Another Day For All You Quizzers Out There.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Another set of twenty questions to get you thinking.

They say they are all easy if you know the answers – and can remember them!

Good luck with this lot, some are easy but some are quite tough.

And if you get stuck you’ll find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below – but NO cheating please!



quiz confused1


Q.  1:  Which vitamin is also known as ascorbic acid?



Q.  2:  Approximately what percentage of all the water on Earth is fresh water?

           a)  3%        b)  13%        c) 23%        d) 33%



Q.  3:  In Greek mythology which Trojan hero killed Achilles?



Q.  4:  In which Hitchcock movie is Cary Grant’s character the victim of mistaken identity?



Q.  5:  What type of animal is a skink?

           a) Snake        b) Lizard        c) Marsupial



Q.  6:  In German cuisine what is Stollen?



Q.  7:  Which of these wars took place first?

           a) Boer War         b) First World War        c) Crimean War



Q.  8:  Which American company produces the Polo clothing line?



Q.  9:  On what English play is the musical West Side Story based?



Q. 10:  What color is known as sable in heraldry?



Q. 11:  Which Apostle is often described as the first Pope?



Q. 12:  Professor Robert Langdon features in novels by which American author?



Q. 13:  What shape is ‘rigatoni’ pasta?

            a) shell        b) tube        c) cartwheel        d) spiral



Q. 14:  ‘Nature morte’ is the French term for what type of painting?

            a) portrait        b) landscape        c) still life



Q. 15:  The term ‘zoophagous’ has a similar meaning to which of the following words?

            a) carnivorous        b) herbivorous        c) piscivorous



Q. 16:  What does the musical term ‘adagio’ mean?



Q. 17:  Harold Holt who disappeared while swimming in 1967 was the Prime Minister of which country?

            a) Canada        b) United Kingdom        c) Australia         d) New Zealand



Q. 18:  In what country did the tango dance originate?



Q. 19:  Which US President did John Hinckley try to assassinate?



Q. 20:  In what year did Elvis Presley die?











































































Q.  1:  Which vitamin is also known as ascorbic acid?

A.  1:  Vitamin C.



Q.  2:  Approximately what percentage of all the water on Earth is fresh water?

           a)  3%        b)  13%        c) 23%        d) 33%

A.  2:  a)  3%



Q.  3:  In Greek mythology which Trojan hero killed Achilles?

A.  3:  Paris, who shot him in the heel with a poison arrow.



Q.  4:  In which Hitchcock movie is Cary Grant’s character the victim of mistaken identity?

A.  4:  North By Northwest.



Q.  5:  What type of animal is a skink?

           a) Snake        b) Lizard        c) Marsupial

A.  5:  b) Lizard



Q.  6:  In German cuisine what is Stollen?

A.  6:  A Fruit Loaf.



Q.  7:  Which of these wars took place first?

           a) Boer War         b) First World War        c) Crimean War

A.  7:  c) Crimean War



Q.  8:  Which American company produces the Polo clothing line?

A.  8:  Ralph Lauren.



Q.  9:  On what English play is the musical West Side Story based?

A.  9:  Romeo And Juliet by William Shakespeare.



Q. 10:  What color is known as sable in heraldry?

A. 10:  Black.



Q. 11:  Which Apostle is often described as the first Pope?

A. 11:  Peter.



Q. 12:  Professor Robert Langdon features in novels by which American author?

A. 12:  Dan Brown.



Q. 13:  What shape is ‘rigatoni’ pasta?

            a) shell        b) tube        c) cartwheel        d) spiral

A. 13:  b) tube.



Q. 14:  ‘Nature morte’ is the French term for what type of painting?

            a) portrait        b) landscape        c) still life

A. 14:  c) still life.



Q. 15:  The term ‘zoophagous’ has a similar meaning to which of the following words?

            a) carnivorous        b) herbivorous        c) piscivorous

A. 15:  a) carnivorous.



Q. 16:  What does the musical term ‘adagio’ mean?

A. 16:  Slow.



Q. 17:  Harold Holt who disappeared while swimming in 1967 was the Prime Minister of which country?

            a) Canada        b) United Kingdom        c) Australia         d) New Zealand

A. 17:  c) Australia



Q. 18:  In what country did the tango dance originate?

A. 18:  Argentina.



Q. 19:  Which US President did John Hinckley try to assassinate?

A. 19:  Ronald Reagan.



Q. 20:  In what year did Elvis Presley die?

A. 20:  1977.



