The Answers That Raise More Questions Than The Questions They Answer, In Other Words It’s Quiz Show Monday!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes, it’s another Quiz Show Monday and time to examine the workings of the inner minds that really don’t work so well.


(Now where did I put that flask???)



Q: Name a cable TV channel the whole family can watch together

A: UPN (He meant “USPN”)



Q: Name something men would carry inside bras, if they started wearing them

A: Flask



Q: Name something you see at every college football game

A: Alcohol



Q: Name a food people put ketchup on

A: Bacon



Q: Name something you do while you sunbathe

A: Lay in the sun



Q: Name a place where you might see another person take off all their clothes

A: The mall



Q: Name a specific place where you’d hate to be during a major power failure

A: In a car



Q: Name a famous “Arnold”

A: Arnold & Willis



Q: The country you think has the most exciting men? (Asked to 100 women)

A: Paris



Q: Name a month that’s also a person’s name

A: January



Q: Name something with a hole in the middle

A: Hole punch



Q: Name something people hold still for

A: When they have to go to the bathroom



Q: How long an extramarital affair lasts

A: 3 days



Q: Name a fact about Al Gore

A: He’s a Republican



Q: The section of the newspaper in which you’d be shocked to find your name

A: Weddings
A: Lost and Found



Q: The fastest selling drug

A: Marijuana
A: Vicodin



Q: The person who is most likely to be on George W. Bush’s dartboard

A: Jesse Jackson
A: Larry King



Q: Name something that comes in pairs

A: Bananas



Q: Name something little kids don’t like to wear

A: Shirts



Q: Name a vegetable that grows in the ground

A: Cabbage
