You Can Pick Any Subject And Still Be Sure Quiz Show Contestants Will Know Nothing About It

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


I’m not sure how many more of these quiz show answers are left in the archives, but there are enough for today’s selection.

It doesn’t seem to matter what subject the questions are about, you are still almost guaranteed that a quiz show contestant will not only know nothing about it, but will come up with the most irrelevant and absurd answers.




Q:  Who played agent 007 in the 1989 film Licence To Kill?

A:  Err…………James Bond?




Q:  With whom did Britain go to war over the Falklands?

A:  Err   .          .          .

Q:  It s a South American country.

A:  Iran.



Q:  Name a domestic animal.

A:  Leopard.



Q:  Name a game you can play in the bath.

A:  Scuba diving.

scuba diving in the bath



Q:  How many strings does a guitar have?

A:  Err   …Four.

Q:  It s the number of wives that Henry VIII had   .          .          .

A:  Oh! Five.



Q: Name a prime number between 20 and 40.

A: Between 20 and 40?

Q: Yes.

A: 7. 



Q: After his abdication, King Edward VIII of England became known as the Duke of where?

A: Duke of Earl. 




Q: Who wrote Hamlet?

A: Um, MacBeth.



Q: What insect is commonly found hovering above lakes?

A: Crocodiles.



Q: Name an animal whose eggs you probably never eat for breakfast.

A: Hamster.



Q: What creature squirts a smelly, unpleasant fluid at its enemies?

A: A snake.

Q: No, I’ll give you a clue — it’s black and white.

A: A bee!



Q: Which character narrates all but four of the Sherlock Holmes books?

A: The Pink Panther.




Q: What is the capital of Australia? And it’s not Sydney.

A: Sydney.



Q: We’re looking for a four-letter answer here. Shakespeare said that this by any other name would smell as sweet.

A: Soap?



Q: The four Gospels of the New Testament are attributed to Matthew, Mark, John and who?

A: Joe.


