Maybe We Should Rename Monday As Quiz Day?

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


There, you have had the first question in the title. So should we?

If that one is too easy try this random selection of questions. As usual there are some easy, some tricky, but most of them difficult enough, unless you know the answers, of course!.

And just in case you don’t know some of the answers, they are, as ever, given waaaaaaaaaaay down below.

But NO cheating please!



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Q  1:  Who was originally called “Happy Rabbit”?



Q  2:  In Italy who is known by the name Babbo Natale?



Q  3:  What did Thailand used to be called?



Q  4:  Until 1796, there was a state in the United States called Franklin. Today it is known as what?



Q  5:  What is the only nation whose name begins with an “A” but doesn’t end in an “A”?

(Hint: you have heard about this place a LOT)



Q  6:  Astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man who stepped on the moon, but which foot landed first?



Q  7:  What is the only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible?



Q  8:  What is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end?



Q  9:  A group of rhinos is called what?



Q 10:  What is the most popular first name in the world?



Q 11:  What city stands on about 120 small islands?



Q 12:  What is Barbie’s full name?



Q 13:  Which is bigger, England or the US state of Florida?



Q 14:  What are the United State’s only mobile National Monuments?



Q 15:  Who was the only unmarried president of the US?



Q 16:  In the 1940’s, what changed its name from Bich for fear that Americans would pronounce it ‘Bitch.’



Q 17:  What is the only country in the world where windmills turn clockwise?



Q 18:  What is the only movie to have its sequel released the same year (1933)?



Q 19:  In humans it is called an epidemic, but what is it called when it affects animals?



Q 20:  The Don McLean song, “American Pie” was named after what?

























































Q  1:  Who was originally called “Happy Rabbit”?

A  1:  Bugs Bunny



Q  2:  In Italy who is known by the name Babbo Natale?

A  2:  Santa Claus



Q  3:  What did Thailand used to be called?

A  3:  Siam



Q  4:  Until 1796, there was a state in the United States called Franklin. Today it is known as what?

A  4:  Tennessee



Q  5:  What is the only nation whose name begins with an “A” but doesn’t end in an “A”?

(Hint: you have heard about this place a LOT)

A  5:  Afghanistan



Q  6:  Astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man who stepped on the moon, but which foot landed first?

A  6:  His left foot



Q  7:  What is the only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible?

A  7:  The cat



Q  8:  What is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end?

A  8:  Your tongue



Q  9:  A group of rhinos is called what?

A  9:  A crash



Q 10:  What is the most popular first name in the world?

A 10:  Muhammad



Q 11:  What city stands on about 120 small islands?

A 11:  Venice



Q 12:  What is Barbie’s full name?

A 12:  “Babara Millicent Roberts.”



Q 13:  Which is bigger, England or the US state of Florida?

A 13:  The state of Florida



Q 14:  What are the United State’s only mobile National Monuments?

A 14:  The San Francisco Cable cars



Q 15:  Who was the only unmarried president of the US?

A 15:  James Buchanan



Q 16:  In the 1940’s, what changed its name from Bich for fear that Americans would pronounce it ‘Bitch.’

A 16:  The “Bic” pen



Q 17:  What is the only country in the world where windmills turn clockwise?

A 17:  Ireland



Q 18:  What is the only movie to have its sequel released the same year (1933)?

A 18:  “King Kong” and “Son Of Kong”



Q 19:  In humans it is called an epidemic, but what is it called when it affects animals?

A 19:  An epizootic



Q 20:  The Don McLean song, “American Pie” was named after what?

A 20:  The airplane Buddy Holly died in was the “American Pie.”




CLASSIFIED: For Your Eyes Only, Part Seven!!!!!!!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Another short selection from the classified ads file today. Misprints or misthinks? Make your own mind up, I think there is a mixture of both kinds in here. But they are funny and that’s the main thing.




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