More Stupid Signs By Stupid People For Stupid People.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Catering for the lowest common denominator in intelligence can be very frustrating for the rest of us.

But apparently stupidity has reached levels today where stupid people will hurt themselves with things that shouldn’t hurt them, if they had the wit to understand what they were and how use them properly.

Personally I think there is some merit in letting them get on with it and perhaps thereby gradually eliminating chronic stupidity from the gene pool.

In the meantime all we can do is cringe and laugh.

Here are some more.



stupidity is contageous sign


“Not to be used as a personal flotation device.”

On a 6 x 10 inch inflatable picture frame.

 inflatable picture frame



“Do not put in mouth.”

On a box of bottle rockets.

 bottle rockets



“Remove plastic before eating.”

On the wrapper of a Fruit Roll-Up snack.

 Fruit Roll-Up snack



“Not dishwasher safe.”

On a remote control for a TV.

 remote control for a TV



“For lifting purposes only.”

On the box for a car jack.

 car jack



“Do not put lit candles on phone.”

On the instructions for a cordless phone.

 lit candles



“Warning! This is not underwear!

Do not attempt to put in pants.”

On the packaging for a wristwatch.

 packaging for a wristwatch



“Safe for use around pets.”

On a box of Arm & Hammer Cat Litter.

 Arm & Hammer Cat Litter



“No stopping or standing.”

A sign at bus stops everywhere.

 No stopping or standing



“Do not sit under coconut trees.”

A sign on a coconut palm in a

West Palm Beach park circa 1950.

 Do not sit under coconut trees



“These rows reserved for parents with children.”

A sign in a church.

 parents with children



“All cups leaving this store, whether

full or empty, must be paid for.”

A sign in a Cumberland Farms

in Hillsboro, New Hampshire.



