The Quizzes March On!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Another month and another quiz to get it off to a challenging start.

One or two relatively easy ones today, but I think most of them you will find tough enough.

As usual, if you get stuck, you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck.


Quiz 5


Q.  1:  What is the official language of Brazil?



Q.  2:  Which wife of a politician said in 1981, ‘Woman is like a teabag: you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in the hot water’?



Q.  3:  Many expanses of water of varying sizes are designated as ‘seas’ such as the Mediterranean Sea, the Dead Sea, etc. But what is the only such sea in the world that does not have a coastline?



Q.  4:  What book was Denzel Washington protecting in the 2010 movie?



Q.  5:  What is both unusual and famous about the restaurant in Volterra, Italy called  “Fortezza Medicea”?



Q.  6:  In which city is the music recording company Motown based?



Q.  7:  The official country retreat of the President of the USA, Camp David, is located in which mountains?



Q.  8:  Where did the Incas originate?



Q.  9:  What was the name of the Cuban President over thrown by Fidel Castro in 1959?



Q. 10:  Although the United States has Roswell and Area 51, and Hollywood has pushed out a unending stream of movies based on them, the government does not officially recognize the existence of UFOs. However three well known countries do formally recognize the existence of UFOs, can you name them? (A point for each and a bonus point if you can name all three.)



Q. 11:  Who was coming to dinner with Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn in 1967?



Q. 12:  Who was dubbed “Lenin’s left leg” during the early stages of Russia’s Marxist movement? 



Q. 13:  In which US city was the first skyscraper built in 1883?



Q. 14:  A double question with multiple points. The US State Department currently recognizes 194 different countries in the world, but how many take up approximately half of Earth’s land area?

HINT: It is a relatively small number of the 194 total and there is a bonus point for each of them that you can name.



Q. 15:  What phrase is the unlikely link between Barbara Streisand and Bugs Bunny?



Q. 16:  What is the only state in the Middle East in which there is no desert?



Q. 17:  What former Soviet state is currently experiencing massive civil unrest and upheaval?



Q. 18:  Which river has the largest delta?



Q. 19:  Whoopie Goldberg played one in a movie and Patricia Arquette played another in a television series, what were they? (And bonus points if you can name the movie and the tv series.)



Q. 20:  Which movie other than ‘The Bodyguard’ featured the song “I Will Always Love You”?










































































Q.  1:  What is the official language of Brazil?

A.  1:  Portuguese.



Q.  2:  Which wife of a politician said in 1981, ‘Woman is like a teabag: you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in the hot water’?

A.  2:  Nancy Reagan.



Q.  3:  Many expanses of water of varying sizes are designated as ‘seas’ such as the Mediterranean Sea, the Dead Sea, etc. But what is the only such sea in the world that does not have a coastline?

A.  3:  The Sargasso Sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean is surrounded by ocean currents and no land and therefore has no coast.



Q.  4:  What book was Denzel Washington protecting in the 2010 movie?

A.  4:  The Book Of Eli. You also get a point if you said The Bible.



Q.  5:  What is both unusual and famous about the restaurant in Volterra, Italy called  “Fortezza Medicea”?

A.  5:  “Fortezza Medicea” is a maximum security prison – the cooks and waiters are all doing  sentences of at least seven years.



Q.  6:  In which city is the music recording company Motown based?

A.  6:  Detroit.



Q.  7:  The official country retreat of the President of the USA, Camp David is in which mountains?

A.  7:  Appalachians.



Q.  8:  Where did the Incas originate?

A.  8:  Peru.



Q.  9:  What was the name of the Cuban President over thrown by Fidel Castro in 1959?

A.  9:  General Batista.



Q. 10:  Although the United States has Roswell and Area 51, and Hollywood has pushed out a unending stream of movies based on them, the government does not officially recognize the existence of UFOs. However three well known countries do formally recognize the existence of UFOs, can you name them? (A point for each and a bonus point if you can name all three.)

