It’s Monday, Stimulate Those Brain Cells For The Rest Of The Week!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Another quiz to stimulate the brain cells for the rest of the week.

As usual a random mixture with some easy, some tricky and some rather difficult, but have a go anyhow.

The answers are waaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!



Quiz 6


Q  1:  What is the only city in the world located on two continents?



Q  2:  A word or sentence that is the same front and back (for example, “racecar”, or “kayak”) is called a what?



Q  3:  What is the only bird that can’t fly but can swim underwater?



Q  4:  What famous film star appeared on the cover of Life magazine more than anyone else?

(Hint: she was also married many times!)



Q  5:  What is the collective noun for a group of whales?



Q  6:  What is unusual about the sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”?



Q  7:  What famous cartoon character’s first suggested name was Mortimer?



Q  8:  In 1819, a $5 million debt that Spain owed the USA was canceled in exchange for what?



Q  9:  Mr. Butts invented a famous game that he originally called “Criss Cross Words.” What is it better known as today?



Q  10:  What is hardest substance in the human body?



Q  11:  A double question here and a point for each part.

Who launched the world’s first artificial satellite in 1957, and what was it called?



Q  12:  What state in the USA is known as the “Land of ten thousand lakes”?



Q  13:  And what country, with a population of approximately 5 million people, has one lake for every 26 people?



Q  14:  What is the only word in English language with three consecutive double letters?



Q  15:  The first jet engine was invented by an Englishman in 1930, but what was his name?



Q  16:  What country has more recreational golfers than any other?



Q  17:  What is a newly hatched fish called?



Q  18:  What is the literal meaning of the martial art name “Karate”?



Q  19:  And in what country did Karate originate?



Q  20:  And finally, you have a dime and a dollar, you buy a dog and a collar, the dog is a dollar more than the collar, how much is the collar?



































































Q  1:  What is the only city in the world located on two continents?

A  1:  Istanbul, Turkey



Q  2:  A word or sentence that is the same front and back (for example, “racecar”, or “kayak”) is called a what?

Q  2:  A “palindrome”.



Q  3:  What is the only bird that can’t fly but can swim underwater?

A  3:  The penguin



Q  4:  What famous film star appeared on the cover of Life magazine more than anyone else?

(Hint: she was also married many times!)

A  4:  Elizabeth Taylor



Q  5:  What is the collective noun for a group of whales?

A  5:  A group of whales is called a pod.



Q  6:  What is unusual about the sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”?

A  6:  It uses every letter in the alphabet and was developed by Western Union to Test telex/twx communications.



Q  7:  What famous cartoon character’s first suggested name was Mortimer?

A  7:  Walt Disney had originally suggested using the name Mortimer Mouse instead of Mickey Mouse



Q  8:  In 1819, a $5 million debt that Spain owed the USA was canceled in exchange for what?

A  8:  The purchase of Florida.



Q  9:  Mr. Butts invented a famous game that he originally called “Criss Cross Words.” What is it better known as today?




Q  10:  What is hardest substance in the human body?

A  10:  Enamel.



Q  11:  A double question here and a point for each part.

Who launched the world’s first artificial satellite in 1957, and what was it called?

A  11:  The USSR launched the world’s first artificial satellite, called “Sputnik 1”, in 1957.

(You get a point for “Sputnik” as well as “Sputnik 1”)



Q  12:  What state in the USA is known as the “Land of ten thousand lakes”?

A  12:  Minnesota



Q  13:  And what country, with a population of approximately 5 million people has one lake for every 26 people?

A  13:  Finland, which is also known as “the land of the thousand lakes,” even though it has around 188,000 of them



Q  14:  What is the only word in English language with three consecutive double letters?

A  14:  “Bookkeeper”



Q  15:  The first jet engine was invented by an Englishman in 1930, but what was his name?

A  15:  His name was Frank Whittle



Q  16:  What country has more recreational golfers than any other?

A  16:  There are more recreational golfers per capita in Canada than any other country in the world



Q  17:  What is a newly hatched fish called?

A  17:  A newly hatched fish is called a “fry”



Q  18:  What is the literal meaning of the martial art name “Karate”?

A  18:  The word Karate means, “empty hand.”



Q  19:  And in what country did Karate originate?

A  19:  Karate actually originated in India, but was developed further in China



Q  20:  And finally, you have a dime and a dollar, you buy a dog and a collar, the dog is a dollar more than the collar, how much is the collar?

A  20:  A nickel. (You have $1.10, the dog costs $1.05 and the collar $0.05)


So how did you do?


