I Had To Post A Few Turkey Puns Today, Of Course They Are Fowl.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


A very happy Thanksgiving to all in America who read this.

I hope everyone everywhere, not just in America, is getting into the spirit of the day and giving thanks for the many good things in their lives.

But Thanksgiving or not, it’s still pun day. A little different today in that there is a mixture of pictorial puns with a distinct nautical theme and, of course, puns with a Thanksgiving theme too.





What does a turkey like to eat on Thanksgiving?

Nothing; they are already stuffed.


picture pun 001 Seas The Day


Why did the turkey cross the road?

To show that he wasn’t chicken.


picture pun 002 Aqua Holic


Why is a turkey similar to a ghost?

Because it’s a-gobblin.


picture pun 003 Cirrhosis Of The River


Why did the Pilgrim kill the turkey?

Because he was in a fowl mood.


picture pun 004 Aboat Time


Or, as the turkey said to the Pilgrim,

“You’re a no-good baster.”


picture pun 005 Pier Pressure


Why are turkeys so good at arithmetic?

Because they count the number of chopping days until Thanksgiving.


picture pun 006 Piece Of Ship


Why did the turkey bolt down his food?

Because she was a gobbler.


picture pun 007 Nautibuoy


Did you hear about the conservative turkey?

It has two right wings.


picture pun 008 Ship For Brains


As the leftover turkey said after it was wrapped up and refrigerated,

“Foiled again.”


picture pun 009 Sex Sea


If April showers bring May flowers what do May flowers bring?



picture pun 010 Deep Ship


What sound does a space turkey make?

Hubble, hubble, hubble.


picture pun 011 Pugboat


Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?

The outside!


picture pun 012 Sails Call


What can you never eat for Thanksgiving dinner?

Breakfast or lunch!


picture pun 013 The Codfather



when turkeys turn from gobblers to gobblees.


picture pun 014 Moor Often Than Knot


Did you hear about the waiter

who dropped a Thanksgiving dinner on the floor

and feared he had created an international incident?

It was the downfall of Turkey,

the ruin of Greece,

and the breaking up of China.