A. 10:  France, Italy and Chile have all formally recognized the existence of UFOs.



Q. 11:  Who was coming to dinner with Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn in 1967?

A. 11:  Sidney Poitier.



Q. 12:  Who was dubbed “Lenin’s left leg” during the early stages of Russia’s Marxist movement? 

A. 12:  Joseph Stalin.



Q. 13:  In which US city was the first skyscraper built in 1883?

A. 13:  Chicago.



Q. 14:  A double question with multiple points. The US State Department currently recognizes 194 different countries in the world, but how many take up approximately half of Earth’s land area?

HINT: It is a relatively small number of the 194 total and there is a bonus point for each of them that you can name.

A. 14:  Seven countries take half of the Earth’s land area and they are Russia, Canada, USA, China, Australia, Brazil and Argentina.



Q. 15:  What phrase is the unlikely link between Barbara Streisand and Bugs Bunny?

A. 15:  “What’s up, Doc?” is Bugs’ catchphrase and the name of a 1972 comedy/romance movie starring Barbara Streisand and Ryan O’Neill.



Q. 16:  What is the only state in the Middle East in which there is no desert?

A. 16:  Lebanon.



Q. 17:  What former Soviet state is currently experiencing massive civil unrest and upheaval?

A. 17:  The Ukraine.



Q. 18:  Which river has the largest delta?

A. 18:  The River Ganges.



Q. 19:  Whoopie Goldberg played one in a movie and Patricia Arquette played another in a television series, what were they? (And bonus points if you can name the movie and the tv series.)

A. 19:  They played ‘mediums’, Whoopie Goldberg in the movie ‘Ghost’ and Patricia Arquette in the hit tv series ‘Medium’.



Q. 20:  Which movie other than ‘The Bodyguard’ featured the song “I Will Always Love You”?

A. 20:  ‘The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas’, a movie starring Dolly Parton who wrote the song.





Time To Put The Little Grey Cells To Work. It’s Quiz Day!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Another quiz for you today. Some easy ones but a few of them this time are quite difficult I think, but we’ll see what you make of them.

As usual the answers are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below  –  but NO cheating please!

The best of luck and enjoy.


quiz 05


Q.  1:  What is Michael J. Fox’s middle name?



Q.  2:  2013 is the first year this millennium this has happened, when was the previous time?



Q.  3:  Only one U.S. state’s name ends with the letter “K.” Likewise, only one U.S. state’s name ends with the letter “G”. Name them. (A point for each correct answer.)



Q.  4:  What was the “parental guidance” movie rating known as before it became “PG”?


Q.  5:  I’m sure that at one time or another you have suffered from “sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia”, but what is it more commonly known as?


Q.  6:  For many years the Anglo-European Concorde super sonic passenger jet flew between London and New York. But what was the only internal route used by this airplane within the United States?


Q.  7:  What is the small “You Are Here” sticker that indicates your position on a map called?


Q.  8:  If your doctor says he is going to perform an “auscultation” on you what procedure would he or she be carrying out?


Q.  9:  Though it’s not as well-known as the Grand Canyon what is name of the deepest gorge in the U.S. at nearly 8,000 feet?



Q. 10:  What country has the most wild camels?


Q. 11:  Who is the youngest man to become President of the USA and who is the youngest man to be elected President of the USA? (A point for each correct answer.)


Q. 12:  Drug lord Pablo Escobar’s Medellin Cartel spent $2,500 a month on rubber bands. Why?  


Q. 13:  Two of America’s greatest national symbols are The Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty. Where were they made? (A point for each correct answer.)


Q. 14:  Which British liner was sunk off the Irish coast by a German submarine on 7th May 1915?



Q. 15:  Which actress starred in the controversial movie ‘Rosemary’s Baby’?


Q. 16:  The first armored presidential limo was used by President Franklin Roosevelt just as the United States was entering WW II. Who was its former owner?



