


Teratophobia ……….fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.


Testophobia ……….fear of taking tests.


Tetanophobia ……….fear of lockjaw, tetanus.


Teutophobia ……….fear of German or German things.


Textophobia ……….fear of certain fabrics.


Thaasophobia ……….fear of sitting.


Thalassophobia ……….fear of the sea.


Thanatophobia or Thantophobia ……….fear of death or dying.


Theatrophobia ……….fear of theatres.


Theologicophobia ……….fear of theology.


Theophobia ……….fear of gods or religion.


Thermophobia ……….fear of heat.


Tocophobia ……….fear of pregnancy or childbirth.


Tomophobia ……….fear of surgical operations.


Tonitrophobia ……….fear of thunder.


Topophobia ……….fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright.


Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia ……….fear of poison or of being accidently poisoned.


Traumatophobia ……….fear of injury.


Tremophobia ……….fear of trembling.


Trichinophobia ……….fear of trichinosis.


Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia ……….fear of hair. (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia)


Triskaidekaphobia ……….fear of the number 13.


Tropophobia ……….fear of moving or making changes.


Trypanophobia ……….fear of injections.


Tuberculophobia ……….fear of tuberculosis.


Turophobia ……….fear of cheese


Tyrannophobia ……….fear of tyrants.


Uranophobia or Ouranophobia ……….fear of heaven.


Urophobia ……….fear of urine or urinating.


Vaccinophobia ……….fear of vaccination.


Venereophobia ……….fear of catching a venereal disease.


Venustraphobia ……….fear of beautiful women.


Verbophobia ……….fear of words.


Verminophobia ……….fear of germs.


Vespertiliophobia ……….fear of bats.


Vestiphobia ……….fear of clothing.


Virginitiphobia ……….fear of virgins.


Virginitiphobia ……….fear of rape.


Vitricophobia ……….fear of step-father.


Vokephobia ……….fear of returning home.


Walloonphobia ……….fear of the Walloons.


Wiccaphobia ……….fear of witches and witchcraft.


Xanthophobia ……….fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.


Xeniaphobia ……….fear of foreign doctors, usually having to do with strong foreign accents making it difficult to understand their English. Also, if travelling in a foreign country, the fear that doctors may have inadequate medical skills.


Xenodochiophobia ……….fear of foreign hotels that could include the fear that there won’t be soap, the kind of toilet paper that you like, clean towels, or good maid service.


Xenoglossophobia ……….fear of foreign languages.


Xenonosocomiophobia ……….fear of foreigners who are pick-pockets.


Xenophobia ……….fear of strangers or foreigners.


Xerophobia ……….fear of dryness.


Xeroxophobia ……….fear of using anything made by Xerox, or fear of office equipment in general.


Xylophobia ……….fear of 1) wooden objects; 2) Forests.


Xyrophobia ……….fear of razors.


Zelophobia ……….fear of jealousy.


Zemmiphobia ……….fear of the great mole rat.


Zeusophobia ……….fear of God or gods.


Zoophobia ……….fear of animals.





Dumb Dumb Dumb – Yes, More Quiz Show Answers

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”

Dumb was about the only word that could describe today’s lot of quiz show contestants, but even that wasn’t enough so I said it three times (and that went along with the video at the end, who was it said, I like it when a plan comes together).

So here you are.

Hope you find something to make you smile this Monday. I’m away to count me toes.




Q:  Which American actor is married to Nicole Kidman

A:  Forrest Gump.

Q:  On which street did Sherlock Holmes live?

A:  Er . . .

Q:  He makes bread .. .

A:  Er . . .

Q:  He makes cakes .. .

A:  Kipling Street?

Q:  Which of these is a city in Germany: Hanoi, Hanover or Hangover?

A:  Hanoi.


Q:  In what year was President Kennedy assassinated?

A:  Erm .. .

Q: Well, let’s put it this way – he didn’t see 1964.

A:  1965?

Q:  What’s the Prince of Wales’s Christian name?

A:  Err . . .

Q:  Here’s a clue: he was married to Diana.

A:  Err . . .

Q:  It begins with a ‘C’.

A:  No idea.

Q:  What was the name of Tony Blair’s chief spin-doctor who resigned last year?

A:  Iain Duncan Smith.

Q:  Arrange these two groups of letters to form a word – CHED and PIT.

A: Chedpit.

Q:  How many toes would three people have in total?

A:  23.

Q:  I’m looking for an island in the Atlantic whose name includes the letter ‘e’.

A:  Ghana.

Q:  No, listen. It’s an island in the Atlantic Ocean.

A:  New Zealand.

Q:  What is the world’s largest continent?

A:  The Pacific

Q:  Name a film starring Bob Hoskins that is also the name of a famous painting by Leonardo Da Vinci.

A:  Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Q:  In which European city was the first opera house opened in 1637?

A:  Sydney.

Q:  What was signed to bring World War I to an end in 1918?

A:  Magna Carta.

Q:  What international brand shares its name with the Greek goddess of victory?

A: (after long deliberation): Erm, Kellogg’s?

Q:  Name a book written by Jane Austen.

A:  Charlotte Bronte.

Q:  What is the name of the French-speaking Canadian state?

A:  America? 

A:  Portugal? 

A:  Canada? 

A:  Mexico? 

A:  Italy? 

A:  Spain? 

Q:  How many days in a leap year?

A:  253.

Q:  What is the county town of Kent?

A:  Kentish Town?


Q:  Who wrote Lord of the Rings?

A:  Enid Blyton

Q:  In which European country are there people called Walloons?

A:  Wales.

Q:  Dizzy Gillespie is famous for playing . .. what?

A:  Basketball.