Q. 17:  In what American town or city was the TV series “Married With Children” set?


Q. 18:  Nurse, Cookie Cutter, Blue, Zebra, Carpet, School, Bull and Wobbegong are all examples of what?


Q. 19:  What is the name given to the Japanese crime organization?


Q. 20:  Which American film director had the middle name Blount?






































































Q.  1:  What is Michael J. Fox’s middle name?

A.  1:  Michael J. Fox’s middle name is Andrew.


Q.  2:  2013 is the first year this millennium this has happened, when was the previous time?

A.  2:  1987 (Years where all four digits are different from one another.)

Q.  3:  Only one U.S. state’s name ends with the letter “K.” Likewise, only one U.S. state’s name ends with the letter “G”. Name them. (A point for each correct aswer.)

A.  3:  The U.S. state’s name ending with the letter “K” is New York. The U.S. state’s name ending with the letter “G” is Wyoming.


Q.  4:  What was the “parental guidance” movie rating known as before it became “PG”?

A.  4:  It was known as “GP” (for General audience, Parental guidance suggested).


Q.  5:  I’m sure that at one time or another you have suffered from “sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia”, but what is it more commonly known as?

A.  5:  Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia is the medical term for ice cream headaches.


Q.  6:  For many years the Anglo-European Concorde super sonic passenger jet flew between London and New York. But what was the only internal route used by this airplane within the United States?

A.  6:  The only inter-U.S. flights made by the Concorde were between New York’s JFK Airport and the oil-rich Texas metropolis of Dallas-Fort Worth.


Q.  7:  What is the small “You Are Here” sticker that indicates your position on a map called?

A.  7:  It is called an ideo locator.


Q.  8:  If your doctor says he is going to perform an “auscultation” on you what procedure would he or she be carrying out?

A.  8:  When a doctor performs an auscultation on you he or she will just be using his stethoscope.


Q.  9:  Though it’s not as well-known as the Grand Canyon what is name of the deepest gorge in the U.S. at nearly 8,000 feet?

A.  9:  The deepest gorge in the U.S. at nearly 8,000 feet is called  Hell’s Canyon


Q. 10:  What country has the most wild camels?

A. 10:  Australia.


Q. 11:  Who is the youngest man to become President of the USA and who is the youngest man to be elected President of the USA? (A point for each correct answer.)

A. 11:  Teddy Roosevelt is the youngest man to become President (age 42) while John F Kennedy is the youngest man to be elected President (age 43).


Q. 12:  Drug lord Pablo Escobar’s Medellin Cartel spent $2,500 a month on rubber bands. Why?  

A. 12:  To hold all their bundles of cash.


Q. 13:  Two of America’s greatest national symbols are The Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty. Where were they made? (A point for each correct answer.)

A. 13:  The Liberty Bell was cast in England and the Statue of Liberty was crafted in France.


Q. 14:  Which British liner was sunk off the Irish coast by a German submarine on 7th May 1915?

A. 14:  The Lusitania.   


Q. 15:  Which actress starred in the controversial movie ‘Rosemary’s Baby’?

A. 15:  Mia Farrow.


Q. 16:  The first armored presidential limo was used by President Franklin Roosevelt just as the United States was entering WW II. Who was its former owner?

A. 16:  This particular Cadillac convertible originally belonged to the gangster Al Capone. It was seized in 1932 when Capone was charged with tax evasion.


Q. 17:  In which American town or city was the TV series “Married With Children” set?

A. 17:  Chicago.


Q. 18:  Nurse, Cookie Cutter, Blue, Zebra, Carpet, School, Bull and Wobbegong are all examples of what?

A. 18:  Sharks.


Q. 19:  What is the name given to the Japanese crime organization?

A. 19:  The Yakuza.



Q. 20:  Which American film director had the middle name Blount?

A. 20:  Cecil B de Mille.




Did They Really Mean To Say That? Newspaper Headlines Nightmares, Part Four!!!!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Newspapers are a constant source of amusement.

Sometimes they do it on purpose, but more often than not they do it completely by mistake.

Even worse, they do it while trying to be terribly pompous and precise.

Enjoy this fourth selection in our short series of Newspaper Headline Nightmares!


























































